Kobo's eRecycling Program
In Canada and the United States, Kobo finances the proper collection and treatment of our devices when they become waste to ensure they do not end up in the landfill or other improper storage/treatment of waste. This is accomplished through partnership in the provincial and/or state electronic waste collection programs. These programs create drop off locations and treatment for your devices when they become waste. To find a location near you, please go to the following link: www.search.earth911.com/
For recycling services in the District of Columbia, USA, please click here for further details: Rakuten Kobo- WDC Electronics Recycling
Kobo Mail-in Program
Kobo encourages our eReader users to dispose of unneeded products safely and in compliance with local laws. We suggest you consult your Municipality, Province or State for information on relevant legislation and ongoing e-waste recycling options in your community.
Many community e-waste facilities, and retailers who sell Kobo products offer recycling alternatives for portable electronics where you can drop your item off at a local recycling station.
Kobo also offers a recycling mail-in option free of charge in Canada and the United States. We use a government certified e-waste recycling company that meets or exceeds all applicable local, regional and national legislation, including MOE (Canada) and EPA (USA). They break down the product into re-useable glass and plastic, and manage the remaining waste according to local e-waste disposal regulations. Depending on your Province or State, Kobo offers free mail-in recycling program including free shipping and shipping container. To find out more information about our process in your area, please contact us by clicking on Contact Kobo Customer Care on help.kobo.com.
All data on your eReader product is your responsibility. Please be sure you have backed up and/or deleted/erased all data, personal information and/or files from you eReader before you send it or drop it off at any recycling program, whether you choose Kobo's mail-in option or a community drop-off.
Any personal accessories and protective covers should also be removed. To delete/erase all data on your Kobo eReader, please go to help.kobo.com and type in “factory reset” for model-specific instruction.
Kobo will not accept equipment that has been contaminated with chemicals, biological agents or any other substances not normally contained in the Kobo eReader product.
You will not be reimbursed for any equipment or accessories sent to the Kobo mail-in recycle program.