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社會與文化研究 電子書

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  • 失聲香港

    阿果 ……
    二〇一四年之後,社會瀰漫著一股無力感。這種無力,來自個人,也是源於集體,延伸至各個層面。有人覺得荒謬的事接二連三,反對之後既然一切如舊,就心灰意冷,拋下一句這裡已經不是我的地頭,選擇了另一種生活模式 。走入本應多元開放的流行文化世界,商業決定一切,愈來愈單一的路線,已經容不下半點的曖昧。曾經被萬人追捧的明星,變成了官方代言人。有些發表自己意見、呼籲粉絲登記做選民的藝人,因著被攻擊,首先刪文,繼而道歉。在主流的路愈見狹窄的同時,有人離世,有人金盤口。眾聲喧嘩,彷彿只是一個想望。回望媒體,依然是大眾的詬病,為了追求點擊率,常常八卦當新聞,小事變大事,樂此不疲。與此同事,又有些媒體,堅持宗旨,做好節目,卻一再被有心人攻擊,直至停止製作。過去的幾年,因為無力,所以沉默。很多人聚眼於小生活,不理大時代。直至二〇一九年,情況不同了。有些人開始尋回屬於公民的聲音,在各方各面東奔西走 ...閱讀更多內容

    $76.00 HKD

  • How to Heal Your Inner Child

    Overcome Past Trauma and Childhood Emotional Neglect

    Simon Chapple ……
    'A masterclass in understanding' ANNIE GRACE, author of This Naked MindTen questions to ask yourself, right now:* Do you have a sense that something is wrong, but you don't know what it is?* Do you have a feeling that you are hollow inside, that you are empty or have a void within?* Do you react badly to rejection?* Do you often feel sad, unhappy or down for no obvious reason?* Would you describe ...閱讀更多內容

    $121.09 HKD

  • Zero to One

    Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “This book delivers completely new and refreshing ideas on how to create value in the world.”—Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta“Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and Zero to One shows how.”—Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and TeslaThe great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, ...閱讀更多內容

    $101.99 HKD

  • Why Nations Fail

    The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

    NEW YORK TIMES AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER • From two winners of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, “who have demonstrated the importance of societal institutions for a country’s prosperity”“A wildly ambitious work that hopscotches through history and around the world to answer the very big question of why some countries get rich and others don’t.”—The New York TimesFINALIST: ...閱讀更多內容

    $77.39 HKD

  • 連結:從石器時代到AI紀元

    Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI

    譯者 林俊宏 ……
    Series series 科學文化
    故事,引領我們走在一起。書籍,傳播我們的觀念和神話。網際網路,承諾會提供無限的知識。演算法,瞭解了我們的祕密 ——然後,我們就互相對立了!現在與未來,AI將會做什麼?哈拉瑞的新巨作《連結》,以激勵人心的方式,講述了我們如何走到這一刻,以及現在必須做出的、攸關生存與發展的急迫決擇。《連結》透過人類大歷史的長鏡頭,檢視資訊網路與資訊流,如何將我們帶到AI紀元。哈拉瑞引導我們走過石器時代、經歷《聖經》正典化、印刷術的發明、大眾媒體的興起、以及民粹主義的重燃……例舉了羅馬帝國、秦帝國、天主教會、蘇聯等體制如何利用資訊技術來實現目標,無論是好是壞。資訊,既不是真理真相的原料,也不只是權力與武器;《連結》探索了許多極端之間、充滿希望的中間立場,在鐵幕落下、矽幕升起之際,重新發現我們共有的人性。封面鴿子圖案的意義:... ...閱讀更多內容

    $108.04 HKD

  • Dark Wire

    The Incredible True Story of the Largest Sting Operation Ever

    Joseph Cox ……
    The inside story of the largest law-enforcement sting operation ever, in which the FBI made its own tech start-up to wiretap the world, shows how cunning both the authorities and drug traffickers have become, with privacy implications for everyone.In 2018, a powerful app for secure communications called Anom took root among organized criminals. They believed Anom allowed them to conduct business ...閱讀更多內容

