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eBooks in de categorie Hedendaags

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1 - 24 van 38605 resultaten worden weergegeven
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  • The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches

    door Sangu Mandanna ...
    “This is one of my coziest reads of the last year, and I find myself thinking about its enchanted setting all the time.”−Emily Henry, #1 New York Times bestselling authorA warm and uplifting novel about an isolated witch whose opportunity to embrace a quirky new family—and a new love—changes the course of her life.As one of the few witches in Britain, Mika Moon knows she has to hide her magic, ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99 € 2,99

  • Modern Fae Box Set

    Books 1-3

    door E. Menozzi ...
    Serie Boek 0 - Modern Fae
    Enjoy the first three books in the Modern Fae series!Eve of the FaeEve doesn't believe in magic...until she falls for an undercover Fae prince. Surrendering to a forbidden love that will threaten both their lives.Dawn of the FaeHe's a half demon on the run. She's an Elemental Fae with broken magic. Together they could end a war or bring both sides down in flames.Will of the Fae<... ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99 € 0,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    door J.K. Rowling ...
    Serie Boek 4 - Harry Potter
    'There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways ... their magical prowess - their daring - their powers of deduction - and, of course, their ability to cope with danger.'The Triwizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts. Only wizards who are over seventeen are allowed to enter - but that doesn't stop Harry dreaming that he ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Rivers of London

    Book 1 in the #1 bestselling Rivers of London series

    door Ben Aaronovitch ...
    Serie Boek 1 - A Rivers of London novel
    Book 1 in the Rivers of London series, from Sunday Times Number One bestselling author Ben Aaronovitch.My name is Peter Grant, and I used to be a probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service, and to everyone else as the Filth.My story really begins when I tried to take a witness statement from a man who was already ... Meer lezen

    € 0,99

  • Once Upon A Broken Heart

    the New York Times bestseller

    door Stephanie Garber ...
    Series series Once Upon a Broken Heart
    How far would you go for happily ever after?'An unputdownable fairy tale' Kerri Maniscalco, New York Times bestselling author of Kingdom of the WickedFrom the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of the Caraval series, the first book in a new series about love, curses, and the lengths that people will go to for happily ever after.For as long as she ... ... Meer lezen

    € 5,49

  • Vrees niet

    door Stephen King ...
    Vertaald door Annemarie Lodewijk ...
    Holly Gibney is een van de lievelingspersonages van King én de lezers: Holly stond 17 weken in de Bestseller 60Wanneer het politiedepartement van Buckeye City een verontrustende brief ontvangt van een persoon die dreigt ‘dertien onschuldigen en één schuldige te vermoorden’, als vergelding voor de onnodige dood van een onschuldige man, weet het korps niet wat ze ervan moeten denken. Rechercheur ... Meer lezen

    € 13,99


  • Road Trip with a Vampire

    door Jenna Levine ...
    Reformed bad witch Grizelda “Zelda” Watson hoped to leave vampires behind when she moved to sunny California seeking a fresh start.But when amnesiac vampire Peter Elliott unexpectantly shows up on her doorstep asking for help, she can't say no—especially since he's tall, gorgeous, and has the surly expression she's been a sucker for for hundreds of years.Peter isn’t entirely innocent—he has fangs ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99


  • A Witch in Wolf Wood: The Complete Series (Books 1-5)

    door Lindsay Buroker ...
    Series series A Witch in Wolf Wood
    Bookish introvert Morgen Keller never thought she would have a midlife crisis. That was before her husband divorced her, her boss let her go, and her grandmother died.Forty wasn’t supposed to look like this.When Morgen inherits Grandma’s old farmhouse in the small town of Bellrock, Washington, it could be a chance for a fresh start.There are just a few problems…A fearsome werewolf has claimed the ... Meer lezen

    € 0,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    door J.K. Rowling ...
    Serie Boek 7 - Harry Potter
    'Give me Harry Potter,' said Voldemort's voice, 'and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded.'As he climbs into the sidecar of Hagrid's motorbike and takes to the skies, leaving Privet Drive for the last time, Harry Potter knows that Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Het boek der deuren

    door Gareth Brown ...
    Sommige deuren kunnen beter gesloten blijven in dit fantastische debuut over magische boeken. De New Yorkse boekverkoper Cassie Andrews leidt een nietsvermoedend leven totdat een van haar trouwste klanten plotseling overlijdt in haar boekwinkel. In zijn handen vindt Cassie een boek met een bijzondere boodschap op de eerste bladzijde: Dit is het Boek der deuren. Hou het in je hand en elke deur is ... Meer lezen

    € 12,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Harry Potter en het Vervloekte Kind Deel een en twee

    De officiële tekst van de oorspronkelijke West End-productie

    Vertaald door Wiebe Buddingh' ...
    Negentien jaar geleden redden Harry Potter, Ron Wemel en Hermelien Griffel de tovenaarswereld. Nu vertrekken ze wederom op een buitengewoon avontuur, samen met een nieuwe generatie dappere leerlingen die nog maar net aangekomen is op Zweinsteins Hogeschool voor Hekserij en Hocus-Pocus. Terwijl Harry een verleden probeert te verwerken dat steeds maar weer komt bovendrijven, worstelt zijn jongste ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99

