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網路與溝通 電子書

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顯示第 124 個結果,共 15127
  • Cybersecurity and Third-Party Risk

    Third Party Threat Hunting

    Gregory C. Rasner ……
    Move beyond the checklist and fully protect yourself from third-party cybersecurity riskOver the last decade, there have been hundreds of big-name organizations in every sector that have experienced a public breach due to a vendor. While the media tends to focus on high-profile breaches like those that hit Target in 2013 and Equifax in 2017, 2020 has ushered in a huge wave of cybersecurity attacks ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$975 TWD

  • 雜訊時代的高效資料整理術:精準掌握二成黃金資訊的39個法則

      你是否有以下的困擾  □每次收集資料都耗時費力  □收集到一堆資訊卻無法靈活運用  □接受過量假資訊而常被左右  □存了一堆總有一天會用到的資料  讓思考整理家帶你練就不受資訊擺布之力  利用「輸入→整理→輸出」,認清資訊的核心就能取得成果  高度覺醒、高學歷且任職於大企業的人,  用很短的時間使公司壯大的企業家,  成為專業領域權威的自由工作者……等,  那些在短時間內取得成果的人,  在旁觀者看來都覺得他們取得成果的過程瀟灑利落,  然而,他們的成功只是靠「聰明」嗎?  其實他們的共通點在於「會動腦設法辨別能帶來成果的『核心資訊』」。**  笨蛋會把單純的事想得很複雜。普通人是把複雜的事想得很複雜。****  聰明人則是把複雜的事簡單化。──稻盛和夫**   能取得成果的人,  「運用資訊的能力」肯定勝過他人。<... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$224 TWD

  • ISC2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide

    Series series Sybex Study Guide
    CISSP Study Guide - fully updated for the 2024 CISSP Body of KnowledgeISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Official Study Guide, 10th Edition has been completely updated based on the latest 2024 CISSP Detailed Content Outline. This bestselling Sybex Study Guide covers 100% of the CISSP objectives. You'll prepare smarter and faster with Sybex thanks to expert content, ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,706 TWD

  • Linux Bible

    Christopher Negus ……
    Series series Bible
    The industry favorite Linux guideLinux Bible, 10th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. this updated tenth edition covers the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 8), Fedora 30, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It includes information on cloud computing, with new guidance on containerization, Ansible ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,535 TWD

  • VPNs Illustrated

    Tunnels, VPNs, and IPsec

    Jon Snader ……
    Virtual private networks (VPNs) based on the Internet instead of the traditional leased lines offer organizations of all sizes the promise of a low-cost, secure electronic network. However, using the Internet to carry sensitive information can present serious privacy and security problems. By explaining how VPNs actually work, networking expert Jon Snader shows software engineers and network ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,950 TWD

  • Send (Revised Edition)

    The essential guide or anyone navigating the often overwhelming world of email.Send—the classic guide to email for office and home—has become indispensable for readers navigating the impersonal, and at times overwhelming, world of electronic communication. Filled with real-life email success (and horror) stories and a wealth of useful and entertaining examples, Send dissects all the major ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$299 TWD

  • 密碼的故事:人類史上最重要的45種密碼與破解之道

    馬克‧弗雷利 ……
    譯者 張毅瑄 ……
    Series series 通識課
    三千七百年前的斐斯托斯圓盤藏著什麼密碼?經歷四百多年,為何伏尼契手稿始終無解?齊麥曼電報被破譯,一次大戰因此更早結束?英國政府通信總部發展什麼系統來讓密碼通訊更安全?橫跨六千年的古今密碼演進,加密者與解密者永無停止的追逐,帶來動人心魄、引人入勝的精采故事  從人類最早學會互通訊息之時,密碼製作的技藝就一直挑戰著、吸引著我們。數千年來,人們使用傳遞加密訊息的方法來達成各種目的,本書讓讀者深入看見密碼學世界中扣人心弦的景象,揭示背後的陰險詭詐與獨創靈感,並清楚呈現亞蘭‧圖靈、「巨人」電腦以及更多更多著名解碼者的豐功偉業。  書中蒐羅全世界45種最具影響力的密碼,包括凱薩移位密碼、復活島的倫哥倫哥文、二次大戰中德軍著名的... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$266 TWD

