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eBooks sobre Arquitetura

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  • Wrestling with Moses

    How Jane Jacobs Took On New York's Master Builder and Transformed the American City

    de Anthony Flint ...
    The rivalry of Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses, a struggle for the soul of a city, is one of the most dramatic and consequential in modern American history. To a young Jane Jacobs, Greenwich Village, with its winding cobblestone streets and diverse makeup, was everything a city neighborhood should be. But consummate power broker Robert Moses, the father of many of New York’s most monumental ... Leia mais

    R$ 48,39

  • María Antonieta

    Historia de una reina vilipendiada

    Series series Historia Incógnita
    Un ensayo riguroso que trata de huir de las biografías al uso donde, a veces, la profusión de datos y fechas puede entorpecer el discurrir del relato. Dividido en cuatro grandes bloques (I. La archiduquesa, II. La delfina, III. La reina y IV. La prisionera), el libro hace un recorrido completo por la historia de esta controvertida reina marcada por grandes tragedias en los momentos más importantes ... Leia mais

    R$ 47,90

  • Notre-Dame de Paris - 1482

    de Victor Hugo ...
    Le 6 janvier 1482, jour de la fête des Fous, on donne dans la grande salle du Palais de Justice de Paris un mystère du poète Gringoire, alors que sur le parvis de Notre-Dame danse la bohémienne Esmeralda. Quasimodo, le sonneur disgracieux de la cathédrale, essaie de l'enlever sur l'ordre de l'archidiacre Claude Frollo. Le capitaine Phoebus de Châteaupers la sauve. Esmeralda, elle, sauve en l ... Leia mais

    R$ 17,90

  • Arte-ciência

    processos criativos

    Series series Desafios contemporâneos
    "Os nove artigos reunidos nesta obra apresentam, com abordagens plurais, uma visão multidisplicinar sobre arte, ciência e processos criativos. A coletânea engloba diversos trabalhos ligados ao âmbito das manifestações artísticas, da arquitetura e do design contemporâneos, além dos processos criativos inerentes ao ensino dessas linguagens. A diversidade de enfoques aqui verificada demonstra que, ... Leia mais


  • Urbanismo na América do Sul

    circulação de ideias e constituição do campo, 1920-1960

    Os textos reunidos nessa coletânea visam contribuir para ampliar as possibilidades de discussão sobre a história do urbanismo nessas décadas cruciais em que as cidades sul-americanas conhecem expressivas taxas de crescimento, o agravamento dos problemas urbanos e a busca, em várias frentes e de diferentes maneiras, de soluções para enfrentá-los. A partir de perspectivas diversas, eles buscam ... Leia mais


  • Become An Exceptional Designer: Effective Colour Selection For You And Your Client

    de Michael Dean ...
    Great Design Begins With Colour - Every Time! Learn The Secrets Of Colour From An Architect And Interior Designer With Over A Decade Of Industry Experience.An in-depth understanding of colour is one of the most useful and important assets to a visual professional. Start creating the best possible design outcome through exceptional colour understanding, coordination and application."Thorough: from ... Leia mais


  • Os sentidos da casa própria

    condomínios horizontais populares fechados e novas práticas espaciais em Presidente Prudente e São Carlos

    Os autores analisaram a evolução do instituto desde sua criação e a repercussão nas relações entre médicos, pacientes e familiares. A importância da obra está na insegurança jurídica dos profissionais de saúde que lidam com situações de terminalidade, pois a legislação pátria não regulamenta as Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade. ... Leia mais


  • Tecnologia da conservação e da restauração - materiais e estruturas

    um roteiro de estudos

    Conservar a memória da produção arquitetônica humana é o tema deste livro, que apresenta, através de minucioso trabalho, uma simplificação de conteúdos de autores renomados, procurando facilitar a árdua tarefa do aprendizado científico, combinada com observações do dia-a-dia no laboratório e de canteiros de restauro brasileiros, nos quais os pontos destacados coincidem com os temas afrontados na ... Leia mais


  • Spatial planning and urban resilience in the context of flood risk.

    A comparative study of Kaohsiung, Tainan and Rotterdam

    de Pei-Wen Lu ...
    Spatial planning is increasingly being considered as an important mechanism in coping with flood risk due to climate change. One of the reasons for this is that engineering approaches are increasingly expensive and cannot provide complete certainty of protection against climate-related floods. The thesis examines whether and how spatial planning is used in urban areas to promote resilience to ... Leia mais


  • Housing, Urban Renewal and Socio-Spatial Integration

    A Study on Rehabilitating the Former Socialistic Public Housing Areas in Beijing

    de Xiaoxi Hui ...
    This issue of A+BE addresses two critical urban issues China faces today: housing and urban renewal. In the recent two decades, the Chinese urban housing stock underwent a significant, if not extreme, transformation. From 1949 to 1998, the urban housing stock in China largely depended on the public sector, and a large amount of public housing areas were developed under the socialistic public ... Leia mais


  • Dwelling on Courtyards

    Courtyards have been used for thousands of years in different climates in the world. In hot climates they provide shading, in humid climates they cause a stack effect helping ventilation, in cold climates they break cold winds and protect their microclimate. In temperate climates (such as of the Netherlands), the thermal behaviour of courtyards has been studied less. In this dissertation, low-rise ... Leia mais


