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美洲 電子書

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  • 極簡美國史


    関真興 ……
    譯者 劉姍珊 ……
    Series series 圖解雜學
    歷史不到250年的美國是如何從一介殖民地,躍升成為世界的霸主?華盛頓當選總統、南北戰爭、奴隸解放宣言、橫貫大陸鐵路、淘金潮羅斯福新政、第二次世界大戰、古巴飛彈危機、越南戰爭……快速了解美國從誕生到現在的所有經歷!◆華盛頓曾表示「外交上要避免捲入戰爭」!?美國在多次的戰爭中逐漸擴大領土。不過美國第一任總統華盛頓曾主張:「不該跟他國結盟,外交上要避免捲入戰爭。」◆美國國土大幅擴展,其實是和拿破崙進行土地買賣?美國獨立時的領土只有東岸的十三州。不過在跟拿破崙購買路易斯安那後,美國國土面積一口氣增加了好幾倍。◆美元的起源是西班牙?其實dólar是現今美國貨幣「美元」的起源。曾是英國殖民地的美國,為何會和西班牙的「dólar」扯上關係呢?◆哈佛大學曾是培養神職人員的學校?在世界各地皆具有「權威」的哈佛... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$228 TWD

  • 不可不知的加拿大史

    张鹏 ……
    加拿大,被誉为“枫叶之国”,无论是经济发展、社会自由度、国民幸福感还是生活质量,它都处于世界的前列。迷人的自然风光,优越的生活环境以及绚烂的多元文化,使得加拿大一直为世人所称赞,并成为令人心驰神往的美好国度。 虽然没有悠久的历史,但加拿大的现代化历程却独树一帜。它既没有爆发过轰轰烈烈的革命运动,也没有掀起过波澜壮阔的独立战争,更没有开展过疯狂不休的对外侵略。加拿大的历史始终在一种温和的改良主义道路上缓慢前行。不断地改革与妥协既保持了国家的领土完整和主权独立,同时又极大地促进了社会经济发展。 本书用简明扼要的笔法,以殖民地、自治领和独立国家等时期为线索,辅以经济、政治、文化、宗教和社会等方面内容,勾勒出加拿大从殖民地到21世纪初的基本脉络,展示出加拿大独具特色的历史魅力。 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$252 TWD

  • The Wild Truth

    Carine McCandless ……
    A New York Times Bestseller"The Wild Truth is an important book on two fronts: It sets the record straight about a story that has touched thousands of readers, and it opens up a conversation about hideous domestic violence hidden behind a mask of prosperity and propriety."–NPR.orgThe spellbinding story of Chris McCandless, who gave away his savings, hitchhiked to Alaska, walked into the wilderness ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$67 TWD

  • 老師的謊言:從高中課本拆解「讓美國再次偉大」的虛妄與希望

    Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got

    美國影史經典《亂世佳人》,其實是種族主義的照妖鏡?「寄生上流」中的下流味,三重障礙的海倫凱勒說她「聞得到」。知識分子比較反對越戰?真相和你想的不一樣!美國的「昭昭天命」,如何影響他們對於瘟疫的看法?★ 榮獲美國圖書獎 American Book Award★ OCC傑出反種族歧視學術獎 Oliver Cromwell Cox Award for Distinguished Anti-Racist Scholarship★ AESA評審大獎 AESA Critics' Choice Award●迎接「新課綱世代」的全新歷史觀!洛溫教授揭露美國歷史教科書的問題,直指其中的錯誤與歧視的論點。愛國主義是謊言的溫床,為了教學生愛國,教科書不惜扭曲史實,對歷史人物歌功頌德,充斥種族歧視與階級意識。但這麼做,只是扼殺學生獨立思考的能力。他研究十八本一般美國高中採用的教科書,結果發現這些教科書的觀點很狹隘 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$420 TWD