  • 沙蟲駭客:全球最具侵略性和破壞性的克里姆林宮黑客組織,如何掀起新時代網路戰爭

    Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers

    譯者 蔡耀緯 ……
    Series series NEXT
    榮獲美國海外記者俱樂部(OPC)卓越獎美國網路書店Amazon編輯選書**「俄羅斯與前蘇聯政治」、「電腦安全與加密」暢銷第一名**________________________________________【一致讚譽】紐約書評、洛杉磯時報、華盛頓郵報、金融時報、華盛頓獨立書評、自然期刊、連線雜誌、富比士、出版者周刊、今日美國報、柯克斯評論、圖書館期刊、新聞網站Axios***、財經新聞網*Business Insider、科技新聞網站<... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$322 TWD

  • 資訊與網路安全-基礎系統資訊安全技術與實務

    本書從基礎初學觀點,解說系統資訊安全與技術,講述各項資安主題包括:資安問題、基礎密碼學、程式安全、作業系統安全、資料庫系統安全、網路安全、APP應用程式安全,並進一步的結合安全管理作業,從商業案例觀點來探討網路安全投資模型,藉由電腦隱私的維護與相關法令的介紹,更加全面地了解資訊安全對於現代人的重要性。本書特色1、文字精鍊輔以圖說,能夠全面認識資訊安全技術與重要觀念,使內容深切、邏輯清晰。2、本書附有中英文索引約1,400個,涵蓋資訊安全中英文專用名詞,可幫助與原文書籍相互閱讀參考,增進閱讀原文書籍或期刊的能力。3、每章備有精選習題,協助讀者參加校內、升學、公職、或求職等考試,有效提昇應試能力。 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$320 TWD

  • 科技犯罪安全之數位鑑識-證據力與行動智慧應用

    由於電腦與網路的快速發展和普及應用,依賴傳統證據為主的鑑識方法,已經不足以對抗科技導向的資訊犯罪案件,基於現今人們交流的資料大都已電子化,一旦稍有不慎都將導致資訊犯罪案件不斷出現。為了因應新型態的高科技犯罪,本書除了電腦犯罪、網路安全、鑑識理論與數位證據偵蒐程序之外,更進一步編入智慧手機、社交平台與雲端存取實務的觀念,探討在各種可能情境下,如何於不同的作業系統平台(MOBILE OS/WINDOWS/UNIX/LINUX),進行高科技犯罪的趨勢與數位鑑識/證據的調查與追蹤。  全書共分十二章,先從數位證據之於科技犯罪的判定為何開始說起,再逐步介紹偽裝學的基礎知識與研究範疇、木馬抗辯相關議題及鑑識實例、智慧型裝置的鑑識能力、不同作業系統平台如何進行鑑識工作/工具的程序/操作、網際網路的數位證據如何辨別及蒐集、密碼學與資訊安全,以及網路安全機制等重點,使讀者循序漸進地了解完整且實用的鑑識科技。 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$400 TWD

  • TCP/IP網路通訊協定(第二版)

    陳祥輝 ……
    ■ 以大量「圖解」來呈現網路最基本與完整的架構原理與觀念,非常適合自學或教學使用。■ 透過「圖解」與「實例」取代冗長的文字解說,利用視覺的呈現,達到『易教、易學及易懂』的訴求。■ 著重網路基礎觀念的建立,運用各式圖例呈現不同觀念,真正以『觀念+圖解』來達到具體化的學習。 ■ 網路七層模型貫穿全文,詳細探討TCP/IP在網路運用的各個層面上的設定,從基礎、原理到應用,做有系統的介紹。 ■ 採用許多軟體實作,讓學習者了解一台具有多張網路卡的電腦,即可成為網路的任何設備,諸如Bridge、Router…等等功能,實際體會各種網路技術的應用。 ■ 新增下一代的網際網路協定IPv6的介紹與實務操作。 ■ 藉由『封包解析』來說明網路協定的行為模式,以提升網路工程師Troubleshooting的能力。 ■ CCNA工程師的必讀教材,讓網路不再只是一堆的操作和名詞,而是靈活運用的技術。 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$420 TWD