    $121.09 HKD

  • Freedom

    Memoirs 1954 – 2021

    Angela Merkel ……
    The New York Times and USA Today bestsellerFor sixteen years, Angela Merkel was Chancellor of Germany and at the forefront of European and international politics. In her memoir, she looks back on her life in two German states—East Germany until 1990, and reunified Germany thereafter. How did she, coming from the East, rise to the top of the Christian Democratic Union to become the first woman to ...閱讀更多內容

    $156.69 HKD

  • The Coming Wave

    Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma

    Mustafa Suleyman ……
    **NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An urgent warning of the unprecedented risks that AI and other fast-developing technologies pose to global order, and how we might contain them while we have the chance—from a co-founder of the pioneering artificial intelligence company DeepMind and current CEO of Microsoft AI“A fascinating, well-written, and important book.”—Yuval Noah Harari**“Essential reading.” ...閱讀更多內容

    $77.39 HKD

  • Lessons in Chemistry

    The modern classic multi-million-copy bestseller

    Bonnie Garmus ……
    **The perfect Christmas gift!THE MULTI-AWARD-WINNING MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER, now a major Apple TV series starring Brie Larson.A New York Times Top 100 Best Books of the 21st Century Reader's Pick____________**'The most charming, life-enhancing novel I've read in ages' Sunday Times'Thought-provoking and stylish***'*** Guardian‘Page-turning’ – Maggie Sh... ...閱讀更多內容

    $88.89 HKD

  • Being Mortal

    Medicine and What Matters in the End

    Atul Gawande ……
    **#1 New York Times BestsellerIn Being Mortal, bestselling author Atul Gawande tackles the hardest challenge of his profession: how medicine can not only improve life but also the process of its ending**Medicine has triumphed in modern times, transforming birth, injury, and infectious disease from harrowing to manageable. But in the inevitable condition of aging and death, the goals of medicine ...閱讀更多內容

    $79.59 HKD

  • 我係社工,搵人輔導下我唔該

    蘇珍珍, 陳潔潔 ……
    社工都要「跑數」係咩玩法?前線社工乜都要靠「執生」?社工之間鬥爭仲勁過宮鬥劇?揀得做呢行真係會講夢想咩?兩個敢言社會工作者訴盡社工界的血淚史,透過制度、工作個案、親身經歷探討社會實況,全面剖析社工界問題。社工,也只不過是凡人。作者簡介:蘇珍珍、陳潔潔,註冊社工,亦為「我係社工,搵人輔導下我唔該」Facebook專頁版主,在社會福利界的間隙中掙扎求存,實踐理想,亦希望帶大家了解香港社會工作的實況。 ...閱讀更多內容

    $57.20 HKD

  • Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

    Amy Chua ……
    “Courageous and thought-provoking.” —David Brooks, The New York Times“Breathtakingly personal . . . [Chua’s] tale is as compelling as a good thriller.” —The Financial Times"[F]ascinating. . . . the most stimulating book on the subject of child rearing since Dr. Spock." —Seattle Post-Intelligencer“Chua’s memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, is a quick, easy read. It’s smart, fun... ...閱讀更多內容

    $95.19 HKD

  • Revenge of the Tipping Point

    Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering

    Malcolm Gladwell ……
    AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERMost Anticipated in:AARP | Associated Press | Time Magazine | Oprah Daily | Chicago Tribune | Literary Hub |Publishers Weekly | Publishers LunchTwenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand-new volume that reframes the lessons... ...閱讀更多內容

    $105.69 HKD

  • Nexus

    A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI

    Yuval Noah Harari ……
    **#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Sapiens comes the groundbreaking story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world.“Striking original . . . A historian whose arguments operate on the scale of millennia has managed to capture the zeitgeist perfectly.”—The Economist“This deeply important book comes at a critical time as we all think through the implications of AI ...閱讀更多內容

