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顯示第 124 個結果,共 1102
  • 開始在加拿大自助旅行:附溫哥華‧洛磯山脈

    沈正柔 ……
    系列 第 90 冊 - So Easy自助旅行書系
    溫哥華,為山脈與海洋擁抱的大花園,常被評比為世界上最適合人類居住的城市,擁有來自亞裔、歐裔及古老居民的歷史軌跡!洛磯山脈,360度的壯闊絕景,擁有4處國家公園:班芙、傑士伯、幽鶴及庫特尼,冷峻冰原、史詩山峰、牛仔小鎮、夢幻碧湖豐富的動植物生態,遊客最期待發生的「動物堵塞」統統都在《開始在加拿大自助旅行》!太雅旅遊作者沈正柔曾任聯合報、中國時報記者,更是自助背包客好手。景區的奇聞軼事、獨家路線,信手捻來、妙筆橫生,旅遊團不會帶你去的絕美景緻,作者不私藏通通告訴你。本書特色■專治旅行疑難雜症,根除旅行小毛病舉凡辦護照、簽證、購買票卷、安排行程、機場入出境手續、行李打包、如何搭乘各種大眾交通工具、打國際電話、時區轉換等疑難雜症,本書全都錄。■Step by Step就這麼簡單跟著圖文步驟走,輕鬆購票、取票、租車、看懂重要指標和圖案,原來自助旅行沒那麼難。並附溫哥華大眾運輸系統全圖。■省錢 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$259 TWD

  • 上帝把葉子染紅了


    依品凡 ……
    這一次,旅行作家依品凡又有了新的冒險。原來,在美國遼闊的土地上,有一座小小的「德國城」萊溫芙斯……。這個小小的心動,讓作者決定飛向加拿大溫哥華、美國西雅圖,再去萊溫芙斯看個究竟。在秋日繽紛的大自然與城市裡,作者結晶出三十五種活得更美好的智慧,滋養我們的心。 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$220 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • 開始到加拿大打工度假

    陳玉琳 ……
    系列 第 84 冊 - So Easy
    資訊全面修訂升級!■最新加拿大打工度假申請步驟將繁瑣的程序整理成7大步驟,搭配精細圖解教學,包含帳號註冊、申請IEC個人檔案、登入MyCIC收訊息等,一步步設定妥當,絕對安心!■新增5種不同類型工作的英文履歷&求職信範本囊括餐飲服務生、廚師、房務、客服和超市收銀員,讓你不論應徵什麼類型,通通High Pass!加拿大是一個富裕又工商發達的國家,重要城市溫哥華、多倫多,更曾被評比為是世界上最適合人類居住的城市之一,所到之處美景渾然天成,如果你也想用打工補充旅費,加拿大絕對是讓你充滿信心的首選國家。本書特色■最豐富的打工種類當地最常見的8種工作機會,各種面試技巧獨家傳授,還附贈農場仲介型錄。■圖解步驟教學手續申辦、表格填寫、住宿交通,一切都難不倒你,即使英文不通也能輕鬆完成!<... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$203 TWD

  • 溫哥華深度之旅(附:溫哥華都會區‧維多利亞市)(新第三版)

    海馬老爸 ……
    系列 第 97 冊 - 世界主題之旅
    內容簡介新亮點:溫哥華重要慶典 + 精釀啤酒文巡禮不容錯過!體驗在地限定的品酒品嘗團及感受道地的溫式節慶歡樂老饕最愛!異國料理、跨界料理、米其林三星餐廳、特色早餐、另類咖啡館精選推薦驚豔新點!島上第一名名店、近身賞鳥的熱帶溫室、虛實融合的壁畫街旅行玩家海馬老爸將帶你探訪連當地人都不知道的溫哥華之美本書特色本書完整蒐羅溫哥華重點地區!不僅以市中心為主,更介紹其他各具特色的近郊景點。提供給你最多樣的溫哥華風情、最實際的旅遊規畫、最省錢的玩樂方式。節令風情,最迷人春季的五萬棵櫻花大綻放、夏季的湖光山色露營趣,秋季的漫天黃金雨楓紅、冬季的北國冰雪世界,更有葡萄酒節、斑點蝦節、精釀啤酒節等美食專屬節日也有冬泳節、櫻花節、太陽長跑等與自然融為一體的慶祝活動及富含藝文色彩的音樂節、電影節、煙火節、多種嘉年華、夏日及聖誕市集等精選一整年26個重要... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$252 TWD