  • 解碼科學好好玩:改變歷史的密碼戰、加密科技、網路釣魚……結合歷史、數學、科技的跨領域學習,養成邏輯推理能力,建立網路安全觀念

    Can You Crack the Code?: A Fascinating History of Ciphers and Cryptography

    Series series 知識館
    孩子接觸資訊安全的第一本書有名的密碼故事、難解的密碼歷史、駭客入侵議題不用插電,也能走進編碼的奧妙世界建立數位世代不可缺少的數位素養美國AAAS/Subaru SB&F 年度科學書籍卓越獎紐約圖書館年度選書=本書特色=★理解科技資訊背後的科學,建立創客基礎力。★數感養成,理解數學如何應用在日常生活中。★傳遞資訊安全重要性,在網路世界中,建立自我保護能力。★書中各種密碼小故事,講述歷史上有趣的密碼事件,以及懸疑未解之謎。★章節後的「解碼挑戰」單元,用書裡提到的加密方式,設計各種小謎題,可以動動腦來解密,並激發挑戰心與自我成就感,增添學習樂趣。★符合十二年國教「科技資訊與媒體素養」、「培養系統思考與解決問題能力」、「規劃執行與創新應變」三大項目。★適讀年齡:中年級以上,無注音★學習領域:自然與生活科技、數學、資訊★關鍵字:密碼、編碼、數感、資... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$238 TWD

  • Linux Kernel Programming Part 2 - Char Device Drivers and Kernel Synchronization

    Create user-kernel interfaces, work with peripheral I/O, and handle hardware interrupts

    Kaiwan N Billimoria ……
    Discover how to write high-quality character driver code, interface with userspace, work with chip memory, and gain an in-depth understanding of working with hardware interrupts and kernel synchronizationKey FeaturesDelve into hardware interrupt handling, threaded IRQs, tasklets, softirqs, and understand which to use whenExplore powerful techniques to perform user-kernel interfacing, peripheral I ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$883 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • The Compete Ccna 200-301 Study Guide: Network Engineering Edition

    Joe Spoto ……
    The CCNA Study Guide – Network Engineering Edition for the CCNA 200-301 syllabus is a result of over 10 years of constant development based on feedback from our students and improving on what is currently available in the market. This manual covers the first 6 of 40 chapters of the manual to give you a taste of the detail which this manual goes into to get you through the CCNA 200-301 exam.Our ...閱讀更多內容


  • 電腦駭客初學指南

    如何破解無線網路,基本安全性與滲透測試,Kali Linux,您的第一件駭客任務

    Alan T. Norman ……
    譯者 芮思 ……
    本書將教您如何透過了解駭客的實際工作原理來保護自己免於最常見的駭客攻擊!畢竟,為了防止您的系統遭到入侵,您需要領先任何駭客犯罪。您可以學習如何破解以及如何進行反駭客攻擊來做到。本書將教您如何透過了解駭客的實際工作原理來保護自己免於最常見的駭客攻擊!畢竟,為了防止您的系統遭到入侵,您需要領先任何駭客犯罪。您可以學習如何破解以及如何進行反駭客攻擊來做到。本書中包括犯罪型及正義型駭客都使用的技術和工具 - 您在此處找到的所有內容都將向您展示資訊安全如何遭到破壞,以及如何在嘗試加以保護的系統識別攻擊。同時,您還將了解如何盡可能減少系統的任何損害或停止持續性攻擊。透過駭客攻擊:電腦駭客初學者指南...,您將學習所需知道的一切,以便進入電腦駭客的秘密世界。它提供了完整概述,包含駭客攻擊、破解方式及其對於世界影響。您將了解駭客攻擊、各類駭客,以及多種駭客攻擊的先決條件:主動攻擊、面具舞會攻擊 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$93 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • Embedded System Design