  • The House in the Cerulean Sea

    door TJ Klune ...
    Serie Boek 1 - Cerulean Chronicles
    A NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, and WASHINGTON POST BESTSELLER!A 2021 Alex Award winner!The 2021 RUSA Reading List: Fantasy Winner!An Indie Next Pick!One of Publishers Weekly's "Most Anticipated Books of Spring 2020"One of Book Riot’s “20 Must-Read Feel-Good Fantasies”Lambda Literary Award-winning author TJ Klune’s... ... Meer lezen

    € 10,99

  • De wrede prins

    door Holly Black ...
    Vertaald door Anne-Marieke Buijs ...
    Serie Boek 1 - Elfhame
    De nieuwe serie van internationale bestsellerauteur Holly Black, van wie er wereldwijd al miljoenen boeken over de toonbank gingen.Natuurlijk wil ik zijn zoals zij. Ze zijn prachtig, als zwaarden gesmeed in een hemels vuur. Cardan is nog mooier dan de rest. Hem haat ik het allermeest. Ik haat hem zo erg dat soms, als ik naar hem kijk, ik nauwelijks kan ademhalen.Toen Jude zeven was, kwam er een ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Rhythm of War

    The Stormlight Archive Book Four

    The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the sensational fourth book in Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling series**.**After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. Neither side has gained an advantage, and the threat of a betrayal by Dalinar's crafty ... Meer lezen

    € 7,99

  • Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set

    Mistborn, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages

    Series series MISTBORN
    A boxed set of the landmark fantasy from Brandon Sanderson, the man credited with breathing fresh life into Robert Jordan's WHEEL OF TIME.An epic fantasy set in a world where the Dark Lord has gained dominion over the world.A world of ash and pain. A world subjugated. But a world where magic can be drawn from metals. A world waiting for a new heroine, a new hope.A word of mouth bestseller in the ... Meer lezen

    € 15,99

  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    door J.K. Rowling ...
    Serie Boek 5 - Harry Potter
    'You are sharing the Dark Lord's thoughts and emotions. The Headmaster thinks it inadvisable for this to continue. He wishes me to teach you how to close your mind to the Dark Lord.'Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • The Night Circus

    Escape with the epic, enchanting fantasy phenomenon

    door Erin Morgenstern ...
    The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. The black sign, painted in white letters that hangs upon the gates, reads:Opens at NightfallCloses at DawnAs the sun disappears beyond the horizon, all over the tents small lights begin to flicker, as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies. When the ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99 € 3,99

  • Miniapolis

    door Rob van Essen ...
    Jonathan en zijn overleden moeder zoeken haar geboortehuis; twee collega’s fietsen de stad uit. Geplaagd door hun verleden, wederzijds ongemak en vlagen optimisme komen zij elkaar, en zichzelf tegen. ‘Miniapolis’ is een roman waarin het kenmerkende universum van Rob van Essen zich weer op volle sterkte ontvouwt – vervreemdend maar altijd menselijk, melancholisch maar nooit zonder humor. Zeggen ze ... Meer lezen

    € 13,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude

    Vertaald door Gregory Rabassa ...
    ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS BOOKS AND WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE_______________________________'Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice'Gabriel García Márquez's great masterpiece is the story of seven generations of the Buendía family and of Macondo, the town they ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    door J.K. Rowling ...
    Serie Boek 3 - Harry Potter
    'Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go.'When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Het Instituut

    door Stephen King ...
    Vertaald door Annemarie Lodewijk ...
    ‘De koning van het spannende genre.’ VN Detective en Thrillergids‘Spannend, snel en gewelddadig, maar met humor.’ Noordhollands DagbladVoor de fans van Stranger ThingsMidden in de nacht, in een huis in een rustige straat in een buitenwijk van Minneapolis, worden de ouders van Luke Ellis stilletjes vermoord. Luke zelf wordt in een zwarte SUV geladen en weggereden. Dit alles duurt minder dan twee ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99 € 7,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • The House Witch and The Enchanting of the Hearth

    Fall in love with the cosy fantasy romance that’s got everyone talking

    door Emilie Nikota ...
    Serie Boek 1 - The House Witch
    THERE'S A NEW COOK IN THE CASTLE. AND HE'S GOT A MAGIC TOUCH . . .A heartwarming blend of cosy fantasy and romance in this tale of a wayward house witch and his magical adventures in and out of the royal kitchen.-When Finlay Ashowan joins the kitchen of the King and Queen of Daxaria, he’s an enigma. Which suits Fin just fine. He’s satisfied simply serving as the royal cook, keeping nosy passersby ... Meer lezen

    € 8,99

  • Bloody Fortune

    The Fury of a Vampire Witch, #9

    Serie Boek 9 - The Fury of a Vampire Witch
    Mirror, mirror, on the wall...who's the baddest (w/b)itch of all?I wasn't ever into fortune telling. Thought it was all B.S.But a new witch showed up in town... and she's offered to teach me a few things...I had a little time on my hands. So I figured... what the hell? Why not?But what I saw when I gazed into that damn crystal...I saw my own end... my death... my final death.</strong... ... Meer lezen

    € 5,49 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Edgedancer

    A Stormlight Archive Novella

    AN EPIC STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE NOVELLA FROM THE INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON BEHIND THE COSMEREThree years ago, Lift asked a goddess to stop her from growing older--a wish she believed was granted.Now, in Edgedancer, the barely teenage nascent Knight Radiant finds that time stands still for no one. Although the young Azish emperor granted her safe haven from an executioner she knows only as Darkness, ... Meer lezen

    € 6,49