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Tanz eBooks

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  • 'Ich habe dem starken Geschlecht überall den Fehdehandschuh hingeworfen'

    Das Leben der Lola Montez

    von Marita Krauss
    1848: Der bayerische König Ludwig I. tritt zurück – wegen einer Tänzerin! Ein Skandal! So wie das ganze Leben der Lola Montez (1821 – 1861) für die bessere Gesellschaft ihrer Zeit ein einziger Skandal war. Der Weg dieser Femme fatale, die in Wirklichkeit Tochter eines britischen Offiziers war und Eliza Gilbert hieß, hätte in ganz bürgerlichen Bahnen verlaufen sollen. Doch sie brach von Jugend an Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Life in Motion

    An Unlikely Ballerina

    von Misty Copeland
    When Misty Copeland first placed her hands on the ballet barre at an after-school community centre, no one expected the undersized, underprivileged and anxious thirteen-year-old to become one of America's most groundbreaking dancers. A true prodigy, she was attempting in months roles that take most dancers years to master. But when Misty became caught between the control and comfort she found in Mehr lesen

    € 3,99

  • Contact Improvisation

    An Introduction to a Vitalizing Dance Form

    von Cheryl Pallant
    In most forms of dancing, performers carry out their steps with a distance that keeps them from colliding with each other. Dancer Steve Paxton in the 1970s considered this distance a territory for investigation. His study of intentional contact resulted in a public performance in 1972 in a Soho gallery, and the name "contact improvisation" was coined for the form of unrehearsed dance he introduced Mehr lesen

    € 16,71

  • Creative Acts For Curious People

    How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways

    'Packed end to end with ways to see the world in new ways' Mike Krieger, cofounder, Instagram'Designed to spark creativity, help solve problems, foster connection and make our lives better' Gretchen Rubin'Navigate today's world with agility, resilience and imagination' Lorraine Twohill, CMO, GoogleWhat do they teach you at the most prestigious design school in the world?For the first time, y... Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Mao's Last Dancer

    von Li Cunxin
    Raised in a desperately poor village during the height of China's Cultural Revolution, Li Cunxin's childhood revolved around the commune, his family and Chairman Mao's Little Red Book.Until, that is, Madame Mao's cultural delegates came in search of young peasants to study ballet at the academy in Beijing and he was thrust into a completely unfamiliar world.When a trip to Texas as part of a rare Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Dich tanzen zu sehen


    Übersetzt von Karen Nölle
    Ein fesselnder Tanz um Liebe, Leidenschaft und LebenslügenJoan steht der Abschied vom Ballett bevor: Sie ist schwanger und ihre Karriere als Tänzerin wahrscheinlich beendet. Sie heiratet Jacob, und das Paar zieht aus New York an die Westküste, wo sich beide stumm nach der Welt des Balletts verzehren: Joan nach dem Tanz, Jacob nach der Tänzerin, die Joan gewesen ist.Doch ein Leben für den Tanz Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • Ruin

    A dramatically powerful, unputdownable love story in the Gods series

    von Samantha Towle
    As seen on TikTok, f****rom Samantha Towle, the New York Times bestselling author of Wardrobe Malfunction and Breaking Hollywood, comes a the first dramatically powerful and passionate novel in the Gods series.Readers are raving about Ruin!**'Samantha Towle at her best''Wow! What a story, I can't even begin to tell you just how mu... Mehr lesen

    € 4,49

  • The 24-Hour Café

    An uplifting story of friendship, hope and following your dreams from the top ten bestseller

    von Libby Page
    From the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Lido comes a story about following your dreams, set over one single day.'A moving and beautifully crafted novel about love, friendship and life' Mike Gayle*****Welcome to the café that never sleeps.**Day and night, Stella's Café opens its doors to the lonely and the lost, the morning people and the night owls. It's a place where everyone is always Mehr lesen

    € 5,49

  • Dancing Deeper Still: The Practice of Contact Improvisation

    The Practice of Contact Improvisation

    von Martin Keogh
    You went to your first Contact Improvisation (C.I.) class, or a friend invited you to the weekly jam, and you’re captivated. Or perhaps, you’ve been dancing and investigating for years. What’s next? What discoveries await you in your dance?In 1972, Steve Paxton convened a group of athletes and dancers to research the principles of Contact Improvisation. Since then the form has matured into a Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • The Europeans

    Three Lives and the Making of a Cosmopolitan Culture

    von Orlando Figes
    'Magnificent. Beautifully written, immaculately researched and thoroughly absorbing from start to finish. A tour de force that explains how Europe's cultural life transformed during the course of the 19th century - and so much more' Peter FrankopanFrom the bestselling author of Natasha's Dance, The Europeans is richly enthralling, panoramic cultural history of nineteenth-century Europe, told Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Der Schneesturm [The Blizzard]

    Programme Book

    Bearbeitet von Bayerisches Staatsballett
    Resident choreographer Andrey Kaydanovskiy transforms Alexander Pushkin's eponymous novella The Blizzard into contemporary ballet language. The piece will premiere and open the Ballet Festival Week in April 2021. Though the novella is standard school reading material in Russian culture, it is rather little known in other countries. Of aristocratic stock, the young Marya falls in love with the poor Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Moving Bodies, Navigating Conflict

    Practicing Bharata Natyam in Colombo, Sri Lanka

    Winner of The de la Torre Bueno® First Book Award (2021)Moving Bodies, Navigating Conflict is a groundbreaking ethnographic examination of dance practice in Colombo, Sri Lanka, during the civil war (1983–2009). It is the first book of scholarship on bharata natyam (a classical dance originating in India) in Sri Lanka, and the first on the role of this dance in the country's war. Focusing on women Mehr lesen

