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eBooks in de categorie Wecken & Inmaken

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1 - 24 van 1146 resultaten worden weergegeven
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  • Uit blik

    Gezonde gerechten uit de voorraadkast

    door Janine Jansen ...
    Series series Gemakkelijk en gezond
    Met deze 60 gezonde recepten uit blik kook je goedkoop, tijdbesparend, verspillingsvrij en eenvoudig.Met het kookboek Uit blik maak je de lekkerste gerechten uit de voorraadkast. Eten uit blik is dé foodtrend, en dat is niet gek. Ingeblikt eten is rijk aan voedingsstoffen – ideaal voor vegans –, bestaat uit gemakkelijke ingrediënten om mee te werken en heeft een zeer lange houdbaarheid. Bovendien ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Food for a Year

    The Leading Prepper’s Guide to Easily Acquiring, Storing, Stockpiling and Preparing Shelf-Stable Foods for Long-Term Survival (Be Well Prepared for Any Disaster or Emergency!)

    door Beau Griffin ...
    You are unprepared...Unprepared for a seismic change in the world that could leave you alone and afraid.That’s why you’re thinking about ways to safeguard your future, protect your family and maintain your health should the worst happen. Some say it never will, but you can’t switch off unless you know you’re prepared the right way.Well, when you know how to guarantee a long-term food supply in any ... Meer lezen

    € 2,49 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Let's Preserve It

    579 recipes for preserving fruits and vegetables and making jams, jellies, chutneys, pickles and fruit butters and cheeses

    door Beryl Wood ...
    This unique and comprehensive recipe book revives the art of making jams, jellies, pickles and chutneys, and celebrates the joys of transforming a surfeit of anything - from apples to whortleberries - into jars full of sweetness.First published in 1970, Beryl Wood's classic Let's Preserve It is the ultimate preserving bible. In this small encyclopaedia, Wood distils the immense knowledge of ... Meer lezen

    € 14,99

  • Alles für die Vorratskammer

    Natürlich. Praktisch. Selbst gemacht

    Bewerkt door Löwenzahn Verlag ...
    Serie Boek 14 - Regionale Jahreszeitenküche. Einfache Rezepte für jeden Tag!
    SELBSTVERSORGUNG LEICHT GEMACHT - einkochen nach bewährten Bäuerinnenrezepten! Im Buch "Alles für die Vorratskammer" finden Sie rund 200 abwechslungsreiche Rezepte zum Haltbarmachen. Fruchtige Erdbeermarmelade einkochen, Gemüse pikant einlegen oder köstliche Äpfel und Tomaten aus dem Garten trocknen - 9 Bäuerinnen aus allen Bundesländern Österreichs zeigen Ihnen leicht verständlich, wie Sie selbst ... Meer lezen

    € 12,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Jam & Zuur

    100 recepten voor het zelf inmaken van groente en fruit

    Let op: Epub3 fixed lay-out, niet geschikt voor e-reader.In Jam & Zuur wisselen ouderwetse klassiekers en gedurfde, moderne smaakcombinaties elkaar af om de voorraadkast te vullen met diverse groente en het lekkerste fruit van het seizoen. Naast een stap-voor-stapbereiding voor jam vind je nog veel meer zoete verleidingen zoals kruidige mandarijnsiroop, mangojam met kokos en rode-uienrelish met ... Meer lezen

    € 14,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Feasts

    Delicious Middle Eastern dishes to share with family and friends

    door Sabrina Ghayour ...
    'Ghayour is responsible for making Persian food fashionable, and her new book does not disappoint. It is a joyous celebration of gathering friends and family around a table laden with abundance.' - SUNDAY TIMES IRELAND'Sabrina Ghayour knows how to throw a party: serve big dishes of beautifully spiced food and let everyone dig in.' - OLIVE'Sabrina Ghayour's Middle-Eastern-plus food is all flavour, ... Meer lezen

    € 2,99

  • Fresh India

    An Indian cookbook filled with 130 quick and easy vegetarian recipes for every day

    door Meera Sodha ...
    FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF EAST AND MADE IN INDIA________________________________Guardian columnist Meera Sodha reveals a whole new side of Indian food that's fresh, delicious, meat-free and quick to make at home.This is a book all about vegetables, but whether you call it a vegetarian cookbook is up to you. There are familiar and classic Indian recipes like dals, curries and pickles, ... Meer lezen

