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amirali banani

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results for “amirali banani
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  • Fundamentals of Pharmacology

    The basics of drugs and how they are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted from the body

    Have you ever wondered what makes drugs so special? Or have you ever pondered upon the incredible number of lives that medications have saved in just the last century? The wonders of chemistry and biology have allowed pharmacologists to develop treatments against some of the most deadly forms of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections, from the discovery of penicillin (the first ... Read more


  • The Role of VEGF in Tumour Angiogenesis and Common Anti-Angiogenic Therapeutics

    A medical handbook providing an outlook into a relatively new field of research in medicine: anti-VEGF treatments

    There are some truly innovative therapeutic techniques in the works that can transform the future of medicine, and one of them is anti-VEGF. This anti-angiogenic therapy can cure a variety of cancers and retinal diseases that were previously incurable using biomolecules that can suppress VEGF signaling pathways, thereby preventing metastasis in cancers and irreversible blindness in retinal ... Read more


  • The Foundational Concepts of Protein

    An insight into the molecules that build and operate the inner workings of life

    Protein are truly wonderful biological molecules that construct nearly every cellular component of every cell of every living organism that exists on Planet Earth. They are the ultimate products of the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology and are synthesized as a result of the complex processes of Transcription and Translation. Proteins come in a variety of shapes and sizes which enables them to ... Read more


  • The Use of Hypomethylating Agents As A Therapeutic Against DNA Hypermethylation In ccRCC

    A mock grant proposal for the National Institutes of Health written by Amirali Banani

    Many research studies have demonstrated that DNA hypermethylation is linked to the development of clear cell renal cell carcinomas (ccRCC) by the transcriptional silencing of important tumor suppressor genes known as Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL). The results of these studies led me to ask the question, “could hypomethylating agents be used to demethylate the hypermethylated H3K4me1 marks of VHL tumor ... Read more


  • Forces of Evolution

    A guide to the elemental forces that drive evolutionary processes

    Have you ever paused to ponder what accounts for the immense biological diversity that can be seen on Earth? Or have you ever wondered why certain organisms survive and pass on their genes to the next generation while others do not? These questions can be addressed by Evolution, a seemingly subtle yet powerful natural phenomenon that has affected nearly every species that has ever existed ... Read more


  • Dark Energy 101

    All you need to know about the mysterious force that is causing the universe to expand at a shockingly rapid rate

    The universe is full of imperceptible natural wonders that can't be explained with only a few physical formulas or laws, and dark energy is no exception. This book provides an insight into this powerful, invisible force that is forcing the cosmos to expand at an ever increasing rate — including its discovery, what we know about it, its influence on the universe, the theoretical particles it may be ... Read more


  • The Anatomy of The Human Eye Explained

    A window into the structures that dictate how we visually perceive the world

    From what we know, the human eye is anything but simple. Though it may look like nothing more than merely a white sphere with a central coloured ring at its anterior that encircles a small dark opening, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Within this hollow, 6-cubic-centimetre globe is over two million interacting parts that work to ensure light is gathered and processed into visual information ... Read more


  • A Comprehensive Overview of General Fusion

    An insight into the fusion lab that can transform how we power our planet

    Our world is facing an energy crisis like no other as the global population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate and nonrenewable energy production is becoming more and more unsustainable. Consequently, the need to generate clean, sustainable, renewable energy is more crucial than ever before — something that can be achieved with the development of commercially and economically viable ... Read more


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    Best-selling guide for over 25 years and an essential companion for students taking biology courses of any level, this six page guide is a must-have for reference throughout science courses as a serious study tool and quick refresher for the core concepts, terms, diagrams, cycles and stages in the study of life. Author, scientist, and university biology professor Randy Brooks, PhD has streamlined ... Read more

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  • Introducing Epigenetics

    A Graphic Guide

    by Cath Ennis ...
    Series Book 0 - Graphic Guides
    Epigenetics is the most exciting field in biology today, developing our understanding of how and why we inherit certain traits, develop diseases and age, and evolve as a species.This non-fiction comic book introduces us to genetics, cell biology and the fascinating science of epigenetics, which is rapidly filling in the gaps in our knowledge, allowing us to make huge advances in medicine. We'll ... Read more

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  • Handbook of Drug Interaction and the Mechanism of Interaction

    This Handbook is offered as a general summary of information for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals. Inappropriate administration of interacting drugs to patients can result in severe injury or death. ... Read more

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