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eBooks sobre Jurisprudência

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  • CIRE Anotado

    Anotado com jurisprudência

    Series series JurIndex3 - Códigos Anotados
    Código da Insolvência e da Recuperação de Empresas Anotado (Portugal) - ed. 2015. Anotado com jurisprudência do TC, STJ, STA TRL, TRP, TRC, TRE, TRG, TCAS e TCAN, com links para o texto integral. Toda a jurisprudência em cada artigo. Alterações ao CIRE bem visíveis (texto antigo a vermelho; texto novo a verde). Actualizado (30/6/2015). ... Ler mais

    10,00 €

  • The Early Cases of Hercule Poirot

    This collection of 25 Hercule Poirot adventures by Agatha Christie are compiled from short stories written for The Sketch magazine from March to December 1923. Hercule Poirot delighted in telling people that he was probably the best detective in the world. So turning back the clock to trace eighteen of the cases which helped establish his professional reputation was always going to be a ... Ler mais

    0,99 € ou Gratuito com Kobo Plus

  • Law: A Very Short Introduction

    de Raymond Wacks ...
    Series series Very Short Introductions
    Law underlies our society - it protects our rights, imposes duties on each of us, and establishes a framework for the conduct of almost every social, political, and economic activity. The punishment of crime, compensation of the injured, and the enforcement of contracts are merely some of the tasks of a modern legal system. It also strives to achieve justice, promote freedom, and protect our ... Ler mais

    7,84 €

  • The Narrow Corridor

    States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty: Winners of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics

    'As enjoyable as it is thought-provoking' Jared DiamondBy the authors of the international bestseller Why Nations Fail, based on decades of research, this powerful new big-picture framework explains how some countries develop towards and provide liberty while others fall to despotism, anarchy or asphyxiating norms - and explains how liberty can thrive despite new threats.Liberty is hardly the ... Ler mais

    10,99 €

  • Inside the Robe, A Judge's Candid Tale of Criminal Justice in America

    COURTHOUSE CONFIDENTIALTo most people, judges are mysterious creatures. As Anthony Bourdain invited readers to follow him behind the scenes of the restaurant business in his bestseller, Kitchen Confidential, and Caitlin Doughty's Smoke Gets in Your Eyes was a revealing peak into the mysteries of what happens after death inside a mortuary, Inside the Robe shines a bright spotlight into the hidden ... Ler mais


  • Sharks: Conservation, Governance and Management

    Editado por Erika J. Techera, Natalie Klein ...
    Series series Earthscan Oceans
    The key aim of this book is to explore the global conservation and management of sharks. There has been a rapid decline in populations of many shark species, while new science has emerged of the critical role they play in marine ecosystems. However, the authors show that conservation law and policy have been slow to develop, with only a small number of iconic species being protected worldwide. The ... Ler mais

    58,71 €

  • Land Tax in Australia

    Fiscal reform of sub-national government

    Land Tax in Australia demonstrates how land tax operates and is administered across State and local governments in Australia. International expert Vincent Mangioni reviews the current status and emerging trends in these taxes in Australia and compares them with the UK, USA, Canada, Denmark and New Zealand. Using substantial original research, the author sets out what Australia must do through ... Ler mais

    58,71 €

  • Engendering Resistance: Agency and Power in Women's Prisons

    de Mary Bosworth ...
    This book explores how power is negotiated in women’s prisons. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in three penal establishments in England, it analyses how women manage the restrictions of imprisonment and the manner in which they attempt to resist institutional control. It is proposed that power is negotiated on a private, individual level, as women often resist the institution simply by trying to ... Ler mais

    68,93 €

  • Degrowth

    A Vocabulary for a New Era

    Degrowth is a rejection of the illusion of growth and a call to repoliticize the public debate colonized by the idiom of economism. It is a project advocating the democratically-led shrinking of production and consumption with the aim of achieving social justice and ecological sustainability.This overview of degrowth offers a comprehensive coverage of the main topics and major challenges of ... Ler mais

    48,50 €

  • Jacques Derrida

    Law as Absolute Hospitality

    Series series Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers
    Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality presents a comprehensive account and understanding of Derrida’s approach to law and justice. Through a detailed reading of Derrida’s texts, Jacques de Ville contends that it is only by way of Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence, and specifically in relation to the texts of Husserl, Levinas, Freud and Heidegger - that the reasoning ... Ler mais


  • ¿Qué es la justicia?