  • 美利堅國度:十一個相互對立的地區文化史

    American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

    科林‧伍達德 ……
    譯者 王琳茱 ……
    Series series Americanology
    在北美大陸上演的「十一國演義」!2024年美國總統大選前,必讀指南★《新共和》雜誌、《全球主義者》評選年度最佳圖書★ 亞馬遜網站超過3,000位讀者「五星好評」★《國家的品格》作者科林.伍達德又一力作剖析今日的美國為何會走上分裂?為何南方比較多川粉,北方比較多左膠?這是因為美國埋藏了11組彼此對立且分歧的基因!  《新共和》:「透過追溯歷史深處的種族文化差異,揭示了我們眼前分裂的根源。」  《波特蘭先鋒報》:「發人深省的佳作,打破了政治邊界的觀念。」  《華盛頓郵報》:「修正了那些忽略地區差異、過於簡化以使人安心的國家敘事。」  《科... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$406 TWD

  • The Boys of Summer

    Roger Kahn ……
    "A moving elegy . . . [to] the best team the majors ever saw . . . the Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1950s." — New York TimesThe classic narrative of growing up within shouting distance of Ebbets Field, covering the Jackie Robinson Dodgers, and what’s happened to everybody since.This is a book about young men who learned to play baseball during the 1930s and 1940s, and then went on to play for one of ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$432 TWD

  • The Path to Power

    The Years of Lyndon Johnson I

    Robert A. Caro ……
    系列 第 1 冊 - The Years of Lyndon Johnson
    The Years of Lyndon Johnson is the political biography of our time. No president—no era of American politics—has been so intensively and sharply examined at a time when so many prime witnesses to hitherto untold or misinterpreted facets of a life, a career, and a period of history could still be persuaded to speak.The Path to Power, Book One, reveals in extraordinary detail the genesis of the ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$441 TWD

  • 1491 (Second Edition)

    New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus

    Charles C. Mann ……
    NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A groundbreaking work of science, history, and archaeology that radically alters our understanding of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus in 1492—from “a remarkably engaging writer” (The New York Times Book Review).Contrary to what so many Americans learn in school, the pre-Columbian Indians were not sparsely settled in a pristine wilderness; rather, there were huge ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$114 TWD

  • Raising Government Children

    A History of Foster Care and the American Welfare State

    Catherine E. Rymph ……
    In the 1930s, buoyed by the potential of the New Deal, child welfare reformers hoped to formalize and modernize their methods, partly through professional casework but more importantly through the loving care of temporary, substitute families. Today, however, the foster care system is widely criticized for failing the children and families it is intended to help. How did a vision of dignified ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$644 TWD

  • In Cold Blood

    Truman Capote ……
    Series series Vintage International
    National BestsellerOn November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues.As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$382 TWD

  • 天皇蒙塵

    When the Emperor Was Divine

    譯者 向淑容 ……
    系列 第 21 冊 - 春山文藝
    我是你口中的日本鬼子。你根本沒看見我──我們長得都一樣。一個關於日裔美國人集中營的故事,作者大塚茱麗的家族史改編【專題製作:作者大塚茱麗訪談.臺大法律學系特聘教授陳昭如專文導讀.日裔美國人集中營歷史圖片】一九四一年十二月七日,日軍空襲太平洋歐胡島的珍珠港,揭開了太平洋戰爭的序幕,也是日裔美國人噩夢的開始。美國西岸超過十一萬名日本人與日裔美國人被視為國家的敵人,不分性別 年齡皆送到各地拘留營(但日裔美國人認為這就是集中營),圈禁超過三年,直到二戰結束才返回家園。這就是《天皇蒙塵》故事的背景。《天皇蒙塵》是大塚茱麗的第一本小說,她以母親小時的親身經歷為本,寫出這個既詩意又殘酷,簡練卻充滿細節的獨特作品,二○○二年出版就備受各界好評,也獲得文學獎項,提醒世人這個發生在美國的違反人權事件不該被遺忘,美國一直到一九八八年雷根政府時期,也就是超過四十年後才對日裔美國人進行補... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$252 TWD

  • Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis

    J. D. Vance ……
    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER / OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLDFrom Donald Trump's 2024 Vice-Presidential Candidate‘Essential reading for this moment in history’ New York Times‘Brilliant … offers an acute insight into the reasons voters have put their trust in Trump’ ObserverJ. D. Vance grew up in the hills of Kentucky. His family and friends were the people most of the world cal... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$294 TWD

