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eBooks sobre Dinheiro e políticas monetárias

Se você gosta de eBooks sobre Dinheiro e políticas monetárias, certamente vai adorar estas sugestões.
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  • Money

    What It Is, How It’s Created, Who Gets It, and Why It Matters

    By enabling the storage and transfer of purchasing power, money facilitates economic transactions and coordinates economic activity. But what is money? How is it generated? Distributed? How does money acquire value and that value change? How does money impact the economy, society?This book explores money as a system of "tokens" that represent the purchasing power of individual agents. It looks at ... Leia mais

    R$ 297,65

  • The General Theory Of Employment, Interest, And Money

    The General Theory Of Employment, Interest, And Moneyby John Maynard KeynesFrom one of the most influential economists of the modern era, Keynes and his "General Theory" shaped economic thought and government policies for decades to come. Out of this magnum opus arose the Keynesian school of economics. Keynes argues that the level of employment in a modern economy was determined by three factors: ... Leia mais

    R$ 11,39

  • The Dao of Capital

    Austrian Investing in a Distorted World

    As today's preeminent doomsday investor Mark Spitznagel describes his Daoist and roundabout investment approach, “one gains by losing and loses by gaining.” This is Austrian Investing, an archetypal, counterintuitive, and proven approach, gleaned from the 150-year-old Austrian School of economics, that is both timeless and exceedingly timely.In The Dao of Capital, hedge fund manager and tail ... Leia mais

    R$ 105,10

  • Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea

    The History of a Dangerous Idea

    de Mark Blyth ...
    Conservatives today in both Europe and the United States have succeeded in casting government spending as reckless wastefulness that has made the economy worse. In contrast, they have advanced a policy of draconian budget cuts--austerity--to solve the financial crisis. We are told that we have all lived beyond our means and now need to tighten our belts. This view conveniently forgets where all ... Leia mais

    R$ 40,08

  • Currency Wars

    The Making of the Next Global Crisis

    Dive into the gripping world of international ecocomics through American lawyer, investment banker, media commentator, and author, James G. Rickards's expertise and thought-provoking insights.From collapsed paper currencies and hidden agendas of soveriegn wealth funds to the very real threats of national security, James G. Rickards scrutinizes the history and disastrous outcomes of currency wars, ... Leia mais

    R$ 70,09

  • The Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Buyers Guide

    de Matt Cossey ...
    ** UPDATED OCT 2018 ** Extra content, updated sections, plus access to bonus video series!The Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Buyers Guide is the fastest and easiest way to start safely buying your very first digital Cryptocurrencies.This quick start guide gets straight to the point without the fluff to have you buying in no time. Not only will you be guided step-by-step through the buying process but ... Leia mais


  • The Business Blockchain

    Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology

    The definitive pioneering blueprint covering the what, why and how of the blockchain.Blockchains are new technology layers that rewire the Internet and threaten to side-step older legacy constructs and centrally served businesses. At its core, a blockchain injects trust into the network, cutting off some intermediaries from serving that function and creatively disrupting how they operate. ... Leia mais

    R$ 111,10

  • Política monetária

    ideias, experiências e evolução

    Escrita por um dos mais importantes economistas brasileiros, em linguagem dirigida não apenas a especialistas, mas também a leigos interessados em tema tão relevante, esta é uma obra de referência fundamental sobre política monetária. O livro trata da evolução da política de administração da moeda desde a Antiguidade até os dias atuais. São examinadas as principais teorias surgidas ao longo de ... Leia mais

    R$ 61,00

  • The New Case for Gold

    **USA Todaybestseller andWall Street Journal business bestseller**They say**John Maynard Keynes called gold a "barbarous relic."***They say***there isn’t enough gold to support finance and commerce.They say the gold supply can’t increase fast enough to support world growth.They’re wrong.In this bold manifesto, bestselling author and economic commentator James Rickar... ... Leia mais

    R$ 58,89

  • The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them

    In the face of rising inequality in America, Joseph E. Stiglitz charts a path toward real recovery and a more equal society.A singular voice of reason in an era defined by bitter politics and economic uncertainty, Joseph E. Stiglitz has time and again diagnosed America’s greatest economic challenges, from the Great Recession and its feeble recovery to the yawning gap between the rich and the poor. ... Leia mais

    R$ 73,99

  • O Capital - livro 1 - capítulo 1

    A mercadoria

    de Karl Marx ...
    A Boitempo lança excepcionalmente no formato eletrônico versão reduzida da edição definitiva da obra máxima de Karl Marx: O capital. Este ebook apresenta o capítulo 1 de O capital ("A mercadoria"), com tradução inédita de Rubens Enderle diretamente dos originais em alemão. Além de uma coletânea de prefácios e posfácios de Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels, apresenta também comentários do sociólogo ... Leia mais

    R$ 15,00

  • Bitcoins: What they are and how to use them

    de David Mint ...
    What is a Bitcoin? Why is it important? Knowing the answers to these two simple questions may determine the fortunes of an entire generation. In this brief volume, we dedicate the first section to a brief exploration of the phenomenon of the Bitcoin and its advantages and disadvantages as a medium of exchange and store of value. We also briefly explore the moral implications of chasing the ... Leia mais

