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Zahnmedizin eBooks

Lesen Sie gerne eBooks aus der Kategorie Zahnmedizin? Dann werden Ihnen unsere Empfehlungen sicherlich gefallen.
Es werden 124 von 2612 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Oral Probiotics

    Fighting Tooth Decay, Periodontal Disease and Airway Infections Using Nature's Friendly Bacteria

    Every mouth is full of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses. Can we stop these infectious microorganisms from making us sick? Today, with millions dawning facemasks, washing with antibacterial soaps, and sanitizing classrooms, hospitals and other public places, we need new solutions. Peer-reviewed research from some of the world's foremost microbiologists is now demonstrating that the probiotic Mehr lesen

    € 6,70

  • Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    ATLAS OF OPERATIVE ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERYComprehensive Learning Resource Covering All Aspects of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryThis textbook marks the second edition of the highly successful Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The first edition quicky became a staple with surgeons on rounds, in training programs and in preparation for board examinations. This atlas is Mehr lesen

    € 192,99

  • Pediatric Dentistry 2nd ed.

    A discipline that deals with the patient in developmental age may not look for a continuum progress? Absolutely not. And this second edition proves it, which deepens and expands the panorama of pediatric dentistry already widely explored from the previous edition. In 24 chapters the treatment of the patient in developmental age is examined in every aspect: from how to approach the patient, to the Mehr lesen

    € 104,99

  • Keramikimplantologie unplugged

    Fotodokumentation von Patientenfällen, 2005-2019

    von Christoph Arlom
    Keramikimplantate sind seit einigen Jahren in der der gesamten Indikationsbreite der zahnärztlichen Implantologie einsetzbar. Der Autor stellt in dieser Fotodokumentation 76 Patientenfälle aus seinem Praxisalltag vor. Mehr lesen

    € 24,99

  • Radiation Protection in Dental Radiology

    von IAEA
    Serien Buch 108 - Safety Reports Series
    X ray imaging is used extensively in dentistry to diagnose symptoms, plan and monitor treatments and to follow up pathoses. This Safety Report provides guidance on meeting the requirements for radiation protection and safety in uses of ionizing radiation in dentistry established in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Mehr lesen

    € 31,67

  • Digital Dentistry

    A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Atlas

    An indispensable introduction to using digital technology in dentistryDigital Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Atlas provides basic information on the use of digital resources to find a diagnosis, create a treatment plan, and execute that strategy within different dental specialisms.This manual includes the science behind all procedures that use digital technology and provides a clinical Mehr lesen

    € 152,99

  • Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine

    von S. R. Prabhu
    Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral MedicineDiscover a concise overview of the most common oral diseases in a reader-friendly bookHandbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine delivers a succinct overview of a range of oral diseases. The book contains up-to-date evidence-based information organized by clinical topic and supported by over 300 clinical, radiological, and microscopic images. Each Mehr lesen

    € 71,99

  • Zahn-Schmerz

    Schmerzen im Zahn-Mund-Kiefer-Gebiet

    Series series Biologische Zahn-Heilkunde
    In diesem Buch geht es um die Möglichkeiten, das Gebiet der klassischen Zahnmedizin, auch Schul-Zahnmedizin genannt, um die sog. Alternative oder Biologische Zahn-Heilkunde zu erweitern, in der man versucht, dem Patienten möglichst wenig Schaden zuzufügen und ihm mit anderen Methoden wie Homöopathie etc. zu helfen. Das Buch enthält viele Tipps, Hinweise und Anregungen. Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • The Etruscans and the History of Dentistry

    The Golden Smile through the Ages

    Series series Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies
    The Etruscans and the History of Dentistry offers a study of the construction and use of gold dental appliances in ancient Etruscan culture, and their place within the framework of a general history of dentistry, with special emphasis on appliances, from Bronze Age Mesopotamia and Egypt to modern Europe and the Americas. Included are many of the ancient literary sources that refer to dentistry - Mehr lesen

    € 52,98

  • Il codice Bocca-Postura. Come migliorare salute, benessere e postura cominciando dalla tua bocca

    von Leopoldo Maini
    La salute dei denti e della bocca è importante non soltanto ai fini estetici, ma influisce fortemente anche sul resto del corpo. Molte persone infatti non sanno che alcuni dei più comuni problemi di postura, come la scoliosi, o fastidiosi dolori come torcicollo e cefalee, possono essere causati da una malocclusione, da una masticazione o una deglutizione scorretta. In questo testo il dottor Mehr lesen

    € 6,49

  • Fractured Tooth, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions

    von Kenneth Kee
    This book describes Fractured Tooth, Diagnosis and Treatment and Related Diseases.A fractured tooth can result from biting on hard foods, grinding the teeth at night, and can even happen naturally as the patient grows oldIt is a frequent disorder and the leading cause of tooth loss in modernized nations.When the outer hard tissues of the tooth are fractured, chewing can cause movement of the Mehr lesen

    € 2,59

  • Dental Office Concepts


    This eBook was written to inform dental students, recent dental graduates, and practicing dentists about the complex processes needed to properly plan, design and build a dental facility. It probably is the most comprehensive eBook ever written on the subject because it methodically describes all of the possible steps to create an exceptional dental office.This eBook was written by a dentist Mehr lesen

