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心理學 電子書

如果您喜歡 心理學 電子書,或許您也會喜歡這些熱門精選。
顯示第 124 個結果,共 125969
  • When Bad Things Happen to Good People

    Harold S. Kushner ……
    #1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The inspirational classic from a renowned spiritual leader that "offers a moving and humane approach to understanding life’s windstorms” (Elisabeth Kübler-Ross).When Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that meant the boy would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life’s most difficult questions: Why, God? Years ...閱讀更多內容

    $42.39 HKD

  • When Prophecy Fails

    A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World

    Leon Festinger ……
    The study reported in this volume grew out of some theoretical work, one phase of which bore specifically on the behavior of individuals in social movements that made specific (and unfulfilled) prophecies. We had been forced to depend chiefly on historical records to judge the adequacy of our theoretical ideas until we by chance discovered the social movement that we report in this book. At the ...閱讀更多內容

    $15.46 HKD

  • Fixed.

    How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving

    Amy E Herman ……
    With Amy Herman’s Fixed., we now have access to what the FBI, NATO, the State Department, Interpol, Scotland Yard, and many more organizations and their leaders have been using to solve their most intractable problems.Demonstrating a powerful paradigm shift for finding solutions, Herman teaches us to see things differently, using art to challenge our default thinking and open up possibilities ...閱讀更多內容

    $167.59 HKD

  • Tribal

    How the Cultural Instincts That Divide Us Can Help Bring Us Together

    Michael Morris ……
    SHORTLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR'A riveting read that will challenge you to rethink your core beliefs' Adam Grant'Absolutely spot-on, timely message' Chip Heath'A vision for collective change' Arianna HuffingtonTribalism is our most misunderstood buzzword. We've all heard pundits bemoan its rise, and it's been blamed for everything from political polarization to ...閱讀更多內容

    $121.39 HKD

  • The Art of Loving

    Erich Fromm ……
    The landmark bestseller that changed the way we think about love: “Every line is packed with common sense, compassion, and realism” (Fortune).The Art of Loving is a rich and detailed guide to love—an achievement reached through maturity, practice, concentration, and courage. In the decades since the book’s release, its words and lessons continue to resonate. Erich Fromm, a celebrated psychoanalyst ...閱讀更多內容

    $100.69 HKD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • 被討厭的勇氣:自我啟發之父「阿德勒」的教導

    譯者 葉小燕 ……
    Series series 心理
    ★讓人生為之一變的全新經典,終於誕生!博客來立刻選書推薦,勵志類冠軍書,總榜No.2!誠品人文科學冠軍★日本亞馬遜2014年度冠軍書,長踞暢銷榜,街頭巷尾人手一冊!★榮獲日本2014年商業書大賞第三名,作者古賀史健榮獲評審特別獎!★獲選《經理人》雜誌2014年4月商管選書。★戴爾.卡內基:「阿德勒是畢生研究人類及其潛力的偉大心理學家!」★與佛洛依德、榮格齊名,並稱「心理學三巨頭」。阿德勒除了是心理學發展承先啟後之人,更堪稱自我啟發之父!★蔡康永、黑幼龍、王浩威、蘇絢慧、許皓宜、黃錦敦、黃士鈞(哈克)、張德芬、陳夏民、膝關節、陳系美 勇氣推薦!所謂的自由,就是被別人討厭。有人討厭你,正是你行使自由、依照自己的生活方針過日子的標記。為什麼人們一直無法改變?為什麼自卑感總是揮之不去?為什麼我們總是活在別人的期待之下?<br ... ...閱讀更多內容

    $43.36 HKD

  • 別被壞情緒,毀了你的人生

    思遠 ……
    告別壞情緒▲自卑▲恐懼▲憤怒▲委屈▲焦慮▲抑鬱▲孤獨▲痛苦讓內心回復 △平靜38個#心理關鍵詞,助你認識自我;38組#實踐處方,一步一步建構內心與世界的平衡。※ ※ ※當你面對自己的情緒,嘗試和它對話,會發現每種情緒背後,都有着相應的心理關鍵詞。情緒#心理關鍵詞#實踐處方帶領你認識情緒、覺察情緒,以確切可行的實踐處方,成熟地管理好自己的情緒。擺脫被情緒控制的生活,讓真正的自己,過自主的幸福人生。※ ※ ※▲學不會愛自己,是因為你從沒被好好愛過。△總活在改圖APP中,你累不累?▲可以買打折商品,但別過打折的人生。△當你無法失去一段關係的時候,你在害怕甚麼?▲別為不屬於你的觀眾,表演不屬於你的人生。△對於過去,你有權利不和解。</p... ...閱讀更多內容

    $74.00 HKD

  • Super Thinking

    The Big Book of Mental Models

    A WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER!"You can't really know anything if you just remember isolated facts. If the facts don't hang together on a latticework of theory, you don't have them in a usable form.You've got to have models in your head."- Charlie Munger, investor, vice chairman of Berkshire HathawayThe world's greatest problem-solvers, forecasters, and decision-makers all rely on a set of ...閱讀更多內容

