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高等教育 電子書

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顯示第 124 個結果,共 10320
  • 研究生完全求生手冊:方法、秘訣、潛規則

    彭明輝 ……
    Series series 彭明輝作品集
    如何用別人的智慧解決你的問題!《生命是長期而持續的累積》作者彭明輝新作,教你掌握知識經濟時代的核心能力彭明輝〈學術文獻回顧與分析的程序與技巧〉,一篇震撼海峽兩岸大學的文章,網站點閱超過100萬次!北京四大高校的博士生為它舉辦了一次跨校討論會,一個學術研討會將它印給全體與會者。新竹的國立交通大學圖書館連續兩年邀彭明輝演講並錄影,很多實驗室都把這錄影帶列為「新生必看」。本書《研究生完全求生手冊:方法、秘訣、潛規則》即由該文延伸而成,是國內外指導教授不會教、攸關碩博士生研究成敗的要領!用別人的智慧,解決自己的問題彭明輝《研究生完全求生手冊》的寫作目標聚焦在碩、博士生所需要的基本能力,以及畢業前所需要的研究方法、訣竅與潛規則,而不奢談更高深的創意或研究方法。此外,為了讓這些方法易學、易用,彭明輝還把不可捉摸的研究方法與創意精煉成一套「研究工作DIY」的分解動作,引導讀者由淺入深,逐步掌握文獻回顧 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$293 TWD

  • 取捨之間:從公共衛生到全人教育,梁賡義的人生探索

    梁賡義 ……
    內容簡介他在陽明大學推動全人教育與心理諮商,新冠疫情期間接下國家衛生研究院院長的重任。鍥而不捨,當仁不讓,是梁賡義院士為年輕學子們立下的精神典範。梁賡義院士是一位國際知名的生物統計學家,他與同事共同設計了廣泛應用於生物醫學研究的統計方法,包括「廣義估計公式」。這項方法至今仍被廣泛採用,對於各種疾病預防及臨床研究產生了重要作用。除了在學術上的卓越貢獻外,梁院士更以其憂國憂民的精神和卓越的教育家身份而聞名。曾獲選中央研究院院士、世界科學院院士、美國國家醫學院院士等殊榮,他的成就和影響力遠遠超出了學術界的範疇。2010年,梁賡義院士離開任教多年的約翰霍普金斯大學,回到台灣出任陽明大學校長。在七年任期內,他著重於兩個教育主軸的推動。首先是強化基礎課程,培養學生的獨立判斷和邏輯分析的能力;其次是加強專業課程,為學生未來從事研究工作做好準備。同時,梁院士也注重培養學生的人文素養... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$315 TWD

  • Hidden Ivies, 3rd Edition, The, EPUB

    63 of America's Top Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities

    Completely revised and updated with a dozen new colleges and universities, the essential guide students need to help them choose and gain admission to the outstanding schools that fit them best.Based on Howard and Matthew Greene’s years of counseling experience and research, The Hidden Ivies is an invaluable, in-depth look inside sixty-three renowned academic institutions. These private colleges ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$432 TWD

  • The Essential Guide to Studying Abroad

    From Success in the Classroom to a Fulfilling Career

    This book is an indispensable how-to guide on flourishing when studying abroad, and how to use an international education to begin a fulfilling career after graduation.Written in an engaging and accessible style, using many examples, case studies, and links to resources, the book reduces the stress of studying abroad. Covering all aspects of the international student experience – inside and ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,524 TWD

  • Speak English Like an American

    Learn the Idioms and Expressions That Will Help You Speak Like A Native

    Amy Gillett ……
    Series series Speak English Like an American
    If you already speak English, but now would like to start speaking even better, then the bestselling book Speak English Like an American is for you.This book will help you speak better English. Over 300 of the most-used American English idioms and phrases are presented in engaging dialogue. There are lots of usage examples, illustrations, and lots of exercises -- with convenient answer key -- to ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$338 TWD

  • Augmented Education in the Global Age

    Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Work

    編輯者: Daniel Araya, Peter Marber ……
    Augmented Education in the Global Age: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Work is an edited collection that explores the social impact of Artificial Intelligence over the coming decades, specifically how this emerging technology will transform and disrupt our contemporary institutions. Chapters in this book discuss the history of technological revolutions and consider the ...閱讀更多內容


  • Research Proposal: Academic Writing Guide for Graduate Students

    Grant Andrews ……
    Series series Essay and Thesis Writing
    A quick and easy guide to writing a research proposalIncludes a Free example research proposal template for you to download.This short guide will give you the tools you need write a research proposal, no matter what your field of study is. If you're doing your master's or doctoral thesis, you need to present a good, detailed proposal before your study is approved. Often, this can be confusing, and ...閱讀更多內容