    Embedded Systems Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, and the Internet of Things

    Peter Marwedel ……
    Series series Embedded Systems
    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used ...閱讀更多內容


  • Microsoft Azure For Dummies

    Jack A. Hyman ……
    The must-have reference for Azure newcomersAs Microsoft's Azure platform takes a larger stake in the cloud computing world, more tech pros need to know the ins-and-outs of this fast-growing platform. Microsoft Azure For Dummies is the essential guide for users who are new to the platform. Take your first steps into the world of Azure as you learn all about the core services—straight from a ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$974 TWD

  • Data Spaces

    Design, Deployment and Future Directions

    編輯者: Edward Curry, Simon Scerri, Tuomo Tuikka ……
    This open access book aims to educate data space designers to understand what is required to create a successful data space. It explores cutting-edge theory, technologies, methodologies, and best practices for data spaces for both industrial and personal data and provides the reader with a basis for understanding the design, deployment, and future directions of data spaces.The book captures the ...閱讀更多內容


  • Project Zero Trust

    A Story about a Strategy for Aligning Security and the Business

    George Finney ……
    Series series Wiley Tax Library
    Implement Zero Trust initiatives efficiently and effectivelyIn Project Zero Trust: A Story About a Strategy for Aligning Security and the Business, George Finney, Chief Security Officer at Southern Methodist University, delivers an insightful and practical discussion of Zero Trust implementation. Presented in the form of a fictional narrative involving a breach at a company, the book tracks the ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$683 TWD

  • CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, Eighth Edition

    A new edition of Shon Harris’ bestselling exam prep guide—fully updated for the new CISSP 2018 Common Body of KnowledgeThis effective self-study guide fully prepares you for the challenging CISSP exam and offers 100% coverage of all exam domains. This edition has been thoroughly revised to cover the new CISSP 2018 Common Body of Knowledge, hot spot and drag and drop question formats, and more ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,535 TWD

  • Mastering Embedded Linux Programming

    Create fast and reliable embedded solutions with Linux 5.4 and the Yocto Project 3.1 (Dunfell)

    Harness the power of Linux to create versatile and robust embedded solutionsKey FeaturesLearn how to develop and configure robust embedded Linux devicesExplore the new features of Linux 5.4 and the Yocto Project 3.1 (Dunfell)Discover different ways to debug and profile your code in both user space and the Linux kernelBook DescriptionIf you’re looking for a book that will demystify embedded Linux, ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,153 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • The NFT Handbook

    How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens

    Learn how to create and profit from NFTsThe NFT Handbook is a detailed guide on how to create, sell and buy non-fungible tokens without the need for a technical background. Learn exactly what NFTs are, how they evolved, and why they have value.We’ll delve into the different types and aspects of NFTs and discuss the different NFT marketplaces and the pros and cons of each.Create Your Own NFTs: Step ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$609 TWD

  • Cybersecurity

    Public Sector Threats and Responses

    編輯者: Kim J. Andreasson ……
    Series series Public Administration and Public Policy
    The Internet has given rise to new opportunities for the public sector to improve efficiency and better serve constituents. But with an increasing reliance on the Internet, digital tools are also exposing the public sector to new risks. This accessible primer focuses on the convergence of globalization, connectivity, and the migration of public sector functions online. It examines emerging trends ...閱讀更多內容


  • The Data Warehouse Toolkit

    The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling

    Updated new edition of Ralph Kimball's groundbreaking book on dimensional modeling for data warehousing and business intelligence!The first edition of Ralph Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit introduced the industry to dimensional modeling, and now his books are considered the most authoritative guides in this space. This new third edition is a complete library of updated dimensional modeling ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,535 TWD