    $108.79 HKD

  • Living the Asian Century

    An Undiplomatic Memoir

    Kishore Mahbubani ……
    In this stirring memoir, a preeminent politician and diplomat traces the transformation of the Republic of Singapore from a poor colony into an Asian powerhouse.In Living the Asian Century, Kishore Mahbubani vividly chronicles his own life going from a poor childhood in a multiethnic neighborhood to an illustrious diplomatic career that led him far from Singapore to the United States.Along the way ...閱讀更多內容

    $82.09 HKD

  • 失控的焦慮世代:手機餵養的世代,如何面對心理疾病的瘟疫

    The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

    譯者 鍾玉玨 ……
    Series series For2
    NYU教授、掀起全球討論與關注之作睡眠剝奪.社交障礙.注意力碎片化.上癮席捲全球的話題與對策討論【紐約時報、亞馬遜長期暢銷榜首】★為什麼社群媒體對女孩的傷害大於男孩?為什麼男孩持續從現實世界退縮到虛擬世界?我們該如何保護孩子?以及我們自己?二○一○年代開始,青少年精神/心理健康急遽惡化,憂鬱症、焦慮症、自我傷害和自殺的比例急遽上升,成為全球化現象。在《失控的焦慮世代》書中,社會心理學家海德特探討以玩耍為主的童年逐漸沒落、以手機為主的童年抬頭的趨勢,並歸納出為什麼智慧型手機、社群媒體和大型科技,成為全世界青少年心理健康崩潰的主因。本書也指出:為了讓孩子... ...閱讀更多內容

    $69.28 HKD

  • A Man Called Ove

    Now a major film starring Tom Hanks

    Fredrik Backman ……
    譯者 Henning Koch ……
    NOW A MAJOR FILM STARRING TOM HANKS**The million-copy bestselling phenomenon: a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step.'Warm, funny, and almost unbearably moving' Daily Mail'Delightful . . . the perfect holiday read' Evening Standard**Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - ...閱讀更多內容

    $76.89 HKD

  • 阿濃的有情世界

    阿濃 ……
    本書收錄21個有意思的故事,由著名兒童文學作家阿濃撰寫,兒子Birdy繪畫,父子聯手打造阿濃的有情世界。誠邀你進入這個有情世界,感受濃情,細味深意。故事吸引,需要奇思妙想的情節,引大家發笑的幽默感,但不可缺少的是故事後面藏有的「意思」。這些「意思」或隱或現,或大或小,等於食物中的營養。我們把食物吃了,有一個健康的身體。我們把故事看了,有一個健康的心靈。  不論是哪一類的故事,我希望你看完會說:「這故事有意思!」既表示好看,還比好看多了點可咀嚼的東西。 ...閱讀更多內容

    $62.00 HKD

  • Reagan: His Life and Legend

    Max Boot ……
    **NEW YORK TIMES • 10 BEST BOOKS OF 2024INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWashington Post • 50 Best Nonfiction Books of 2024Best Books of 2024: The New Yorker, The Economist, Chicago Public Library, The Auburn Citizen"This elegant biography of the 40th president stands out for its deep authority and nimble style.... A landmark work." —New York Times, "10 Best Books of 2024""Reagan: His Lif... ...閱讀更多內容

    $226.69 HKD

  • The Signal and the Noise

    Why So Many Predictions Fail-but Some Don't

    Nate Silver ……
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The groundbreaking exploration of probability and uncertainty that explains how to make better predictions in a world drowning in data, from the nation’s foremost political forecaster—updated with insights into the pandemic, journalism today, and pollingOne of The Wall Street Journal’s Ten Best Works of Nonfiction of the Year“Could turn out to be one of the more ...閱讀更多內容