  • Write Great Essays and Dissertations: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub

    Hazel Hutchison ……
    Write Winning Essays and Dissertations is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to improve their assessed written work. Whether you are in desperate need of help or just want advice on improving your writing style, this book will prove useful throughout your academic career and beyond. It will show you how to plan your work so that your argument is expressed clearly, how to use language to best ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$274 TWD

  • 學術這條路:大學崩壞危機下,教師的危機與轉職之路

    戴伯芬 ……
    Series series Common
    短期聘任、限期升等、應付系所評鑑、兼行政職、背招生名額……  「你在浪費你的生命。然後有時候你想教學,你也就是有心無力。」  錯誤的教改政策與商業化學術環境,正在扼殺教師的教學、研究與勞動權益,學術這條路,該如何繼續走下去?  當穩定的聘用制度轉向彈性化的勞動市場時,教師已經無法循原來的文憑路徑直接取得社會地位,中年教師如何看待大學治理與師道衰退?  本書是《高教崩壞》的續作,繼解析臺灣高等教育的發展脈絡與改革方向後,本作將視角從高教結構拉回到個人生命經驗,呈現大專院校離職教師在學院內的壓迫、如履薄冰,決定是否離開學院時的權衡、臨門一腳,以及在學院外再就業與創業時如何轉換他們的知識與實踐。透過轉職教師批判大學體制以及揭露學院壓迫經驗,本書探討轉職教師職涯轉變,及反思大學研究與教學任務,做為批判與反抗大學變遷的起點。  評鑑制度如何扭曲教育工作的本質,甚至成為校方壓迫教師的工具 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$245 TWD

  • The Coddling of the American Mind

    How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure

    Something is going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and afraid to speak honestly. How did this happen?First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$441 TWD

  • Writing Your Dissertation Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Grant Andrews ……
    Series series Essay and Thesis Writing
    A quick and easy guide to writing a literature review for your master's or doctoral dissertationThis short guide will give you the tools you need write a literature review, no matter what your field of study is. If you're doing your master's or doctoral thesis, you need to present a good, detailed literature review in your final dissertation. Often, this can be confusing, and it's hard to find ...閱讀更多內容


  • How to Win at College

    Surprising Secrets for Success from the Country's Top Students

    Cal Newport ……
    The essential guide to getting ahead once you’ve gotten in—proven strategies for making the most of your college years, based on winning secrets from the country's most successful students“Highly recommended because it is full of practical tips that will help high school grads take the next step in life.”—MoneyHow can you graduate with honors, choose exciting activities, build a head-turning ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$441 TWD

  • 發聲,發生:留學的真實人生

    In Between Languages-The Lived Experiences of International Students in Australia

    出國留學,是你正在追逐的夢想嗎?那些留學生美好的人生片段,真的會發生在自己身上嗎?留學之前,你做了什麼功課?你申請學校、籌措學費、拼命練習永遠不夠完美的第二語言…或許你需要更多留學生活的真實樣貌,看見跨文化、跨語言、跨種族環境所造成的衝擊,以及先行者是如何地迎風前進⋯讓自己能更安心地踏上留學心旅程。做夢很容易,但現實人生不容易。幸好他山之石,可以攻玉。揹起行囊,踏上異國的土地求學,英語不再只是考試科目、也不只是浪漫口吻的對白、令人神往的國際語言;當英語開始與你的個人生命交織,開始存於日常所見所聞的經驗裡、在別人的眼光態度裡、在自我的探索與追尋裡,這一刻起,語言不再只是一種溝通工具或生活媒介。語言成了生活本身,所有的美好與醜陋:溝通不良、適應不良、學習方式、種族歧視、課堂評比、結交朋友、異國戀曲、就業機會…本書透過語言這個視角,將留學生的海外生活的各面向串起,發現了語言與社會在留學生... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$321 TWD

  • A PhD Is Not Enough!

    A Guide to Survival in Science

    Peter J. Feibelman ……
    Everything you ever need to know about making it as a scientist.Despite your graduate education, brainpower, and technical prowess, your career in scientific research is far from assured. Permanent positions are scarce, science survival is rarely part of formal graduate training, and a good mentor is hard to find.In A Ph.D. Is Not Enough!, physicist Peter J. Feibelman lays out a rational path to a ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$328 TWD

  • The Professor Is In

    The Essential Guide To Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job

    Karen Kelsky ……
    The definitive career guide for grad students, adjuncts, post-docs and anyone else eager to get tenure or turn their Ph.D. into their ideal jobEach year tens of thousands of students will, after years of hard work and enormous amounts of money, earn their Ph.D. And each year only a small percentage of them will land a job that justifies and rewards their investment. For every comfortably tenured ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$313 TWD