    Argumentos filosóficos sobre lo justo y lo injusto. Discusión sobre los cupos de raza y género

    Desde un punto de vista filosófico, pero sumamente accesible para cualquier lector, esta reconocida investigadora de la Filosofía del Derecho expone y analiza las distintas perspectivas que entran en juego cada vez que se evalúa un hecho o una acción para considerar si es justo o injusto. Como aplicación práctica de los conceptos, analiza un tema de controversia mundial: los cupos laborales o de ... Ler mais

    7,99 € ou Gratuito com Kobo Plus

  • Disability, Care and Family Law

    This book explores the series of issues that emerge at the intersection of disability, care and family law.Disability studies is an area of increasing academic interest. In addition to a subject in its own right, there has been growing concern to ensure that mainstream subjects diversify and include marginalised voices, including those of disabled people. Family law in modern times is often based ... Ler mais

    48,50 €

  • The Good Work Guide

    How to Make Organizations Fairer and More Effective

    de Nick Isles ...
    As the world reels from the credit crunch and fall into recession of late 2008, the search is on for a better way to do business. In an increasingly knowledge driven economy, the importance of people's discretionary effort to business performance is key to success - or failure - but many businesses and managers do not understand the alchemy required to gain the extra few per cent from their human ... Ler mais

    48,50 €

  • La liberté d'expression

    Pour qui, pour quoi, jusqu'où ?

    Les Éditions Anthemis vous proposent un outil complet pour comprendre la liberté d'expression.La communication est partout, sur tous les supports, de la parole à Twitter, en passant par le dessin, la photo ou la vidéo. L’expression est libre, mais quelle est cette liberté et quelles sont ses limites ?Qu'est-ce que la vie privée, l’image, l’honneur, la présomption d’innocence, la dignité humaine, ... Ler mais

    29,99 €

  • The Cultural Defense

    In what ways and to what extent should cultural background be taken into consideration in response to legal problems? The first book-length study of the topic, The Cultural Defense provides a comprehensive overview of the debate surrounding the admissibility of cultural evidence in the courtroom. Documenting an extraordinary range of cases in which individuals have attempted to invoke a cultural ... Ler mais

    20,13 €

  • Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy

    Written by leading experts in the field of business, finance, law and economics, this edited volume brings together the latest thoughts and developments on turnaround management and business rescue from an academic, judiciary and turnaround/insolvency practitioner perspective.Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy presents different viewpoints on turnarounds and business rescue in Europe. Presenting ... Ler mais

    53,61 €

  • The Forensic Psychologist's Report Writing Guide

    The Forensic Psychologist’s Reporting Writing Guide is the first book to provide both student trainees and practitioners with best practice guidance for one of the core skills of their role.Written and edited by an international range of experts from the UK, North America and Australasia, it provides clear advice on a range of assessments, from psychometric tests to personality functioning, and ... Ler mais

    51,05 €

  • Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights

    Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy

    The emergence of voluntary corporate codes of conduct since the early 1990s is both a manifestation of and a response to the process of globalization. They have been part of a more general shift away from state regulation of transnational corporations towards corporate self-regulation in the areas of labour and environmental standards and human rights. This work provides a critical perspective on ... Ler mais

    63,82 €

  • Controversies in Tax Law

    A Matter of Perspective

    Series series Controversies in American Constitutional Law
    This volume presents a new approach to today’s tax controversies, reflecting that debates about taxation often turn on the differing worldviews of the debate participants. For instance, a central tension in academic tax literature - which is filtering into everyday discussions of tax law - exists between 'mainstream' and 'critical' tax theorists. This tension results from a clash of perspectives: ... Ler mais

    58,71 €

  • Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law

    Series series Routledge Handbooks in Law
    This book critically explores the legal tools, concepts, principles and instruments, as well as cross-cutting issues, that comprise the field of international environmental law. Commencing with foundational elements, progressing on to discrete sub-fields, then exploring regional cooperative approaches, cross-cutting issues and finally emerging challenges for international environmental law, it ... Ler mais

    74,03 €

  • John Rawls: Reticent Socialist

    This book is the first detailed reconstruction of the late work of John Rawls, who was perhaps the most influential philosopher of the twentieth century. Rawls's 1971 treatise, A Theory of Justice, stimulated an outpouring of commentary on 'justice-as-fairness,' his conception of justice for an ideal, self-contained, modern political society. Most of that commentary took Rawls to be defending ... Ler mais

    31,47 €

  • Prosperity without Growth

    Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow

    de Tim Jackson ...
    What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental and social limits?The publication of Prosperity without Growth was a landmark in the sustainability debate. Tim Jackson’s piercing challenge to conventional economics openly questioned the most highly prized goal of politicians and economists alike: the continued pursuit of exponential economic growth. Its findings provoked controversy, ... Ler mais

    28,07 €

  • Trials of the State

    Law and the Decline of Politics

    A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERIn the past few decades, legislatures throughout the world have suffered from gridlock. In democracies, laws and policies are just as soon unpicked as made. It seems that Congress and Parliaments cannot forge progress or consensus. Moreover, courts often overturn decisions made by elected representatives.In the absence of effective politicians, many turn to the courts to ... Ler mais

    9,85 €

  • La giudice

    Una donna in magistratura

    “Un libro temerario, la narrazione di un percorso insieme intellettuale e collettivo, che ci consegna numerosi spunti di riflessione. Un’occasione da non lasciar cadere, che riguarda tutti noi e il mondo nel quale vogliamo abitare.” MELANIA G. MAZZUCCORacconto questa storia, la mia e quella di altre, non perché la ritenga particolarmente significativa, ma perché mi ha insegnato che esserci, come ... Ler mais

    8,99 €