    $73.89 HKD

  • How to Not Die Alone

    The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love

    Logan Ury ……
    'A definitive guide for a generation navigating the murky waters of modern love' Esther Perel'A "must read" for hopeless and hopeful romantics alike' Daniel GilbertA funny and practical guide to help you find, build, and keep the relationship of your dreams.Have you ever looked around and wondered, "Why has everyone found love except me?" You're not the only one. Great relationships don't just ...閱讀更多內容

    $105.69 HKD

  • 圖解非常心理學

    楊甫德 ……
    為你揭曉日常「騎呢」怪行的心理根源!為什麼恐怖片越怕越愛看?為什麼越等不到巴士越要等下去?為什麼有人可以與鬼魂交流?為什麼燈光暗淡的酒吧艷遇多?為什麼明星走紅之後就離婚?……生活中稀奇古怪的行為、詭計多端的騙局和匪夷所思的超自然現象,比比皆是,令人摸不著頭腦。但怪誕行為並非無法解釋,複雜的人心亦非難以忖測。本書運用眾多卓越心理學家的研究成果,深入剖析各種“非常”現象,揭示隱藏在背後的心理玄機。 ...閱讀更多內容

    $44.00 HKD

  • Think Again

    The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know

    Adam Grant ……
    **#1 New York Times Bestseller“THIS. This is the right book for right now. Yes, learning requires focus. But, unlearning and relearning requires much more—it requires choosing courage over comfort. In Think Again, Adam Grant weaves together research and storytelling to help us build the intellectual and emotional muscle we need to stay curious enough about the world to actually change it. I’ve ...閱讀更多內容

    $95.19 HKD

  • 洋蔥心理學

    為甚麼「豬隊友」的薪酬比你高?為甚麼總是無法斷捨離不需要的物品?為甚麼常常到了「死線」也未完成工作?為甚麼人總是重複同樣的錯誤?如何識破虛偽的人和說話?為甚麼喜歡相機先吃的人最怕死?潛意識會選擇跟自己有「夫妻相」的另一半?心理學理論X爆笑貼地例子從貼地的日常生活例子中,笑着學會各種心理機制,了解常見的心理謬誤、錯覺、偏差,在工作、生活、人際關係中,避開誤導、欺騙、洗腦陷阱,做出更明智的決定! ...閱讀更多內容

    $89.60 HKD

  • Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

    How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents

    A New York Times bestseller—with more than one million copies sold!If you grew up with an emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish parent, you may have lingering feelings of anger, loneliness, betrayal, or abandonment. You may recall your childhood as a time when your emotional needs were not met, when your feelings were dismissed, or when you took on adult levels of responsibility in an ...閱讀更多內容

    $90.69 HKD

  • 蛤蟆先生去看心理師(暢銷300萬冊!英國心理諮商經典)

    系列 第 234 冊 - Mind Map
    心理諮商創舉取材自英國童話《柳林中的風聲》完美結合心理學的經典之作授權10個語言版本,自1997年起長銷20多年──────── 只要我們的情緒真正獲得理解,就能有成長的機會 ────────藉由蛤蟆先生和心理師的10次諮商,演繹心理諮商全過程,見證療癒與改變的發生。讓我們與蛤蟆先生一起走趟心靈成長的旅程,探索憂鬱與自卑、軟弱、愛炫耀的個性究竟來源於何處,反思童年經歷的深刻影響,以及如何才能在心理上真正長大成人,獨立、自信、充滿希望地生活。「每個人生下來都是王子,卻被父母變成青蛙。心理治療的目的,就是讓青蛙再變回王子。」——溝通分析創始人艾瑞克.伯恩(Eric Berne)閱讀本書,將可深刻領略此句名言之妙,和蛤蟆先生一同經歷心理探險、重拾自我的洗禮。【國外暢銷佳績/得獎紀錄】英國亞馬遜網路書店心理諮商類暢銷 第1名當當網心理學類暢銷榜 第1名<... ...閱讀更多內容

    $57.65 HKD

  • The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy

    The classic work on group psychotherapy.The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy has been the standard text in the field for decades. In this completely updated sixth edition, Dr. Yalom and Dr. Leszcz draw on a decade of new research as well as their broad clinical wisdom and expertise. Each chapter is revised, reflecting the most recent developments in the field. There are new sections ...閱讀更多內容

    $350.49 HKD

  • Self Help

    This Is Your Chance to Change Your Life

    Gabrielle Bernstein ……
    **** NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! **#1 New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein charts a path to healing that can literally change your life—a simple, powerful method informed by Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy.**Are you ready to unlock the greatest resource of your life? Gabby Bernstein has written the ultimate self-help guide, offering a revolutionary practice to radically ...閱讀更多內容

    $114.79 HKD

  • Lust, Men, and Meth

    A Gay Man's Guide to Sex and Recovery

    David M Fawcett ……
    Lust, Men, and Meth: A Gay Man's Guide to Sex and Recovery provides insight for gay men struggling with the issues of sex and recovery, and for the professionals who work with them. The reader is equipped not only with essential information on the problems of drugs and sexuality, but also with solutions in the form of tools and resources that will support him along his path. The book is unique in ...閱讀更多內容

    $77.63 HKD

  • 你可以生氣,但不要越「想」越氣:停止情緒化思考、不再與對錯拔河,從此擺脫「地雷型」人設!