  • How to Finish Your Dissertation in Six Months, Even if You Don't Know What to Write

    Scott Rank ……
    It is possible to finish your thesis in 6 months, even if you don’t know what to write or haven’t finished your research. In this short ebook, Scott Rank distills the principles that helped him go from crippling writer’s block to writing 500-1000 words a day.In this book you will learn the following:A simple daily habit that will help you start writing your dissertationHow to make it impossible ...閱讀更多內容


  • 500 Really Useful English Phrases

    Jenny Smith ……
    Do You Feel Stuck in the Intermediate English Level?   Do you want to break out and start improving quickly? Then this is the perfect book to help you move up to the advanced level and start using everyday English fluently. The 500 phrases in this book will help you make the leap from intermediate to advanced. What made me want to write this book? After years of teaching ... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$182 TWD

  • Research Project Management: 25 Free Tools

    Evaluation Works’ Research Guides, #1

    Ruth Belling ……
    系列 第 1 冊 - Evaluation Works’ Research Guides
    Do you need to manage a research project?This guide lists 25 online tools and resources, available at zero cost, to help researchers, evaluators, doctoral students and supervisors, research managers and administrators, with a range of activities and skills involved in managing research successfully.Includes tools and resources for:Project planningGoal-settingTime managementDocument sharing and ...閱讀更多內容


  • 101 Things I Learned® in Law School

    Series series 101 Things I Learned
    A provocative, accessible, and cleverly illustrated guide to legal principles and practice, by a law instructor and internationally experienced attorneyThis might be the most useful book law students ever read. Not because it contains the details of case law, but because it teaches them how to think like a lawyer. From the fundamentals of effective argument to the principles, structures, and ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$313 TWD

  • Building the Intentional University

    Minerva and the Future of Higher Education

    編輯者: Stephen M. Kosslyn, Ben Nelson ……
    How to rebuild higher education from the ground up for the twenty-first century.Higher education is in crisis. It is too expensive, ineffective, and impractical for many of the world's students. But how would you reinvent it for the twenty-first century—how would you build it from the ground up? Many have speculated about changing higher education, but Minerva has actually created a new kind of ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$731 TWD

  • Leaving Academia

    A Practical Guide

    Series series Skills for Scholars
    An indispensable guide for grad students and academics who want to find fulfilling careers outside higher educationAn estimated ninety-three percent of graduate students in the humanities and social sciences won’t get a tenure-track job, yet many still assume that a tenured professorship is the only successful outcome for a PhD. With the academic job market in such crisis, Leaving Academia helps ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$584 TWD

  • How to Write an Essay

    Maggie Sokolik ……
    What does it take to write a good essay? This book covers the basics of grammar, sentence construction, and paragraphs, and then outlines how to plan and write an essay. You will find writing prompts, vocabulary lists, and editing exercises (with suggested answers).This text was written to accompany the online course of the same name, the first of two courses offered by College Writing Programs of ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$97 TWD

  • 頂尖大學的條件:從現代大學的演變,洞見教育卓越的關鍵

    Empires of Ideas

    譯者 許芳菊 ……
    「據我所知,在高等教育方面沒有任何其他著作能在廣度、視野和純粹的比較分析上與這本書相媲美。」──魯登斯坦(Neill L. Rudenstine)哈佛大學名譽校長19世紀,德國的大學為現代大學奠定了基礎;20世紀末,美國的大學對各國產生巨大的影響力;而21世紀,全球高等教育將由誰領導?當今美國的大學機構幾乎在每一個重要的全球大學排名都獨占鰲頭,然而從歷史的角度來看,美國的卓越地位是從二十世紀才開始。在十九世紀的多半時間,人們是以德國的大學模式為尚。而我們也沒有理由認定,美國的學校必然在一個世紀以後能繼續引領世界。事實上,美國在高等教育的霸主地位正面臨巨大的壓力,它的公立大學更是如此。與此同時,中國的大學正在崛起。三十年前,中國的大學機構在文化大革命的浩劫之後重新開放,今天它們有些已經是世界上最創新的教育中心之一。在美中對峙的新冷戰格局中,除了政治與經濟的競逐外,中國會在高等教育環境中 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$476 TWD

  • The Grammaring Guide to English Grammar

    Péter Simon ……
    The Grammaring Guide to English Grammar is a resource book on the grammar of Standard British English. It is intended for intermediate to advanced students of English as a second or foreign language who have already studied the basic grammar of English. It covers the most important areas of English grammar and concentrates on structures which may cause difficulty at an intermediate level or above ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$311 TWD