    R$ 23,99

  • The Rise and Development of FinTech

    Accounts of Disruption from Sweden and Beyond

    Series series Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking
    This comprehensive guide serves to illuminate the rise and development of FinTech in Sweden, with the Internet as the key underlying driver. The multiple case studies examine topics such as: the adoption of online banking in Sweden; the identification and classification of different FinTech categories; process innovation developments within the traditional banking industry; and the Venture Capital ... Leia mais



    Aprenda tudo sobre mineração de moedas Altcoins

    Este livro tem o intuito de apresentar todos os passos e conhecimentos necessários para iniciar no mundo da mineração de criptomoedas da categoria Altcoins.Explanar os componentes que fazem parte do aquecido mercado de Altcoins, passando por vários aspectos teóricos e práticos, no campo da mineração. Mas claro que devido a natureza extremamente nova deste mercado muitas das informações iram se ... Leia mais

    R$ 17,18

  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

    The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money is Keynes' masterpiece published right after the Great Depression. It sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the "Keynesian Revolution", in the way economists thought - especially challenging the proposition that a market economy tends naturally to restore itself to full employment on its own. Regarded widely as the ... Leia mais

    R$ 3,90

  • The Road to Ruin

    The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis

    The bestselling author of The Death of Money and Currency Wars reveals the global elites' dark effort to hide a coming catastrophe from investors in The Road to Ruin, now a National Bestseller.A drumbeat is sounding among the global elites. The signs of a worldwide financial meltdown are unmistakable. This time, the elites have an audacious plan to protect themselves from the fallout: hoarding ... Leia mais

    R$ 56,99

  • Saga brasileira

    A longa luta de um povo por sua moeda

    A inflação acumulada nos quinze anos que antecederam o Plano Real foi de 13,3 trilhões por cento. O país teve cinco moedas entre 1986 e 1994, o que significou instabilidade de preços, indexações, congelamentos, confisco de poupança e insegurança geral. Mas, passados vários anos, as novas gerações não têm noção do que foi o período da hiperinflação — e lembrar é preciso.Míriam Leitão presta enorme ... Leia mais

    R$ 32,44

  • En deuda

    Una historia alternativa de la economía

    de David Graeber ...
    Traduzido por Joan Andreano Weyland ...
    Series series Ariel
    Ganador del Gregory Bateson Book Prize y el Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing.Todo libro de economía hace la misma aseveración: el dinero se inventó para dar solución a la complejidad creciente de los sistemas de trueque. Esta versión de la historia tiene un grave problema: no hay evidencia alguna que la sustente.Graeber expone una historia alternativa a la aparición... ... Leia mais

    R$ 21,99

  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

    Blockchain Technologies, #1

    de rodney cannon ...
    Séries Livros: 1 - Blockchain Technologies
    What do you need to know about Bitcoin, other crytocurrencies and the technology behind it known as Blockchain technology. While the world has been surprised and amazed at the growth of bitcoin and other crytocurrencies the real story may be Blockchain technology. This technology could not only change the way that we look at money, but more aspects of your life than you could possibly imagine.In ... Leia mais

    R$ 4,99

  • A ascensão do dinheiro

    A história financeira do mundo

    A história financeira do mundo.O que é o dinheiro? O que os bancos fazem? Qual é a diferença entre uma ação e um título? Por que contratar e comprar um seguro de imóveis? E o que faz exatamente um fundo hedge? Considerado pela revista Time uma das cem pessoas mais influentes do mundo, o historiador Niall Ferguson traz um estudo brilhante da história financeira em A ascensão do dinheiro, e explica ... Leia mais

    R$ 74,90

  • When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management

    Charts are best viewed on a tablet.Picking up where Liar’s Poker left off (literally, in the bond dealer’s desks of Salomon Brothers) the story of Long-Term Capital Management is of a group of elite investors who believed they could beat the market and, like alchemists, create limitless wealth for themselves and their partners.Founded by John Meriweather, a notoriously confident bond dealer, along ... Leia mais

    R$ 45,29

  • Applied Intermediate Macroeconomics

    This textbook offers a complete course in applied macroeconomics at the intermediate level that emphasizes the application of economic theory to real-world data and policy. Topics covered include national and international income, financial accounts, business cycles, financial markets, economic growth, labor markets, aggregate supply and demand, inflation, and monetary and fiscal policy. The text ... Leia mais

    R$ 286,39

  • セレブ奥様から教わった予想外の金銭管理術

    de 日暮学 ...
    Series series ひぐらし100円本シリーズ 7
    お金を貯めるコツは、どんぶり勘定にあった!あるセレブ主婦から教わった、非常識な金銭管理術で、あなたもめざせる中金持ち!!かつてはド貧乏だった日暮学の生活を劇的に建て直した、「どんぶり家計簿」をうれしはずかし、本邦初公開します! ... Leia mais

    R$ 3,73

  • A Brief History of Socially Responsible Investing

    de Laure Justice ...
    Ethical investing, also called socially responsible investing, is a way you can support companies you feel are doing the right thing, or penalize companies you feel act unethically. This type of investing has been around as a part of the world's culture since at least the late 1600's. ... Leia mais