    € 14,99

  • Wagamama Your Way

    Fresh Flexible Recipes for Body + Mind

    door Wagamama Limited ...
    Series series Wagamama Titles
    Love this? Check out Wagamama's latest cookbook, Soul KitchenFeaturing more than 70 fresh, vibrant recipes to nourish and inspire, including quick and easy meals, soulful comfort food and store cupboard 'throw togethers', the dishes in wagamama your way are designed to be flexible for everyday and everyone, complete with vegan and vegetarian options for every recipe.From vegan katsu curry and ... Meer lezen

    € 3,99

  • Jam, Chutney & Relish Made Easy

    door James Newton ...
    Series series James Newton Cookbooks
    This book contains all the recipes needed to create tasty tangy preserves using natures finest ingredients. Great to take along to a dinner party, brilliant to use on barbecued burgers or sausages or cheeses. Make them in the summer from country fruits and vegetables and use them all year round. ... Meer lezen

    € 1,41 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Asian Pickles: Japan

    Recipes for Japanese Sweet, Sour, Salty, Cured, and Fermented Tsukemono [A Cookbook]

    door Karen Solomon ...
    A DIY guide to making the salty, sweet, tangy, and sometimes spicy pickles of Japan, featuring 16 recipes for traditional tsukemono as well as new favorites with innovative ingredients and techniques.For Asian food aficionados and preservers and picklers looking for new frontiers, the natural standout is Japan's diverse array of pickled products and innovative flavor pairings that wow the palate. ... Meer lezen

    € 3,99

  • Ball Blue Book of Canning and Preserving Recipes

    door Various ...
    This Ball Blue Book is a fascinating handbook for canning and preserving, providing traditional recipes and handy tips for how to use a wide variety of jars to conserve different foods.This classic volume is a must-read guide for anyone who wants to learn the art of canning and preserving their own food or for old hands who are looking for fresh inspiration and recipe tips. Charts and diagrams ... Meer lezen

    € 9,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • My Zero-Waste Kitchen

    Easy Ways to Eat Waste Free

    door Kate Turner ...
    Looking to live sustainably without overhauling your life? My Zero-Waste Kitchen shows you how to put the three R's - reduce, reuse, recycle - into practice in the kitchen.Discover the secrets of sustainability, including shopping wisely, which foods you can freeze, and how to turn your scraps into delicious dishes and snacks such as falafel, pesto, and even melt-in-the-mouth cake. Handy tips and ... Meer lezen

    € 5,99

  • Fermented: A beginner's guide to making your own sourdough, yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi and more

    door Charlotte Pike ...
    Incorporate fermented foods into everyday eating with delicious recipes that are easily achievable at home. Chapters covering fruit and vegetables, milk, pulses, sourdough baking and drinks will introduce you to unique new flavours as well as traditional fermented vegetables such as German Sauerkraut and Korean Kimchi. Learn how to make the most delicious and useful ferments at home and then use ... Meer lezen

    € 3,99

  • My All American® Pressure Canner Cookbook Companion

    10 Foolproof and Fun Recipes for Home Preserving

    door Sandra May ...
    This is the 10 recipe companion to Sandra's 120 recipe cookbook, My All American® Pressure Canner Cookbook: 120 Foolproof and Fun Recipes for Home Preserving. Check it out today!   ... Meer lezen


  • The Prepper’s Pantry: Survival Food Basics

    Survival Basics, #2

    door Bill Cobb ...
    Serie Boek 2 - Survival Basics
    Prepping, Pantry, and Food Preservation - Save Your Family!Preppers know that one of the most important things in their stockpile is a steady source of food. But most people just go out to the store and waste money buying a bunch of boxed garbage that isn't healthy and won't provide the proper nutrients you need to survive any situation.But there is a much better way - building a Prepper's Pantry ... Meer lezen

    € 2,73 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • How To Preserve Eggs: Freezing, Pickling, Dehydrating, Larding, Water Glassing, & More

    door Leigh Tate ...
    Series series The Little Series of Homestead How-Tos from 5 Acres & A Dream
    Ever wonder what to do with all those extra eggs? This little eBook shows you a number of ways to preserve them: freezing, pickling, dehydrating, larding, and water glassing. Also discusses shelf life, off-grid methods of preservation, and how to have fresh eggs all winter long. An excellent addition to every homestead and preparedness library. ... Meer lezen


