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  • Prisoner's Dilemma

    von Richard Powers
    'Accomplished ... mature and assured ... A major American novelist' New RepublicEddie Hobson, Sr., father of four, occasional history teacher, quiz master, black humourist, and master invalid, is facing a mysterious ailment. His recurring fainting spells have worsened, and his ingrained aversion to doctors leaves his worried family scrambling to uncover the nature of his sickness. Meanwhile, Eddie Mehr lesen

    € 8,99


  • Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance

    von Richard Powers
    **'An outstanding novel' Observer'A writer of blistering intellect' Los Angeles Times'Unexpected and richly imaginative' London Review of Books'A first novel of intricate merit ... A rich imagination glitters throughout' Mail on Sunday**In the spring of 1914, German photographer August Sander captures a haunting image: three young men on their way to a country dance, themselves unknowingly on the Mehr lesen

    € 8,99


  • Generosity

    von Richard Powers
    **'Thrilling ... such wonderful storytelling' Observer'Powers' acuity and satire are as sharp as ever' Sunday Times'Smart, tender and wrenchingly anxious about the approaching era ... A bracingly intelligent fable about the choices that face us' Sunday Telegraph**When Chicagoan Russell Stone begins teaching a Creative Nonfiction class, he meets Thassadit Amzwar, a young Algerian woman with a Mehr lesen

    € 8,99


  • Orfeo

    von Richard Powers
    **Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2014'A magnificent and moving novel' LOS ANGELES TIMES**Seventy-year-old avant-garde composer Peter Els opens the door one evening to find the police on his doorstep. His home microbiology lab - where he is conducting the latest experiment in his lifelong attempt to find musical patterns in surprising places - has aroused the suspicions of Homeland Security Mehr lesen

    € 8,99


  • Operation Wandering Soul

    von Richard Powers
    'If you have children or will have children, if you know children or can remember being a child, dare to read Operation Wandering Soul ... it is bedtime reading for the future' USA TODAYIn the paediatrics ward of a public hospital, a group of sick children gather, their lives brightened only by the power of imagination. The surrogate parents of this group - Kraft, a tired, overworked surgical Mehr lesen

    € 8,99


  • Patio de recreo

    Series series AdN Editorial Grupo Anaya
    Cuatro vidas se entrecruzan en esta nueva novela de Richard Powers, donde el autor de El clamor de los bosques y ganador del Premio Pulitzer se muestra en la cima de sus habilidades.Evie Beaulieu, de doce años, se sumerge en una piscina de Montreal atada a una de las primeras escafandras autónomas del mundo. Ina Aroita crece en las bases navales del Pacífico con el arte como único hogar. Dos polos Mehr lesen

    € 10,49


  • Pati d'esbarjo

    von Richard Powers
    Übersetzt von Maria Fuentes Parés, Borja Folch
    Series series AdN Editorial Grupo Anaya
    Quatre vides s'entrecreuen en aquesta nova novel·la de Richard Powers, on l'autor de El clamor de los bosques i guanyador del Premi Pulitzer es mostra al cim de les seves habilitats.Evie Beaulieu, de dotze anys, es submergeix en una piscina de Mont-real lligada a una de les primeres escafandres autònomes del món. Ina Aroita creix a les bases navals del Pacífic amb l'art com a únic refugi. Dos pols Mehr lesen

    € 10,49


  • Un jeu sans fin

    von Richard Powers
    Übersetzt von Serge Chauvin
    Makatea, île oubliée du Pacifique, porte encore les stigmates de décennies d'extraction minière. Aujourd'hui, une entreprise américaine envisage d'y implanter sa base pour la prochaine grande aventure de l'humanité : la construction de villes flottantes. Mais la population est divisée.Aux Etats-Unis, Todd Keane a révolutionné l'IA. Alors que la maladie ronge ses souvenirs, le milliardaire livre Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Hörbuch

    Vrij spel

    von Richard Powers
    Erzählt von Oscar Siegelaar


    14 Stunden 26  Minuten

    Vier dolende zielen komen bijeen op het eiland Makatea, een door de geschiedenis geteisterde stip in de Stille Oceaan waar het volgende grote avontuur van de mensheid wordt voorbereid: de kolonisatie van de zee door middel van drijvende, autonome steden.De 92-jarige zeebiologe Evie is er om nog één keer met haar geliefde reuzenmantas te duiken. Kunstenares Ina keerde er ooit terug na omzwervingen Mehr lesen

    € 17,99

  • Das große Spiel

    Roman. »Was für ein Roman – klug, fesselnd und ein bisschen beunruhigend. Richard Powers ist ein begnadeter Erzähler.« Dörte Hansen

    von Richard Powers
    Übersetzt von Eva Bonné
    Eine Insel. Vier Suchende. Verbunden durch das vielleicht letzte große Abenteuer der Menschheit. – Das bewegende Meisterwerk von Pulitzer-Preisträger und Autor des Weltbestsellers »Die Wurzeln des Lebens«Auf Makatea, einst ein vergessener Fleck im endlos blauen Pazifik, soll die Gesellschaft der Zukunft entstehen. Über Umwege und Gezeiten finden auf der Insel vier Menschen zusammen, deren Mehr lesen

    € 21,99

  • Playground

    Longlisted for The Booker Prize 2024

    von Richard Powers
    **A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERLONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024THE POWERFUL NEW NOVEL FROM THE PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING AND BOOKER-SHORTLISTED AUTHOR OF THE OVERSTORY AND** BEWILDERMENT**'Is there anything Richard Powers cannot write? The world here is complete, seductive, and promising. The writing feels like the ocean. Vast, mysterious, deep and alive' PERCIVAL EVERETT'An extraordinarily Mehr lesen

    € 14,99

  • Hörbuch



    13 Stunden 51  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.**LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024A POWERFUL NEW NOVEL FROM THE PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING AND BOOKER-SHORTLISTED AUTHOR OF THE OVERSTORY AND** BEWILDERMENTRafi and Todd are two polar opposites at an elite high school where they bond over a three-thousand-year-old board game. It sets them up for life: Rafi will get lost in literature, while Todd’s work will lead to a Mehr lesen

    € 16,86