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語音學與聲韻學 電子書

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  • 香港粵語


    張洪年 ……
    粵語在香港作為一種有機體,有自己蓬勃的生命力,而且不斷地在變化。語言並不如想像之中那樣古板或死板。1990 年代,徘徊在柏克萊東亞圖書館的張洪年教授,無意中看到書架上有一本關於粵語的老書,一時好奇心動,順手抽下;站在昏黃的吊燈底下略略翻閱,接著就坐在圖書館地上,看了整個下午。這一回無心插柳,開拓了他後來二三十年的研究新路向。《香港粵語:二百年滄桑探索》選輯了張洪年教授歷年所寫的一系列語言學文章,具體描述早期粵語的各種語言現象,解釋香港粵語從十九世紀到二十一世紀之間發生的種種變化。香港早期的粵語來自廣州,二十世紀中期以後逐步與廣州話分道揚鑣,漸漸自成一種語言。如今香港人口絕大部分以粵語為母語,社會上的活動都以粵語為主要溝通語言。香港的粵語雜用大量外來語,有的已經成了本地詞彙一部分,在語音和語法層面也發生了許多新變化。然而,這些變化到底如何發生,幾時發生?變化的牽涉面有多廣,軌跡是否可循 ...閱讀更多內容

    $128.00 HKD

  • Vox Latina

    A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Latin

    W. Sidney Allen ……
    This is a reissue in paperback of the second edition of Professor Allen's highly successful book on the pronunciation of Latin in Rome in the Golden Age. In the second edition the text of the first edition is reprinted virtually unchanged but is followed by a section of supplementary notes that deal with subsequent developments in the subject. The author also added an appendix on the names of the ...閱讀更多內容

    $254.89 HKD

  • Language Acquisition and Development

    A Generative Introduction

    An introduction to the study of children's language development that provides a uniquely accessible perspective on generative/universal grammar–based approaches.How children acquire language so quickly, easily, and uniformly is one of the great mysteries of the human experience. The theory of Universal Grammar suggests that one reason for the relative ease of early language acquisition is that ...閱讀更多內容

    $307.69 HKD

  • English After RP

    Standard British Pronunciation Today

    Geoff Lindsey ……
    This book concisely describes ways in which today's standard British English speech differs from the upper-class accent of the last century, Received Pronunciation, which many now find old-fashioned or even comic. In doing so it provides a much-needed update to the existing RP-based descriptions by which the sound system of British English is still known to many around the world.The book opens ...閱讀更多內容

    $199.29 HKD

  • 一詞一宇宙──瀕危語言的低吟淺唱

    Words of Wonder: Endangered Languages and What They Tell Us, 2nd ed.

    Series series 教科書
    目前世界上約有七千多種語言,但到了下個世紀,可能其中一半以上的語言都會消亡,而且許多語言將在沒有任何文字記錄留存的情況下從此銷聲匿跡。這本書所探討的重點就是語言的消失對人類文明而言是多大的損失。書中除了提出廣博全面的見解,倡議如何搶救世界上日益萎縮的語言多樣性,亦同時讚嘆這些語言如何以諸多方法,讓我們更理解深度歷史、文化、詩歌和自然界,以及同樣身為人類卻大異其趣的思維模式。本書作者擁有豐富的田野調查經驗,也是語言記錄的權威,他細膩幽默的文字透露出深刻的人文關懷。由他執筆帶領我們深入澳洲、美洲和非洲許多鮮為人知的語言天地中,不僅讓我們大開眼界,也促使我們深切反省,如何才得以盡量保存和振興這些珍貴的人類共同遺產。【國內學者推薦】本書的出版對中文讀者而言可說非常及時,為我們提供了更寬廣的語言多樣性觀點,以及這種多樣性所蘊含的寶貴文化財富。讀者若對人類豐饒的遺產深深著迷,這本書一定會令你們愛不釋手 ...閱讀更多內容

    $160.84 HKD

  • English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice

    English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice provides a unique introduction to basic articulatory phonetics for students of English. Built around an extensive collection of practice materials, this book teaches the pronunciation of modern standard non-regional British English to intermediate and advanced learners worldwide.This book:provides an up-to-date description of the pronunciation of modern ...閱讀更多內容