  • First

    Sandra Day O'Connor

    Evan Thomas ……
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The intimate, inspiring, and authoritative biography of Sandra Day O’Connor, America’s first female Supreme Court justice, drawing on exclusive interviews and first-time access to Justice O’Connor’s archives—as seen on PBS’s American Experience“She’s a hero for our time, and this is the biography for our time.”—Walter IsaacsonFinalist for the Los Angeles Times Book ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$240 TWD

  • Picking Up

    On the Streets and Behind the Trucks with the Sanitation Workers of New York City

    Robin Nagle ……
    A “gripping” behind-the-scenes look at New York’s sanitation workers by an anthropologist who joined the force (Robert Sullivan, author of Rats).America’s largest city generates garbage in torrents—11,000 tons from households each day on average. But New Yorkers don’t give it much attention. They leave their trash on the curb or drop it in a litter basket, and promptly forget about it. And why not ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$487 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • Psyche and Soul in America

    The Spiritual Odyssey of Rollo May

    Robert H. Abzug ……
    In post-World War II America and especially during the turbulent 1960s and 1970s, the psychologist Rollo May contributed profoundly to the popular and professional response to a widely felt sense of personal emptiness amid a culture in crisis. May addressed the sources of depression, powerlessness, and conformity but also mapped a path to restore authentic individuality, intimacy, creativity, and ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$867 TWD

  • Red Dead's History

    A Video Game, an Obsession, and America's Violent Past

    Tore C. Olsson ……
    "Innovative and highly engaging... an inspiring example of what can be done to bring the past to life in all its weirdness and complexity." —The Wall Street Journal“This work is a trifecta - the perfect book for fans of the Red Dead Redemption series, Westerns and history alike. It is a privilege and a joy to be trusted with Tore Olsson’s words and to see audiences gain new academic insight into ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$511 TWD

  • A Turn in the South

    Sir V.S. Naipaul ……
    A Turn in the South is a reflective journey by V. S. Naipaul in the late 1980s through the American South.Naipaul writes of his encounters with politicians, rednecks, farmers, writers and ordinary men and women, both black and white, with the insight and originality we expect from one of our best travel writers. Fascinating and poetic, this is a remarkable book on race, culture and country. ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$274 TWD

  • When the Night Comes Falling

    A Requiem for the Idaho Student Murders

    Howard Blum ……
    Instant New York Times Bestseller“Compelling. . . . Blum capably maintains the suspense and thoughtfully probes into the motives of key players in this intriguing yet profoundly unsettling story.”—Kirkus Reviews"The definitive, inside story of the Idaho murders from acclaimed bestselling author Howard Blum, whose groundbreaking coverage of the story was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.Timed for a ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$625 TWD

  • 歷史的轉換期8


    Series series 歷史的轉換期8
    想理解歷史,轉換視角是不夠的這套書,讓你完全扭轉世界史的理解方式!────────────────給我一個年分,我就給你全世界────────────────找尋漫長發展過程中醞釀的轉變 挖掘一般時人眼中的瞬時變遷微觀歷史積累成全球規模的世界史 即為全球化歷史的嘗試★★★★★歷史教科書權威 日本山川出版社70周年紀念鉅獻★★★★★ 中央研究院近代史研究所助研究員 陳建守 選書企畫中央研究院人社中心助研究員 陳禹仲臺灣師範大學東亞學系助理教授 莊仁傑 專文導讀◆◆◆ 故事StoryStudio網站◆ 轉換期全系列書評 ◆ 陸續上線中 ◆◆◆ ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$301 TWD

  • Modern Mobility Aloft

    Elevated Highways, Architecture, and Urban Change in Pre-Interstate America

    Amy D. Finstein ……
    Series series Urban Life, Landscape and Policy
    In the first half of the twentieth century, urban elevated highways were much more than utilitarian infrastructure, lifting traffic above the streets; they were statements of civic pride, asserting boldly modern visions for a city’s architecture, economy, and transportation network. Yet three of the most ambitious projects, launched in Chicago, New York, and Boston in the spirit of utopian models ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$708 TWD

