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eBooks sobre Arte

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  • Best of Activism in Art - I

    de Sarah S. Vati ...
    Activism in Art is a group on the website for art collectors and artists, and also a rather fertile topic, especially now that the economic crisis leads artists (and people in general) to review their beliefs, their principles, their role in society, and, in brief, what really matters in life.This book is part of a special issue featuring art and photographs by the members of ... Leia mais


  • Saints, Signs, and Symbols

    The Symbolic Language of Christian Art 3rd Edition

    This thoroughly updated and comprehensive edition enhances the classic work as a guide to symbolism in Christian liturgical art, architecture, manuscripts, stained glass, and more.This edition is more heavily pictorial in an effort to provide an even stronger resource for artists and researchers, as well as the general browsing public. It addresses the rich history of Christian symbolism, ... Leia mais

    R$ 57,29

  • Veja as mais belas Igrejas de Roma

    de Dario Somigli ...
    Roma é o berço do cristianismo e a cidade com o maior número de igrejas do mundo. Nós escolhemos para este e-book as mais importantes e representativas, tanto pela antiguidade como pelos tesouros artísticos que elas contêm. Além das boas vibrações e da atmosfera especial, pode-se admirar obras de grandes arquitetos e artistas imortais como: Bernini, Borromini, Caravaggio, Raffaello, Michelangelo, ... Leia mais

    R$ 22,90

  • Coleção Completa de Moedas de A a Z: O Guia Passo a Passo Sobre Como Começar Sua Coleção de Moedas Do Zero Com Pouco Dinheiro

    Você está pronto para começar sua coleção de moedas do zero, mas não sabe por onde começar?Você já pensou em colecionar moedas como um novo hobby divertido e gratificante para criar um investimento lucrativo?Bem, não precisa mais procurar e continue lendo!A coleção de moedas está entre os hobbies mais antigos e mais praticados do mundo. Descobrir as origens, o valor e o contexto histórico de uma ... Leia mais

    R$ 19,99

  • Secrets of an Art Dealer

    This antiquarian book contains a fascinating account of the author's extensive experiences as an art dealer. Full of interesting anecdotes, humorous stories, and useful insights into the world of art dealing, this volume will be of considerable value to those with an interest in dealing art, and it would make for a worthy addition to collections of allied literature. The chapters of this book ... Leia mais

    R$ 49,90

  • The Professor: : The Professor by Charlotte Bronte Books ( World Classic Books The Professor Book ) (Volume 25)

    The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Brontë. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published posthumously in 1857.The book is the story of a young man, William Crimsworth. It describes his maturation, his loves and his eventual career as a professor at an all-girl's school. The story is based upon Charlotte Brontë's ... Leia mais

    R$ 5,90

  • Glimpse at Art of Japan

    First published in 1876, when many considered Japanese art a mere curiosity, A Glimpse at the Art of Japan presents Jarves remarkable examination of the problems of Japanese aesthetics, offering a penetrating analysis of the historical, religious, and social influences on the development of art in Japan. Supporting the thesis that art gives true expression to the aspirations of a nation, Jarves ... Leia mais

    R$ 49,79

  • Treasury of Ironwork Designs

    469 Examples from Historical Sources

    Editado por Carol Belanger Grafton ...
    Series series Dover Pictorial Archive
    The history of Western decorative arts is filled with splendid examples of ornamental ironwork — elaborately wrought designs for gates and fences, finials and posts, banisters, window grilles, signs and marquees, cathedral screens, and a host of other architectural and decorative features. This practical archive brings together nearly 500 outstanding examples of the ironmaker's art. Meticulously ... Leia mais

    R$ 74,14

  • The NFT Handbook: 2 Books in 1 - The Complete Guide for Beginners and Intermediate to Start Your Online Business with Non-Fungible Tokens using Digital and Physical Art