    $388.48 HKD

  • Teaching and Researching English Accents in Native and Non-native Speakers

    Series series Second Language Learning and Teaching
    Second language phonology is approached in this book from the perspective of data-based studies into the English sound system as used by native and non-native speakers of the language. The book offers a unique combination of psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and pedagogical approaches, with individual contributions investigating the effect of selected conditioning factors on the pronunciation of ...閱讀更多內容

    $679.59 HKD

  • Pragmatics and Prosody in English Language Teaching

    編輯者: Jesús Romero-Trillo ……
    系列 第 15 冊 - Educational Linguistics
    This volume explores the elusive subject of English prosody—the stress, rhythm and intonation of the language—, and its relevance for English language teaching. Its sharp focus will be especially welcomed by teachers of English to non-native speakers, but also by scholars and researchers interested in Applied Linguistics. The book examines key issues in the development of prosody and delves into ...閱讀更多內容

    $679.59 HKD

  • Listen to Your Child

    A Parent's Guide to Children's Language

    David Crystal ……
    Learning to talk is probably the greatest milestone in a child's development: a deeply moving and often hilarious experience for all parents.In this charming and informative book, Britain's leading expert on the English language talks you through every stage in your child's language development. Over thirty years after its original publication, this new and updated edition of Listen to your Child ...閱讀更多內容

    $79.99 HKD

  • De las palabras, una memorabilia

    Ignacio Gómez ……
    Libro que recopila algunos artículos sobre las palabras: su uso, desuso, definición y su cometido en un idioma tan vasto como el español. Es un libro para entretenernos a la vez que aprendemos. Su lectura nos deja enterarnos, por ejemplo, que la letra e es la letra más usada y que el término mas empleado es el monisilabo. Nos cuenta la historia de la letra muda y nos explica qué es un captónimo, ...閱讀更多內容

    $69.86 HKD

  • Das Erste Chinesische Lesebuch für Anfänger Band 2

    Zweisprachig mit Chinesisch-deutscher Übersetzung

    Marina Chan ……
    系列 第 2 冊 - Gestufte Chinesische Lesebücher
    Dieses Buch ist Band 2 des Ersten Chinesischen Lesebuches für Anfänger. Das Buch enthält einen Kurs für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Anfänger, wobei die Texte auf Deutsch und auf Chinesisch nebeneinanderstehen. Die dabei verwendete Methode basiert auf der natürlichen menschlichen Gabe, sich Wörter zu merken, die immer wieder und systematisch im Text auftauchen. Sätze werden stets aus den im ...閱讀更多內容

    $75.43 HKD

  • Untersuchungen zum Urslavischen: Einleitende Kapitel, Lautlehre, Morphematik

    系列 第 13 冊 - Schriften ueber Sprachen und Texte
    Gegenstand dieses Buches ist das um ca. 600 n. Chr. gesprochene Urslavische. Nach der historischen und geographischen Einordnung und der Bestimmung der soziolinguistischen Funktion dieser Sprache behandelt das Buch theoretisch und empirisch die Frage ihrer Einheitlichkeit. Es folgt die hauptsächlich auf die Lehnbeziehungen des mittelalterlichen Slavischen gestützte Rekonstruktion der Phonetik des ...閱讀更多內容

    $405.39 HKD

  • Progress in Language, with special reference to English

    Otto Jespersen ……
    Series series Otto Jespersen
    Part of the Otto Jespersen collected English Writings Collection, originally published in 1894, this volume is to a certain extent an English translation of Jespersens’ ‘Studier over Engelske Kasus, nted en Indledning: Freniskridt i Sproget’, which was to the University of Copenhagen in February, 1891 on the development of English Language, but with some notable revisions when translated to ...閱讀更多內容

    $458.42 HKD

  • Shaping Phonology

    編輯者: Diane Brentari, Jackson L. Lee ……
    Within the past forty years, the field of phonology—a branch of linguistics that explores both the sound structures of spoken language and the analogous phonemes of sign language, as well as how these features of language are used to convey meaning—has undergone several important shifts in theory that are now part of standard practice. Drawing together contributors from a diverse array of ...閱讀更多內容

