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  • The Iron Wire

    Series Book 1871 - A novel of the Adelaide to Darwin telegraph line
    In 1870 an enterprise began in Australia that was breathtaking in its ambition: to construct a single galvanised iron wire between Adelaide and Darwin, crossing two thousand miles of virtually unexplored wilderness. This was the Overland Telegraph Line, using local trees as poles, thousands of them, and hundreds of men who would not return to civilization for two years or more. Some would not ... Read more


  • The Princely Flower

    Series Book 2 - The Navigator Kings
    THE EPIC FANTASY OF THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND CONTINUES . . .Kieto's destiny, set in the heavens, is to conquer the Land-of-Mists, the mysterious island discovered by Kupe, one of the great Polynesian voyagers. But he knows it won't be easy: the wild native tribes, particularly the Scots and Picts, have two formidable advantages - iron and horses.But Kieto has heard of a magnificent warrior race, the ... Read more


  • The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth

    Stories from the back of the brain.These short stories span a period of 40 years. They are as eclectic as the insect world, ranging from the bizzare to the quixotic and back again. Plucked from an oeuvre of 145 stories, they are beautifully crafted tales, several of which have snatched awards from the jaws of oblivion or shouldered their way into short lists.Though he writes longer fiction Garry ... Read more

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  • The Rain Ghost

    Rain ghost, rain ghost, go away...Steve is being followed, watched. Something is waiting for him. Something is coming to get him.Steve is being haunted.But by what? And why? Does it have anything to do with that night Steve got lost out on the moors - and what he found there?How do you stop...a haunting?When Steve finds an ancient dagger on the moors he realizes that, unless he returns it, he will ... Read more

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  • The Night of Kadar

    After roving through space for centuries, a starship unburdens its cargo of human embryos on a harsh new world. They quickly grow to maturity in the ship's artificial womb. A lifetime of Earth memories is programmed into their dreams.But before their indoctrination is complete, an alien intruder infiltrates and destroys the system, and the reason for the odyssey is never learned.Now, on a verdant ... Read more


  • The Ragthorn

    Winner of the World Fantasy Award "I am placing this entry at the beginning of my edited journal for reasons that will become apparent. Time is very short for me now, the final part of the ritual draws near... I cannot pretend that I am not frightened."  There were these two British writers, one lived in the country, the other in the city. The country writer loved to visit the city and partake ... Read more


  • The Fabulous Beast

    A set of beautifully crafted tales of the imagination by a writer who was smitten by the magic of the speculative short story at the age of twelve and has remained under its spell ever since.These few stories cover three closely related sub-genres: science fiction, fantasy and horror. In the White Garden murders are taking place nightly, but who is leaving the deep foot-prints in the flower beds? ... Read more


  • Tales from the Vatican Vaults

    28 extraordinary stories by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Garry Kilworth, Mary Gentle, KJ Parker, Storm Constantine and many more

    A captivating collection of original science fiction and fantasy stories based on the same alternate world premise: a collection of documents that have been suppressed by the Vatican and hidden away for years, in some cases centuries, are revealed when the vaults are thrown open by a reforming pope.In this alternate reality, Pope John Paul (I) does not die a month after his accession in 1978; ... Read more


  • The Songbirds of Pain

    Series Book 311 - Gateway Essentials
    Garry Kilworth's first collection shows him to be one of the most original and enjoyable writers in the field. The thirteen stories in The Songbirds of Pain mix science fiction and fantasy, with a dash of unclassifiable strangeness. Kilworth is particularly adept at evoking colourful and exotic locales in distant parts of the world, as in 'The Dissemblers', a story set in the Arabian deserts, ... Read more


  • Spiggot's Quest

    Number 1 in series

    Series Book 1 - Knights of the Liofwende
    Faerieland. It's like a reflection of your world ... a warped reflection. And Jack has just stumbled right into it - with a whole lot of trouble on his tail. Trolls, goblins, ogres and giants ... all after one thing. But Jack's got no clue what. He needs some allies, like now. A wizard maybe. Or a High Fairy. Someone who can do serious magic. Someone who can help him get home. Anyone. Just not a ... Read more


  • The Roof of Voyaging

    When Kupe, one of the great Polynesian voyagers, chases a huge octopus across the ocean, he discovers the strange and mysterious Land of Mists and rescues a man and a woman from the wild sea. He carries them back to the island of Raiatea where the pale strangers witness the momentous events that follow the death of the king and the struggle for succession.But the gods are watching also, and when ... Read more


  • The Silver Claw

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