  • ISIS伊斯蘭國的新娘:13名年輕女子與無法離開的寡婦之屋


    Series series 貓頭鷹書房
    在世人的眼裡,她們難道只是一群天真的新娘,或工於心計的怪物?遠離家鄉、成為ISIS新娘的她們,怎麼也料想不到,等待自己的,竟是一次次成為寡婦的人生。成為ISIS的女人  2014年,以伊斯蘭國為名的激進組織,躍上世界各大媒體。他們殘酷的處決方式與斬首影片,引發各界關注、恐懼與好奇。他們一方面以暴力掠奪中東、中亞地區的婦女,一方面也用傳單、影片、網路文宣,向那些活在西方世界的穆斯林兄弟姊妹呼喊,提醒他們的「悲慘」處境,呼喚他們一起為伊斯蘭國努力。  那些年,有不少女性湧入伊斯蘭國控制下的城市。她們可能是外交官女兒、實習醫師、成績優異的少女,但也有無家可歸的低收入女性和孤獨的家庭主婦,她們在敘利亞和伊拉克難民逃走後留下的房子裡落腳,為這個伊斯蘭教的祖國,這個她們相信自己正在建立的祖國,搭建了許多臨時診所和學校。她們為何願意拋棄看似的安穩生活,去那個戰亂之地?除了伊斯蘭國的宣傳 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$462 TWD NT$393 TWD

  • Notorious RBG

    The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    New York Times BestsellerFeatured in the critically acclaimed documentary RBG"It was beyond my wildest imagination that I would one day become the 'Notorious RBG." — Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 2019She was a fierce dissenter with a serious collar game. A legendary, self-described “flaming feminist litigator” who made the world more equal. And an intergenerational icon affectionately known as the ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$542 TWD

  • 空中帝國.美國的二十世紀:庶民文化的精神與戰爭世紀的轉變

    生井英考 ……
    譯者 黃鈺晴 ……
    Series series 興亡的世界史
    **從海洋帝國到空中帝國,世界史的巨大轉變──二十世紀不只是「戰爭世紀」,也是「美國的世紀」!從兩次世界大戰、越戰、冷戰,到中東的反恐戰爭……庶民培育的航空文化,最終如何形成「空中霸權」?**  人類在漫長歷史中,經歷了「陸上帝國」――羅馬、蒙古、「海洋帝國」――大英帝國,接著在進入現代後,最終到了競相爭奪「空中帝國」寶座的階段,而現今被視為最強的「帝國」,就是美國。美利堅合眾國自建國以來,原本只擁有輕裝常備兵力,但進入二十世紀後,便開始踏上軍事化之途;到了二十世紀中葉,終於成為擁有世界頭號軍事力量的國家,其中尤以空軍力量為最。  美國的航空產業史,嚴格說來是在萊特兄弟成功試飛多年後才正式展開。弔詭的是,從政府到軍方,一開始並未全力支持這樣的庶民行動,這是因為美國向來以「神選之國」自傲,在一戰時期仍舊持有厭戰心態,相信憑藉東西兩面巨大海洋便能置身事外,軍力自然無法與歐陸各強國相比 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$385 TWD

  • 白銀、刀劍與石頭:魔幻土地上的三道枷鎖,拉丁美洲的傷痕與試煉

    Silver, Sword, and Stone: Three Crucibles in the Latin American Story

    譯者 楊芩雯 ……
    Series series 歷史與現場
    2019****年美國圖書館學會《書單》雜誌最佳非小說圖書得主2020****年安德魯.卡內基優秀小說與非小說獎入圍作品執迷於採礦、用殘暴武力寫下傳奇故事、宗教的牽動人口在這片魔幻土地留下痕跡,創造歷史!怎樣全面掌握拉丁美洲的歷史和現實?這片土地上的人有著什麼樣的特徵?無論是神祕的古代文明、鮮明的文學風格,還是動盪的政局、不平衡的發展,拉丁美洲究竟為何與世界其他地區如此不同?讀完這本書你會有答案!專文導讀李毓中(國立清華大學歷史研究所副教授)褚縈瑩(國立臺北大學歷史學系助理教授)國內學者專家一致推薦... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$476 TWD