    € 13,19

  • Mosaic of Music

    Mystery of Percussion and Dance

    This book is not just for the student, teaher or performer of belly-dance. It is also for the stuednt, teacher or performer of Middle Eastern drum. The DERBECKI, TAR, TAMBOURINE, KATAM, and TUBL BELEDI! You ,ay be the hysband, partner of a belly dancer that wants to be part of the scene.It is about what each other needs to know about the rhythm and musuc and how they relate to belly dancing and Mehr lesen

    € 7,12

  • Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

    Dramaturgy and Engaged Spectatorship

    Series series New World Choreographies
    This book analyses the world-renowned Belgian choreographer’s key approaches and dramaturgical strategies through selected case studies from his oeuvre between 2000 and 2010, from Rien de Rien to Babel(words). It investigates Cherkaoui’s choreographic and dramaturgic interventions in debates on the nation, culture, religion and language, by emphasising the transcultural, transreligious and Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Breves danças à margem

    Explosões estéticas de dança na década de 1980 em Goiânia

    von Luciana Ribeiro
    Uma história artística da dança em Goiás, na década de 1980, a partir de conteúdos da tese de doutorado da professora e dançarina Luciana Ribeiro, co-fundadora do Grupo Por quá? Publicado pelo Selo Eclea da NegaLilu Editora com apoio do Fundo de Arte e Cultura de Goiás, Breves Danças à Margem é composto por três partes autônomas e interdependentes para a compreensão de um fenômeno artístico. Mehr lesen

    € 7,49

  • Icons and Instincts

    Choreographing and Directing Entertainment's Biggest Stars

    For the first time, the choreographer of Michael Jackson, Madonna, Björk and many others reveals stage stories through his extraordinary journey.Vincent Paterson began his professional dancing career late in life. It would take an exceptional turn when he became one of the lead dancers in Michael Jackson's Beat It music video. Through hard work, he rises to the rank of choreographer and director Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Danses jazz

    Une poétique de la relation

    von Éliane Seguin
    Apparues aux États-Unis, ouvertes à toutes les influences, les danses jazz portent depuis toujours les traits de la mixité. Se pencher sur le jazz, c'est observer un art du présent, ouvert à tous les mouvements possibles, hybride dans ses techniques, éclectique dans son inspiration, mélangeant les temps, les lieux, les espaces.Sous-tendu par la question des échanges interculturels et du métissage, Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Tango Argentino - Teil 1

    von Beatrice Kobras
    Serien Buch 1 - Tango Argentino
    Tango Argentino ist vertanzte Leidenschaft. Ein faszinierender Tanz, mit dem sein Herz beginnt zu brennen.In diesem Buch wird der Grundschritt, der Paso Basico, mit all seinen Variationen abgehandelt.Ein Buch, das sich gleichermaßen für Tänzer und für Trainer eignet.Lernen Sie in diesem Band: Körperhaltung Tanzhaltung Führung FußtechnikVorbereitung auf den GrundschrittEinführung in die ersten Mehr lesen

    € 19,99

  • Ancient English Morris Dance

    The idea that morris dancing captures the essence of ancient Englishness, inherently carefree and merry, has been present for over four hundred years. The Ancient English Morris Dance traces the history of those attitudes, from the dance's introduction to England in the fifteenth century, through the contention of the Reformation and Civil War, during which morris dancing and maypoles became Mehr lesen

    € 35,85

  • Fictions nécessaires

    Pour une danse baroque contemporaine

    von Chantal Lapeyre
    On parle de « danse baroque » pour évoquer la danse de cour et de théâtre des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, telle qu'on la donne à voir aujourd'hui, en oubliant le plus souvent de considérer sa manière d'appartenir, pleinement, au champ vaste et contrasté de la danse contemporaine. C'est cet ancrage contemporain que veut faire apparaître ce livre qui, en s'appuyant sur le travail chorégraphique de Mehr lesen

    € 12,99

  • Nutriție și performanță în balet

    Ești un dansator de balet care dorește să-ți ducă performanța la nivelul următor? Vrei să-ți optimizezi sănătatea și recuperarea cu strategii susținute de știință? Această carte este însoțitorul tău ideal pentru a atinge excelența în balet.Această carte este un ghid cuprinzător care abordează toate aspectele cruciale ale hrănirii și suplimentării pentru dansatorii de balet. De la importanța Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Tango Nuevo

    von Carolyn Merritt
    The Argentine tango is one of the world’s best-known partner dances. Though tango is much admired and discussed, very little has been written on its ongoing evolution. In this innovative work, Carolyn Merritt surveys tango history while focusing on the most recent iteration of the dance, tango Nuevo, and the práctica scene that has exploded in Buenos Aires since the early 2000s.After starting with Mehr lesen

    € 11,54

  • Unwritten Literature of Hawaii

    The Sacred Songs of the Hula

    Series series Mint Editions (Hawaiian Library)
    Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula (1909) is a collection of hulas and essays by Nathaniel B. Emerson. Translating previously unwritten songs, interviewing native Hawaiians, and consulting the works of indigenous historians, Emerson provides an entertaining and authoritative look at one of Hawaii’s most cherished traditions. “For an account of the first hula we may look Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Come Dance With Me

    A Memoir 1898-1956

    Ninette de Valois, the world-famous prima ballerina, was born Edris Stannus in 1898 and raised at Baltiboys in County Wicklow. In this autobiography, first published in 1957 and now appearing in a new paperback edition, she writes about her extraordinary career - the vivid memories of home in Ireland; her first London engagement at the Lyceum pantomime in 1914; her tour of the Continent with Mehr lesen

    € 4,50