    水島廣子 ……
    譯者 楊詠婷 ……
    Series series Soulmate
    你的「情緒」沒有錯,都是「想法」惹的禍!每一種情緒,都是真實的自己。坦然接受它,給予理解和撫慰,它才不會一直悶燒而引爆人際地雷!**  《給不小心就會太在意的你》《你不必和每個人都合拍》水島廣子醫師  教你活出不被情緒綁架的人生,守護內心的自由與平靜!**  ——我也不想那麼愛生氣,但就是管不住自己啊………  ——碰上陰晴不定情緒化的人,要如何避免被掃到颱風尾?  情緒,是人類最自然的防衛反應。  遇到不合理的對待,你當然可以生氣;面對未知,不安會讓你更謹慎小心。  但可不要掉進「情緒化思考」的陷阱,讓自己越「想」越慌、越「想」越氣!  ● 被同事說「你怎麼連這個也不知道?」,情緒就上來了,很不喜歡自己這麼容易生氣……  ● 部屬沒做完我交代的工作就回家了,到底有沒有把我放在眼裡!  ● 老公襪子老是亂丟,提醒他還被說不要囉嗦小事,氣死我了!... ...閱讀更多內容

    $55.96 HKD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • Love Life: How to raise your standards, find your person and live happily (no matter what)

    Matthew Hussey ……
    An essential set of tools and principles for healing your heart, finding love, and loving life.Finding love can be hard. Being single can feel even harder. In Love Life, world-renowned coach and New York Times bestselling author Matthew Hussey provides a practical roadmap for letting go of past relationships, overcoming the fear of getting left behind, and finding the love we want.Sometimes it ...閱讀更多內容

    $112.69 HKD

  • Misbelief

    What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things

    Dan Ariely ……
    Misinformation affects us daily, from social media to politics and even personal relationships. Policing social media alone cannot solve the complex problem shaped by partisan politics and subjective interpretations of truth.In Misbelief social scientist Dan Ariely explores the behaviour of 'misbelief' that leads people to distrust accepted truths and embrace conspiracy theories. Misinformation ...閱讀更多內容

    $61.49 HKD

  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

    A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

    Mark Manson ……
    #1 New York Times Bestseller • More than 10 million Copies SoldIn this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let’s be honest ...閱讀更多內容

    $89.29 HKD

  • The Mountain is You


    Brianna Wiest ……
    This is a book about self-sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it—for good. Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile. But by extracting crucial insight from our most damaging habits, building emotional intelligence by better understanding our brains and bodies, ...閱讀更多內容

    $58.39 HKD

  • It Begins with You

    The 9 Hard Truths About Love That Will Change Your Life

    Jillian Turecki ……
    The beloved relationship coach, teacher, and host of the top relationship podcast Jillian on Love reveals nine core truths about love and self-acceptance and provides powerful self-healing techniques and strategies to help us repair our relationship with ourselves and start building the rewarding relationships we deserve.Jillian Turecki’s holistic, compassionate, yet no-nonsense approach to love ...閱讀更多內容

    $138.79 HKD

  • 多巴胺國度:在縱慾年代找到身心平衡

    DOPAMINE NATION: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

    Series series 自由學習
    美國暢銷20萬本成功戒癮的經典之作揭露人們在慾望國度中的瘋狂歷險、所付出的代價,以及,如何平安歸來。滑手機、瘋購物、狂自慰,我們身處誘惑太多的時代,早已成癮卻無法自拔。這本書要談成癮的爽、戒癮的痛,以及爽痛之間如何取得平衡。  滑手機、熬夜追劇、大吃大喝、瘋狂消費,成為辛苦一天之後必備的自我慰勞;然而,我們已經網路成癮、購物成癮,或是酒癮、性成癮上身,卻不自知。  這不是我們的錯,而是多巴胺(dopamine)的問題。  多巴胺是一種神經傳導物質,又稱為「腦內啡」,要讓大腦釋放多巴胺很簡單,只要你做一件事情能讓自己開心就行了,像是上網、吃喝玩樂、盡情購物。不過,多巴胺會逐漸減少,需要更多的慾望、更強的刺激才行,也因此讓人愈來愈痛苦。  如果我們發現自己上網時間愈來愈長、暴飲暴食的次數愈來愈多、喝下肚的酒愈來愈烈、購物次數愈來愈頻繁,很有可能已經成癮。  安娜‧蘭布克醫師(Dr. Ann.. ...閱讀更多內容

    $61.29 HKD