  • 多倫多深度之旅


    海馬老爸 ……
    系列 第 124 冊 - 世界主題之旅
    多倫多,加拿大最有活力且多元性的城市!定居加拿大的美食旅遊玩家「海馬老爸」,精選11大分區,以在地人眼光,帶你走訪多倫多各個角落,另有美加邊境的尼加拉瀑布、安大略省的京士頓、渥太華。每當季節轉秋,著名楓葉大道,黃、紅、褐、綠色遍滿山頭,「楓」情萬種!  觀光客必做:上CN塔登高一呼盡覽多倫多美麗夜景。  最活力:到豐業銀行球場,可一次看足NBA籃球、冰上曲棍球、網棍球,三項運動。想支持多倫多藍鳥隊,到羅渣士中心就對了!  學像當地人:到多倫多群島,騎著單車或散步各島嶼,享受島嶼的悠閒。  體驗多元美食:在這移民大都會裡,各地異國道地美食匯聚於此,每一道都是原汁原味!美食國際村,滿足你的味蕾!  不去會後悔:近觀尼加拉瀑布的視覺、觸覺、聽覺等多重震撼。  大人的行旅:走訪大大小小酒鄉,品加拿大著名冰酒佐佳肴。**本書特色  ★作者定居加拿大的在地眼光**... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$252 TWD

  • The Naked Don't Fear the Water

    An Underground Journey with Afghan Refugees

    Matthieu Aikins ……
    A NYTBR Editor’s Choice“This is a book of radical empathy, crossing many borders – not just borders that separate nations, but also borders of form, borders of meaning, and borders of possibility. It is powerful and humane and deserves to find a wide, wandering readership.” — Mohsin Hamid, author of Exit WestIn this extraordinary book, an acclaimed young war reporter chronicles a dangerous journey ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$584 TWD

  • 多倫多深度之旅:附尼加拉瀑布、京士頓、渥太華(2024~2025年最新版)

    海馬老爸 ……
    系列 第 124 冊 - 世界主題之旅
      出發免驚,行家在地導遊,疫後全面更新!  多倫多是加拿大最有活力且多元性的城市,  美食旅遊玩家「海馬老爸」長年定居加拿大,  以在地人眼光,帶你走訪多倫多各個角落。  精選11大分區,更將美加邊境的尼加拉瀑布、安大略省的京士頓、渥太華一併納入!  新增熱門景點,有氣氛最chill的史塔克貨櫃市集、百年工廠化身列治文401文創中心、完美結合音樂與園藝的海濱花園、艾倫溫室玻璃屋花園、摩登與傳統並存的阿迦汗博物館、19世紀浪漫愉人村小鎮,以及加拿大國家博覽會專題導覽!  ◆登高賞夜景:CN Tower登高一呼 +360度旋轉餐廳,盡覽多倫多美麗夜景  ◆群島悠閒趣:單車或散步漫遊極美自然景觀  ◆美食國際村:異國美食匯聚於此,每一道都滿足味蕾  ◆熱血運動事:一次看足NBA籃球、冰上曲棍球、網棍球3項運動  ◆近觀大瀑布:尼加拉瀑布的多重震撼,不去會後悔  ◆冰酒佐佳肴:走訪各處酒鄉 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$294 TWD