    $94.49 HKD

  • 槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵:人類社會的命運‧25週年暢銷紀念版

    Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

    歷史上到底發生了什麼事,讓世界這麼不平等?「我們這個時代的達爾文」賈德‧戴蒙經典不墜之作最具原創性與影響力的一萬三千年人類簡史榮獲普立茲獎、英國皇家學會科學圖書獎、紐約時報暢銷書36國語言譯本,全球銷售超過數百萬冊|25週年暢銷紀念版|為什麼現代社會中的財富和權力分配,是以今日此種面貌呈現?為何越過大洋殺戮、征服和滅絕的,不是美洲、非洲的土著,而是歐洲人和亞洲人?歷史上到底發生了什麼事,導致現代世界的不平等?透過生物地理學、演化生物學、語言學、文化人類學等科學的視野,賈德.戴蒙帶領讀者橫跨一萬三千年,探索不同族群的發展軌跡。本書挑戰了傳統史觀,出版至今傳誦不墜、激起無數討論,本身即是人類文明的重大進展。閱讀本書,不但能明白現代世界的生成,亦將使未來世界的樣貌更為明晰。/建構人... ...閱讀更多內容

    $81.39 HKD

  • 香港,鬱躁的家邦:本土觀點的香港源流史(增修版)

    徐承恩 ……
    Series series 左岸歷史
    沒有歷史的國族,就沒有未來。香港人:自己歷史自己寫!香港人在改寫自己的歷史,而且是現在進行式!  ***增修版說明  本書第一版出版於雨傘運動、魚蛋革命之後,是香港人在面對中國政府不願履行「一國兩制」的承諾而發起公民抵抗運動似乎已然失敗的時候。香港人「經濟動物」的特性讓所有外人都以為,現實的香港人肯定會選擇向中共靠攏,更加融入中國。但我們都看錯香港人了。  因為一起發生在台灣的陳同佳殺人案,促使港府計畫修訂《逃犯條例》,進而引發香港人的「反送中運動」一發不可收拾。從2019年6月9日的百萬人上街遊行到10月23日港府正式撤回《逃犯條例》,運動至今仍未結束。香港人每個週末都走上街頭,和鎮暴警察對峙鬥智,堅持「五大訴求,缺一不可」,要求特首林鄭月娥給個交待。最新的發展甚至演變為中大、科大、浸大、理大的陣地戰。這段期間有年輕人以輕生明志,有年輕人被打、被抓、甚至被殺。如此堅定而強烈的抗爭 ...閱讀更多內容

    $110.22 HKD

  • Pyramid of Lies

    The Prime Minister, the Banker and the Billion Pound Scandal

    Duncan Mavin ……
    An epic true story of ambition, greed and hubris – the collapse of Greensill Capital is a billion pound scandal that shredded the reputation of a British Prime Minister.**'The British version of Bad Blood . . . [but] better' – The Sunday Times'Terrific' – The Observer, Book of the Week**Pyramid of Lies charts the meteoric rise and spectacular downfall of Lex Greensill and his company. He had a ...閱讀更多內容

    $59.09 HKD

  • 制度基因──中國制度與極權主義制度的起源

    Institutional Genes: The Origins of China's Institutions and Totalitarianism

    許成鋼 ……
    系列 第 15 冊 - 臺大哈佛燕京學術叢書
    為何習近平要收緊私企政策,壯大國有經濟?為何蘇聯東歐各國的共產政權因經濟崩潰而紛紛垮台時,中國仍屹立不搖?許成鋼透過「制度基因」的架構,解釋中西憲政發展與極權演變的前因與後果。本書探討中國制度和共產極權主義制度的起源和演變,並引入「制度基因」這個分析概念,以研究從蘇俄來的制度基因如何與中國帝制的制度基因融合,創造出具有中國特色且持久的極權主義政權。制度基因是不斷自我複製並影響制度演變的基本制度要素,是可以實證識別的。作者首先分析共產極權主義意識形態在歐洲興起,並在俄國的制度基因基礎上產生出極權主義制度。然後分析中國帝制制度基因的起源和演變,著重這些制度基因如何與蘇俄共產國際引入到中國的共產極權主義制度基因相結合,使中共得以在中國建立極權制。接著討論中國大躍進、文化大革命時期的制度變化,分析在蘇俄極權制度基因和中國傳統制度基因的基礎上,如何產生出中國特色的區域管理的極權主義制度 ...閱讀更多內容

    $156.97 HKD