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  • Hörbuch

    My Pimp Wife

    How My Loving Japanese Wife Evolved into a Cold, Heartless Pimp

    von Eric Culpepper
    Erzählt von Google Ai Marcus


    3 Stunden 14  Minuten

    My Pimp Wife is the raw, lasciviously juicy international tale of how my loving Japanese wife evolved into a cold, heartless pimp and the core primary reason that I chose to write this book is that, as A Grand Inquisitor Level Pimpnological Decryptologist, in the public interest, I wanted to write about one of the more common, yet rarely recognized, ominous aspects of earnestly aspiring to be a Mehr lesen

    € 5,76

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Jennifer Gunter's The Menopause Manifesto

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    1 Stunde 31 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Menopause is a transition from one biological phase of ovarian function to another, but it is shrouded in secrecy. It is no more a disease than being a man is a disease. #2 The menopause is the period of time leading up to the final menstrual period, which Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of James W. Williams's How to Talk to Anyone About Anything

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    7 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I was like Kyle, a friend who came to me with a story about how he had attended his sister’s wedding. He said that as soon as he started interacting with strangers, he realized he had no idea how to talk to anyone. #2 Your ability to communicate and connect Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Kristin Neff's Fierce SelfCompassion

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    1 Stunde 9 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Women are fed up with traditional gender roles and societal power structures that restrict their ability to express the full range of who they are. They are allowed to be soft and nurturing, but if they are too fierce or angry, people call them names. #2 The Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Bob Goff's Live in Grace, Walk in Love

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    1 Stunde 31 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Jesus wants us to live differently, and he wants us to take up a challenge. He wants us to live in grace and walk in love, but it is not natural at first. We must practice it to become accustomed to it. #2 Don’t plan on going to the gym, and don’t make a Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of A.G. Lafley & Roger L. Martin's Playing to Win

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    57 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 By the late 1990s, it was clear that PG needed to win in skin care. Skin care constitutes about a quarter of the total beauty industry and has the potential to be highly profitable. Oil of Olay was struggling. It wasn’t PG’s only skin-care brand, but it was by Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of David R. Fideler's Breakfast with Seneca

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    37 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Seneca’s letters were written for a wider circle of readers, but they were a cleverly designed introductory course to his own Stoic philosophy. Behind this entire project was a belief in the deep and transforming power of friendship. #2 Seneca was a Stoic Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Jim Dethmer & Diana Chapman & Kaley Warner Klemp's The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    43 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Blame is a powerful motivator. It is one of the most common forms of motivation used by leaders, parents, politicians, and clergy. When things don’t go the way we want them to go, the default setting for most of us is to place blame and find fault. #2 Blame, Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of David Robson's The Expectation Effect

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    54 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The brain is a prediction machine that constructs an elaborate simulation of the world based on its expectations and previous experiences. These simulations usually coincide with objective reality, but they can sometimes stray far from what is actually in the Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Anthony Doerr's Four Seasons in Rome

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    27 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 We were moving from Boise, Idaho, to Rome, Italy. I had never been to Rome, but I imagined decadence, dark brown oil paintings, and emperors in sandals. I saw a coloring book I once got for Christmas that had pictures of ancient Rome. #2 I was a fellow at the Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Mark Batterson's Draw the Circle

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    27 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Prayer is how we discern the next move of God. When two people pray, God can answer their prayers in ways they never imagined. #2 When you establish a prayer routine, your life will be anything but routine. You will go to places, do things, and meet people you Mehr lesen

    € 2,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Allie Casazza's Declutter Like a Mother

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von AI Marcus


    32 Min.

    Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I don't care about the rules of minimalism. I don't care how other people define minimalism. I only care about reaching the goal of a better, lighter life. I'm not interested in the one-size-fits-all approach to minimalism that has taken the world by storm the Mehr lesen

    € 2,99