  • 加拿大

    蔣育荏 ……
    系列 第 KV3076-001 冊 - NEW ACTION
    後疫情旅遊資料最新版全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息最完整詳實的「加拿大」玩樂資訊就看這一本從浪漫城市走進田園小鎮,從國際都會奔向大山大水對繁忙步調感到疲倦的人,多半都很喜歡加拿大,不論是英語區的從容優雅,還是法語區的浪漫情調,加上和善有禮的加拿大人性格,皆不辜負最適宜人居國度的美名。即使在繁華的大城市,也要優雅地過生活◎ 名列最適宜人居地市的溫哥華◎ 比英國還要英國的維多利亞◎ 在卡加利遇見真正的牛仔◎ 在多倫多感受加拿大時髦的一面◎ 到渥太華把經典博物館逛個過癮◎ 創意與浪漫兼備的蒙特婁◎ 名列世界文化遺產的魁北克市只要看過一次,一輩子都難以忘懷的風景◎ 在班夫、傑士伯、幽鶴、庫特尼,欣賞洛磯山脈的壯麗景致◎ 在露易絲湖、夢蓮湖、慕寧湖、瓦特頓湖,感受不同凡響的山光水色◎ 到尼加拉瀑布,見識前所未有的巨大震撼<p... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$349 TWD

  • Gillean Daffern's Kananaskis Country Trail Guide - 4th Edition

    Volume 2: West Bragg—The Elbow—The Jumpingpound

    Gillean Daffern ……
    With over 100,000 copies of the previous editions sold, Gillean Daffern’s bestselling hiking guides to Kananaskis Country have been completely reformatted, revised and updated. As the pre-eminent expert on the area, the author continues to offer something for every level of foot-traveller, be they novice or experienced hikers, scramblers or backpackers. Gillean’s clear and detailed text, enhanced ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$391 TWD

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Book of Everything

    Martha Walls ……
    Series series Book of Everything
    From the number of kilometres of coastline, to the stories behind those unusual place names (hello Blow Me Down) to profiles of Danny Williams and Mary Walsh, no book is more comprehensive than the Newfoundland and Labrador Book of Everything.No book is more fun.Whether you're a lifelong resident or visiting for the first time, there simply is no other book that delivers the goods. If you love ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$305 TWD

  • Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada) Travel Guide - Tiki Travel

    Tiki Travel ……
    Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada) Travel Guide - Tiki TravelThe Tiki Travel guides use the text from, a complete and reliable worldwide travel guide written and edited by Wikitravellers from around the globe.An active table of contents enables users to jump directly to the section selected.Table of contents:- Tiki Travel Guide Books- Copyright- Newfoundland and Labrador- Regions- ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$67 TWD

  • Gillean Daffern's Kananaskis Country Trail Guide - 4th Edition

    Volume 3: The Ghost—Bow Valley—Canmore—Spray

    Gillean Daffern ……
    With over 100,000 copies of the previous editions sold, Gillean Daffern’s bestselling hiking guides to Kananaskis Country have been completely reformatted, revised and updated. As the pre-eminent expert on the area, the author continues to offer something for every level of foot-traveller, be they novice or experienced hikers, scramblers or backpackers. Gillean’s clear and detailed text, enhanced ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$339 TWD

  • Popular Day Hikes: Canadian Rockies — Revised & Updated

    Tony Daffern ……
    Series series Popular Day Hikes
    Featuring a fresh design and the most current route updates, Popular Day Hikes is a series of bestselling books written for visitors and locals looking to hike scenic trails from well-established staging areas.Popular Day Hikes: Canadian Rockies covers 37 popular, accessible trails in one of the world’s most stunningly beautiful natural environments. Featuring easy short-day walks, more-strenuous ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$277 TWD

  • Lonely Planet Best of Canada

    Brendan Sainsbury ……
    Series series Travel Guide
    Lonely Planet's Best of Canadais your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Experience the grandeur of the Rockies, wander the labyrinth of lanes in Quebec City, and hit the powdery slopes on the outskirts of Vancouver - all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Canada and begin your journey now!Inside ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$609 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • Frommer's Banff & the Canadian Rockies day by day