    $358.09 HKD

  • Spontaneous Spoken English

    An Integrated Approach to the Emergent Grammar of Speech

    Alexander Haselow ……
    Series series Studies in English Language
    A new, thought-provoking book on the theory of grammar and language processing, based on the analysis of authentic speech produced in real time. Drawing on insights from cognitive psychology, neurology and conversation analysis, the author offers a fascinating, easy-to-follow account of why spoken English is structured the way it is. The traditional product-based approach to grammar is given up in ...閱讀更多內容

    $267.59 HKD

  • 日常英语无师自通

    編輯者: 顾曰国主编 ……
    家和家庭、衣食住行,这些接地气的话题你能聊多少,能聊多深入?《日常生活无师自通》重现了最常见的日常生活场景,让你置身于最鲜活、最真实的语言环境中,激活你的英语储备,让你不由自主地跟着书中的人物去听、去说,自然而然地练习使用英语。本书是一本综合英语教程,适合有一定英语基础的学习者使用。全书用四个单元分别展现家、家庭生活、日常事务和出行的场景,题材真实有趣,同时配有充分的练习题目,启发引导读者从各个维度深入思考分析话题。 ...閱讀更多內容

    $129.85 HKD

  • The Study of Speech Processes

    Addressing the Writing Bias in Language Science

    Victor J. Boucher ……
    There has been a longstanding bias in the study of spoken language towards using writing to analyse speech. This approach is problematic in that it assumes language to be derived from an autonomous mental capacity to assemble words into sentences, while failing to acknowledge culture-specific ideas linked to writing. Words and sentences are writing constructs that hardly capture the sound-making ...閱讀更多內容

    $191.19 HKD

  • First Words Memory : Children's Reading & Writing Education Books

    Baby Professor ……
    Influence your child’s vocabulary today and he/she will enjoy reading and writing tomorrow. The first step to take to make this possible would be to secure a copy of this wonderful educational resource. Here, your child will be exposed to his/her first words presented as picture words in order to attract the attention and satisfying the learning level of the child. Grab a copy now! ...閱讀更多內容

    $38.78 HKD

  • A Field Manual for Acoustic Phonetics

    Joan L. G. Baart ……
    This book provides a practical and easy-to-understand introduction to acoustic speech analysis, primarily aimed at those involved in linguistic analysis and description in the field and at those preparing for such fieldwork. It explains commonly used methods for displaying aspects of a speech wave, such as waveform graphs, spectra, spectrograms, fundamental frequency graphs (pitch graphs), and ...閱讀更多內容

    $95.69 HKD

  • Phonetics in Language Teaching

    Series series Elements in Phonetics
    This Element explores ways in which language teachers, especially teachers of English, can benefit from knowledge of phonetics. It also offers recommendations for introducing and improving pronunciation teaching in the classroom. While hoping that this Element is useful to instructors of all languages, the majority of the examples comes from North American English (NAE) and the English language ...閱讀更多內容

    $140.19 HKD

  • Relevant Acoustic Phonetics of L2 English

    Focus on Intelligibility

    Ettien Koffi ……
    Intelligibility is the ultimate goal of human communication. However, measuring it objectively remained elusive until the 1940s when physicist Harvey Fletcher pioneered a psychoacoustic methodology for doing so. Another physicist, von Bekesy, demonstrated clinically that Fletcher’s theory of Critical Bands was anchored in anatomical and auditory reality. Fletcher’s and Bekesy’s approach to ...閱讀更多內容

    $520.58 HKD

  • Sign Language Phonology

    Diane Brentari ……
    Series series Key Topics in Phonology
    A concise overview of key findings and ideas in sign language phonology and its contributions to related fields, including historical linguistics, morphology, prosody, language acquisition and language creation. Working on sign languages not only provides important new insights on familiar issues, but also poses a whole new set of questions about phonology, because of the use of the visual ...閱讀更多內容

    $210.29 HKD

  • Laryngeal Cooccurrence Restrictions

    Series series Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics
    This study presents an analysis of laryngeal cooccurrence restrictions within an Optimality Theory framework. The book will be of interest to phonologists concerned with word- or morpheme-level cooccurrence restrictions, the Obligatory Contour Principle, or Optimality Theory. First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. ...閱讀更多內容

    $442.87 HKD