  • A to Z Canning and Preserving for Total Beginners The Essential Canning Recipes and Canning Supplies Guide

    door Lisa Bond ...
    Preserving food to last through the cold months or packaging or bottling it to travel long distances has long been a concern. Napoleon stated, "An army travels on its stomach." He was referring to the problems involved with transporting sufficient food to keep his men fed. The Napoleonic soldiers were often hungry, thanks to the difficulty of transporting fresh food. Just to show that he was ... Meer lezen


  • Preserving Food: A Beginner’s Guide to Pickles, Chutneys and Sauces

    Preserving Food – A Beginner’s Guide to Pickles, Chutneys and SaucesTable of ContentsIntroductionWhy Make Chutneys and Pickles?Tips for choosing best fruit and VegetablesTips for Pickles and Chutney MakingChutneysPopular ChutneysGooseberry ChutneyTraditional Farmer’s Garlic ChutneyTechnique of MarinationUsing BrineVinegarsMaking Spiced VinegarTraditional Garden PickleTraditional Piccal... ... Meer lezen

    € 2,80 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Vis uit blik 2

    door Bart van Olphen ...
    Hét kookboek voor iedereen die duurzaam en bewust vis wil eten. Ontdek de heerlijke recepten met vis uit blik van Fish Tales ondernemer Bart van Olphen. Met Vis uit Blik 2 bewijst visman Bart van Olphen van Fish Tales voor eens en voor altijd dat vis uit blik dé absolute keukenheld in ieders keukenkastje is. Deze geheel nieuwe editie vol watertandlekkere recepten, met fotografie van David Loftus, ... Meer lezen

    € 10,99 of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Asian Pickles: Korea

    Recipes for Spicy, Sour, Salty, Cured, and Fermented Kimchi and Banchan [A Cookbook]

    door Karen Solomon ...
    A DIY guide to making the salty, sweet, tangy, and spicy pickles of Korea, featuring 15 recipes ranging from traditional kimchi to new favorites with innovative ingredients and techniques.For Asian food aficionados as well as preservers and picklers looking for new frontiers, the natural standout is Korea's diverse array of pickled products, homemade ingredients, and condiments that wow the palate ... Meer lezen

    € 3,99

  • JeBouffe Les Conserves Maison

    door JeBouffe ...
    Ce guide a pour but de vous fournir les informations nécessaires à la production agréable et sécuritaire de vos premiers petits bocaux. Il vous accompagnera dans toutes les étapes, de la préparation jusqu'à l'entreposage de vos produits.Dans un premier temps vous aller découvrir les principes de la conservation de différents types d'aliment, les avantages de faire ses conserves maison, puis les ... Meer lezen


  • Made at Home: Preserves

    A complete guide to jam, jars, bottles and preserving

    Series series Made at Home
    Preserves helps you make the most of plentiful seasonal produce and enjoy it all year round. This book is a how-to guide to preserving fruits and vegetables, featuring step-by-step practical instructions, tips & advice on what to preserve when, and recipes to make your mouth water. From strawberry leather to sweetcorn and pepper relish, to honeyed figs with lamb and goat's cheese crostini, ... Meer lezen

    € 2,99

  • Classic Preserves

    140 Delicious Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Relishes and Chutneys Shown in 220 Stunning Photographs

    Homemade preserves are delicious, easy to make and a delight for the whole family. This book will help you ensure that the shelves of your store cupboard will always be full of evocative, mouthwatering condiments and confections made, jarred and decorated in your own kitchen. Fresh, bright and contemporary, this beautiful new cookbook is filled with 140 recipes covering every kind of preserve and ... Meer lezen

    € 0,99

  • 21 Days to Basic Preparedness

    Simple Things You Can Do to Prepare for Any Emergency

    door David Nash ...
    Disaster can strike at any time ...... is your family prepared?Getting prepared for an emergency is confusing. It can get overwhelming. If you're like most new "preppers" out there, you've probably found yourself spending too much time and money looking at what you're afraid or spending money to get comforting thoughts.You might have even opened up your wallet and thrown money at the problem or ... Meer lezen