    Christie Pashby ……
    Series series day by day
    Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies receives nearly six million visitors a year, making it the most popular national park in Canada—and rightly so, given the multitude of ravishing landscapes here. Packed with color photos, this bestselling guide offers itineraries that show you how to see the best of Banff and the Canadian Rockies in a short time, with bulleted maps leading the way from ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$389 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • Popular Day Hikes: Kananaskis Country – 2nd Edition

    Gillean Daffern ……
    Series series Popular Day Hikes
    Popular Day Hikes is a series of bestselling books written for visitors and locals looking to hike scenic trails from well-established staging areas.This new edition of Gillean Daffern’s bestselling, full-colour guidebook has been completely updated to include new trails, fresh photographs, and revised access information for one of Alberta’s favourite destinations for outdoor enthusiasts.Located ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$339 TWD

  • The Rodeo Guide for City Slickers

    A Contemporary Guide for the Urban Professional

    Graeme Menzies ……
    Series series Updated 2014 edition
    The Rodeo Guide for City Slickers is the book every urban visitor or international tourist will want to read before attending one of the more than 600 rodeos that are hosted across North America each year. At the heart of the book are concise and informative descriptions of each of the core rodeo events including Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, Steer ...閱讀更多內容


  • We The Champs

    The Toronto Raptors' Historic Run to the 2019 NBA Title

    We The North. The slogan for the most successful era of Raptors' basketball was elevated to a new level with the stunning off-season acquisition of superstar Kawhi Leonard. Finally breaking through after years of knocking on the door of the Eastern Conference, the Raptors made history and brought the first championship home to Toronto since the Blue Jays in 1993. From an intriguing new coaching ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$321 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • West Canada: Photos of Alberta and BC

    This photo book contains over two hundreds photos of West Canada (two provinces Alberta and British Columbia). It shows the stunning beautify from the coast cities Vancouver and Victoria to the Rocky Mountain towns Jasper, Banff and Canmore. ...閱讀更多內容


  • A Month Of Turbulence

    Pez Pourbozorgi ……
    So you want to know what it's like coming home after a year of nomadic travels building the infrastructure of your independence?It was October, the frames of a blissful summer among the mightiest mountains were rolling away, every glowing face that decorated the season parted prompt goodbyes, and when the sudden cold winds of change came barging in, I was lost. In a congested struggle to digest ...閱讀更多內容


  • Shackleton in the Antarctic

    Ernest Shackleton ……
    New Land. The Party Ascended Mount Hope r' Sighted the Great Glacier, up which They Marched the Gap. The Main Body of the Glacier Joins the Barrier Further to the Left. ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$135 TWD

  • Family Walks and Hikes in the Canadian Rockies - Volume 1

    Bragg Creek - Kananaskis - Bow Valley - Banff National Park

    Andrew Nugara ……
    Series series Family Walks and Hikes
    Family Walks and Hikes is an exciting new series of books written specifically for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. These accurate, attractive guides feature expertly curated routes, informative maps, and colour photographs.The first book for the Canadian Rockies in the series brings together an inspiring collection of comfortable walks and spectacular hikes for visitors and locals ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$277 TWD

  • Spring in the Harbour

    Sunshine Coast B.C. Canada

    Dawn Kostelnik ……
    Series series The Adventures of the Audrey Eleanor
    Spring is late coming to call in Pender Harbour this year. Does that make you in the north feel better? Now you should know that by late I mean the cherry blossoms are out, but the froths of pink flowers haven’t formed archways along the streets yet. This is the beginning of April. Looking up Gunboat Bay a few days ago, fresh snow was visibly clinging to the mountains as far down as I could see. ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$25 TWD

  • The Niagara Companion

    Explorers, Artists, and Writers at the Falls, from Discovery through the Twentieth Century

    Linda L. Revie ……
    What is it about Niagara Falls that fascinates people?What draws them to it? Is it love, obsession, or fear?In The Niagara Companion, Linda Revie searches for an answer to these questions by examining the paintings and writings about the Falls from the late seventeenth century, when the first Europeans discovered Niagara, to the early twentieth century.Linda Revie’s study considers how three ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$536 TWD