    € 102,88

  • Extracting Wisdom

    Answering the Call to Build High-Impact Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prac

    Extracting Wisdom points you in the direction to answer the call to build high-impact Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery practices from residency through retirement. This book is infused with wisdom from novice, seasoned, and retired surgeons, as well as from a patient's perspective. It will guide you through the processes that are vital to success: identifying a practice vision, establishing a Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • 口臭久不癒 身體出病因


    von 德銘 胡
    口臭的情況很多人都有!但很多的情況之下,大多數都不解其發生的原因為何。本書以幽默詼諧的方式,論述三種人們最易患的口臭情形,並解論如何解決的方法。全書用漫畫的形式,輕鬆解讀何種口臭應對其如何應對的方式,讀來生動有趣,並輕鬆獲得自己應有的新知識。 Mehr lesen

    € 7,13

  • Healthcare Education in Nigeria

    Evolutions and Emerging Paradigms

    This book provides a comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the training of health professionals in Nigeria, looking back to how health care education has evolved in the country over time, before investigating new and emerging trends.The book begins with a discussion of the fundamentals of health care education, the art of teaching health care students, and modeling professionalism in Mehr lesen

    € 52,98

  • Textbook of Endodontology

    The second edition of Textbook of Endodontology continues the aim of serving the educational needs of dental students and dental practitioners searching for updates on endodontic theories and techniques.Significantly restructured and completely updated, the new edition maintains the ethos of the original, facilitating ease of learning through pedagogical features such as annotated references, core Mehr lesen

    € 101,99

  • Cuidados en salud bucal para personas con discapacidad sensorial

    El acceso a la salud es un derecho fundamental; en el marco de la justicia social, se debe procurar la atención básica, oportuna, de calidad y sin discriminación para todos, incluyendo a las personas con discapacidad sensorial. Para esta población, la salud bucal, en particular, es un derecho con frecuencia vulnerado debido a la falta de conocimiento por parte del talento humano en salud y de Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Le Remède Naturel Contre Les Caries Dentaires

    Comment soigner les caries dentaires de manière naturelle dans le confort de votre maison

    ENFIN : Vous pouvez régler vos problèmes dentaires à votre guise et dans le confort de votre maison.Le dentiste des temps modernes est-il la voie de l'avenir ? Ou bien l'examen dentaire courant n'est-il qu'une étape dans l'évolution de notre compréhension de la carie dentaire et de ce que l'on peut faire pour y remédier ? La vérité est que s'appuyer sur les techniques dentaires modernes est une Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Lehrbuch der Zahntechnik

    Band 1: Anatomie, Kieferorthopädie

    Serien Buch 1 - Lehrbuch der Zahntechnik
    Das "Lehrbuch der Zahntechnik" von Hohmann/Hielscher gilt als Standardwerk für die Ausbildung an Berufs- und Meisterschulen. Die beiden Fachlehrer für Zahntechnik haben nun, nach lebenslanger Erfahrung im pädagogischen Dienst und im Zuge der Entwicklungen im zahntechnischen Bereich, ihr dreibändiges Werk nochmals überarbeitet. Die neue Auflage präsentiert sich mit vollständig überarbeiteten und Mehr lesen

    € 47,99

  • The Cleft Lip Palate Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Cleft Lip Palate Management

    "The Cleft Lip Palate Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Cleft Lip Palate Management" is a comprehensive guide offering invaluable insights into the world of cleft lip and palate conditions. From unraveling the intricacies of these conditions to navigating the medical landscape, this book provides a holistic perspective. Delve into surgical options, post-operative care, and the vital role Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Pathology of the Hard Dental Tissues

    von Albert Schuurs
    This is a seminal text uniquely dedicated to oral hard tissue pathology, presenting the growth of clinical knowledge and advancement in the field in recent years. Starting with a discussion of numerical and formative anomalies and unusual eruption, the book goes on to consider caries, erosion, resorption and toothwear, as well as tooth fractures and discolouration, and ends with a chapter on Mehr lesen

    € 143,99

  • Ecología oral

    La cavidad oral un ecosistema complejo y fascinante. Una boca sana, es el resultado del perfecto equilibrio de todos los componentes anatómicos, fisiológicos, biológicos y no biológicos que la conforman.En este libro se describen los principales factores que caracterizan al ecosistema oral. Desde aspectos bioquímicos de los tejidos dentales y periodontales, la importancia de la saliva y la Mehr lesen

    € 25,73

  • Transalveolar Extraction of the Mandibular Third Molars

    Bearbeitet von Darpan Bhargava
    This practical manual provides details on the clinical and radiographic evaluation, classification, principles of suturing and flaps, intricacies of the transalveolar surgery, newer advances in mandibular third molar surgery and complications that may be encountered during mandibular third molar exodontia. It presents vital surgical skills for the mandibular third molar exodontia in a concise and Mehr lesen

    € 79,48

  • Fundamentals Of Orthognathic Surgery And Non Surgical Facial Aesthetics (Third Edition)

    This latest edition is an expanded and up-to-date version of the classic operative manual for surgical and orthodontic consultants, trainees and theatre and ward staff. It includes the completely new sections of 'Non-Surgical Facial Aesthetics' and the 'Application of 3-Dimensional Scanning for Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP), more commonly known as Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation (CASS)'. Mehr lesen

    € 100,86