    NFT collection guides, #3

    de Clark Griffin ...
    Séries Livros: 3 - NFT collection guides
    If you are looking to find out how to create your NFT without programming knowledge and earn from it, then keep reading.I guess you are confused by the thousands of confusing information about the world of NFTs coming out of the media and you are afraid of missing this train reminiscent of Bitcoin's beginnings.I understand you and I've been there myself, but I didn't give up and I've been studying ... Leia mais

    R$ 51,99

  • GLI ARTISTI DELLA CALABRIA. Dizionario degli Artisti Calabresi dell'Ottocento e del Novecento

    de Enzo Le Pera ...
    Gli Artisti della Calabria è l'ultima opera di Enzo Le Pera, esperto e ricercatore d'arte calabrese.Le Pera, con la meticolosità dello studioso e la passione dell’innamorato, sulla scia delle catalogazioni di Alfonso Frangipane, registra e documenta l'attività di circa 600 artisti calabresi, e dunque pittori scultori grafici disegnatori caricaturisti e quant'altro, dell'Ottocento e del Novecento ... Leia mais

    R$ 34,09

  • The Courage of Johanna Bonger The Woman Who Made Vincent Van Gogh Immortal

    de Davis Truman ...
    The art world was forever changed with the emergence of Vincent Van Gogh. His vivid, emotional paintings captured the attention and admiration of many, even as the artist struggled with mental illness and financial instability. But behind every great artist is often an equally great supporter, and for Vincent Van Gogh, that person was Johanna Bonger.Johanna was more than just Vincent's sister-in ... Leia mais

    R$ 22,99

  • Pintura, cuestiones y recursos

    Series series ensayos74
    Pintura, cuestiones y recursos es un pequeño manual que todo pintor en formación debería tener. En sus páginas intenta abordar cuestiones como ¿Qué es la pintura? o ¿Para qué sirve la Pintura? desde la perspectiva del pintor y no del crítico o teórico, además de ofrecer de forma breve toda una serie de recursos para promover y divulgar la obra del pintor que se incia en el mercado del Arte. ... Leia mais

    R$ 12,36

  • Gli Angeli dell'Alma Mater 1


    “Quando la musicae la poesia si fondononell’immensa vibrazione dei colori...nasce l’Arte ”È con questa frase che Luciano Tocci descrive la propria passione per la pittura. Una pittura che è colore, che è luce, che è spiritualità.E questa “vibrazione di colori” fa nascere gli ANGELI DELL’ALMA MATER che sono i protagonisti in tutta la pittura di Luciano Tocci, artista di San Donato in Valle di ... Leia mais

    R$ 53,99

  • El Louvre. Guía de Arte

    120 obras maestras esenciales

    Series series Grandes Museos
    La guía de arte más maravillosa y clara para explorar y conocer todo lo fundamental de las grandes obras, artistas, escuelas de arte y estilos del Museo del LouvreDescubra los inmensos fondos que atesora el Museo del Louvre desde las antigüedades orientales, egipcias, grecorromanas y medievales hasta las grandes obras del Renacimiento, el Barroco, el Neoclasicismo y el Romanticismo. Pintura, ... Leia mais

    R$ 54,90

  • Art Auctions

    Spectacle and Value in the 21st Century

    de Kathryn Brown ...
    Series series Hot Topics in the Art World
    Art auctions are spectacular theatres of the contemporary art world. From glittering black-tie events to the anonymity of the digital realm, auctions stage the creation of value and can make or break artists' careers. They are a strange phenomenon: relics from the 18th century which remain at the heart of the art world in our digital age. And yet they have undergone huge transformation in the past ... Leia mais

    R$ 135,99

  • A to Z India - Magazine: July 2021

    FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: THE MOST POWERFUL INVESTMENT OF MANKIND - EDUCATION: There is no time to lose. Educated children are at the heart of healthy, productive and prosperous societies. If that is the future we want tomorrow, we must invest today. If you have any ideas, do send us your ideas and comments to me. ... Leia mais