  • Social Housing Organisations in England and The Netherlands

    Between the State, Market and Community

    Rapid and deep changes in society, the economy and policy over the last decades
are having an increasing impact on the delivery of social housing in North Western Europe. These changes are transforming the way in which social housing providers perform their task and are reshaping their relationships with the State, communities and with other market actors. The combination of continued State ... Leia mais


  • Building for a better hospital

    Value-adding management & design of healthcare real estate

    In this thesis, the ideas and concepts of Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) are examined in terms of the contribution they could make to the process of accommodation decision by using recent cases in Dutch hospitals. CREM can be defined as the management of the real estate portfolio of a corporation by aligning the portfolio and services with the needs of the core business in order to obtain ... Leia mais


  • Durable past - sustainable future

    The section Heritage & Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology deals with the built environment in terms of conservation, refurbishment and re-use. Reflecting the department philosophy, this book focuses on the durability and sustainability of existing buildings (heritage in a broad sense, from historic buildings to listed monuments), considered in terms of ... Leia mais


  • London Deco: Introduction

    'London Deco: Introduction' is an essential introductory volume for the London Deco series of ebooks by Gregory Edwards, and published by Hidden City Publishing. In 'London Deco: Introduction' there are attempts to answer the questions: “Why is London not Regarded as an Art Deco City?” and, at least as far as London is concerned, “What Makes a Building Art Deco?”. It also has a directory of ... Leia mais


  • The Pint-Sized Guide to Organizing Your Home

    de Nicole Lee ...
    The first of The Pint-Sized Guide series by Nicole Lee, The Pint-Sized Guide to Organizing Your Home automates the process of home organizing in 7 steps, complete with simple flowcharts and easy to remember mnemonics that you can apply immediately to organize any space in your home. Let's free up your space, time and money for the better things in life! ... Leia mais


  • Arquitetura colonial baiana

    alguns aspectos da sua história

    Series series Nordestina
    O Arquivo Histórico Colonial Português, de Lisboa, possui riquíssimas coleções de desenhos de edifícios do período colonial, incluindo a arquitetura da antiga capital do Brasil. Os documentos anexos, com seus largos relatórios sobre obras públicas e de caridade, merecem a atenção de todos os estudiosos da história da arquitetura colonial, revelando não somente as origens de muitos monumentos, mas ... Leia mais


  • Negotiation and Design for the Self-Organizing City

    Gaming as a method for Urban Design

    de Ekim Tan ...
    This book is dedicated to building an open negotiation and design method for cities as self-organizing systems that bridges the gap between collaborative planning and collaborative design methods. Gaming as a tool for knowledge creation and negotiation serves as an interface between the more abstract decision-making and material city-making. Rarely involved in the creation of our environment, it ... Leia mais


  • Transformations of Urbanising Delta Landscape

    An Historic Examination of Dealing with the Impacts of Climate Change for the Kaoping River Delta in Taiwan

    This book argues that the floods following extreme precipitation result not only from very heavy rainfall but also from the significant impact of human activities on natural water systems. While most literature emphasises that the increasing magnitude of storm rainfall extends beyond the original protection standards of hydrologic facilities in highly populated delta cities. Based on the knowledge ... Leia mais


  • Evaluation of Plan Implementation

    Peri-urban Development and the Shanghai Master Plan 1999-2020

    de Jinghuan He ...
    Shanghai, like the other big cities along China’s coastline, has witnessed extraordinary growth in its economy and population with industrial development and rural-to-urban migration generating extensive urban expansion. Shanghai’s GDP growth rate has been over 10 per cent for more than 15 years. Its population in 2013 was estimated at 23.47 million, which is double its size in 1979. The urban ... Leia mais


  • Facade Refurbishment Toolbox.

    Supporting the Design of Residential Energy Upgrades

    The starting point of the research is the need to refurbish existing residential building stock, in order to reduce its energy demand, which accounts for over one fourth of the energy consumption in the European Union. Refurbishment is a necessary step to reach the ambitious energy and decarbonisation targets for 2020 and 2050 that require an eventual reduction up to 90% in CO2 emissions. In this ... Leia mais


  • Spatial Planning and High-tech Development

    A comparative study of Eindhoven city-region, the Netherlands and Hsinchu City-region, Taiwan

    de Wei-Ju Huang ...
    n the past three decades, numerous high-tech city-regions have emerged with the rise of new high-tech industries across the world. Many of them have been specifically supported by national technology policies—in developed or developing countries—implemented to trigger economic growth and to enhance global competitiveness at the national and/or city-regional level. These policies have involved the ... Leia mais


  • Performance Assessment Strategies

    A computational framework for conceptual design of large roofs

    Using engineering performance evaluations to explore design alternatives during the conceptual phase of architectural design helps to understand the relationships between form and performance; and is crucial for developing well-performing final designs. Computer aided conceptual design has the potential to aid the design team in discovering and highlighting these relationships; especially by means ... Leia mais


  • Zen Culture

    de Thomas Hoover ...
    Anyone who examines the Zen arts is immediately struck by how modern they seem. The ceramics of 16th-century Zen artists could be interchanged with the rugged pots of our own contemporary crafts movement; ancient calligraphies suggest the monochromes of Franz Kline or Willem de Kooning; the apparent nonsense and illogic of Zen parables (and No theater and Haiku poetry) established the limitations ... Leia mais