  • Lynne Pickering : Portraits

    Art Book

    Series series Lynne Pickering Art and Interiors
    A collection of Portraits from Lynne's large collection of sold art  from 5,500 paintings sold in 32 countries. These portraits range from modern decorator modern art, to traditional art, art deco, and quirky style portraits some in colourful bright vibrant colours. From abstract to humerous. ... Leia mais

    R$ 14,98

  • Coffee Table Rhymes

    de Janet Roberts ...
    “My sister cleans her bedroom In twenty seconds flat. She sweeps the dirt into a pile Then underneath the mat.” A selection of comic verse on such subjects as fraught relationships, untrustworthy professionals, quirky pets and even quirkier family members. Nothing too dark or serious here, just a set of cleverly written, instantly quotable epigrams, along with a handful of longer poems that ... Leia mais

    R$ 25,76

  • 병약한 시민 그리고 다른 이야기들

    시민 저널리스트 - 우리는 관료들이 대중매체에 대한 권력을 가지고 있다는 것에 대해서 자주 잊곤 한다. 인구억제의 첫 번째 단계는 대중매체를 조정하는 것이다. 이것은 대중 인식에 대한 통제력을 준다. 이 분야의 부패는 어느 때보다도 심각하다. 이 이야기는 부패와 미국 내에서 현재 실존하는 정치와 깊은 관련이 있다. 나는 이것에 대해서 콜라와 의견을 함께하는데, 뉴스를 보도하는 단 한 가지 방법은 진실성이라는 것이다. 병약한 시민- 그리고 또 다른 가슴 아프고 정치적인 동기가 부여된 이야기. 혁신에 대한 우리의 욕심과 과장과 욕망으로 우리는 종종 이것이 환경에 미치는 결과들을 간과한다. 만일 당신이 수 세기에 걸쳐서 발전해온 도시에 살고 있다면 이것의 심각성에 대해서 쉽게 잊을 수 있을 것이다.한 여성이 ... Leia mais

    R$ 17,90

  • Arte e Tecnica del Disegno - 11 - La testa e il volto

    Come raffigurare ritratti e visi caratteristici

    Come raffigurare ritratti e visi caratteristici. Richiami di anatomia e di morfologia - Procedimenti - Esempi di procedimenti: matita, acquarello, tempera - Repertorio iconografico: adulti, bambini, anziani. ... Leia mais

    R$ 30,85

  • The Art of William Morris

    de K.Co Press ...
    This art book showcases archival images of work by artist and acclaimed textile designer William Morris.Thoughtfully curated and produced, these visual layouts present and juxtapose archival images in fresh ways. From the cover design to curated imagery and interior layouts, this book is meant to inspire. ... Leia mais

    R$ 34,29

  • Penrod

    Penrodby Booth Tarkingtonpublished in 1914Category: FictionPenrod Schofield is an eleven-year-old boy living in middle America. He's been roped into the school play as the young Sir Lancelot, a role that he does not want to play. Instead of slogging through it, he and his friends make mischief and thus are dubbed the 'bad boys.' They lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. When Penrod's ... Leia mais

    R$ 17,12

  • Repères D'Histoire Des Arts

    de Djeh ...
    Les Arts sont vieux comme le monde, certes ! Cela ne les empêche pas d'avoir un parcours sinueux, complexe, mêlés comme ils sont aux grands moments de l'Histoire, à la Civilisation et aux Religions... Voyageons dans ce foisonnant patrimoine, des Grecs jusqu'à Monet... ... Leia mais

    R$ 24,67

  • Vogue Chronicles

    The Art of Fashion Storytelling

    Dive into the glamorous world of Vogue with Vogue Chronicles: The Art of Fashion Storytelling, a captivating memoir from the legendary Grace Coddington. Beyond the iconic images and glamorous shoots, this book reveals the intricate art of fashion storytelling, as told by one of the most influential figures in fashion history. This intimate journey takes you behind the scenes of Vogue, offering a ... Leia mais

    R$ 38,87