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南美洲 電子書

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  • 巴西:被殖民掠奪的熱帶天堂,以狂歡掩飾創傷的森巴王國

    Brazil: A Biography

    Series series 全球視野
    巴西國內暢銷話題鉅作《泰晤士報》、《金融時報》年度好書透過認識拉丁美洲,改變觀看世界的視角!巴西,世界第五大國、拉美最大經濟體,以足球、咖啡、嘉年華聞名於世,它是熱情舞動著森巴的南美巨人,卻也是飽受殖民暴力創傷的混血兒。奴隸制帶來的遺毒滲透其文化基因,成為民主發展的絆腳石,使它成為一位步履維艱的巨人……一個守望著奇蹟和救世主的國家,從16世紀到現代,南美巨人500年傳記巴西名列金磚五國之一,物產豐沛,經濟成長備受矚目,然而,它也是一個充滿矛盾的國家:... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$442 TWD

  • 極簡巴西史


    関真興 ……
    譯者 陳聖怡 ……
    Series series 圖解雜學
    托德西利亞斯條約・巴西紅木・伊匹蘭加的呼聲・上校主義咖啡牛奶體制・建設巴西利亞・向軍政府示威・森巴軍團【本書特色】◎一冊認識巴西,追溯歐洲探險家來航前的史前面貌,見證殖民主義下被奴役的血淚史,以及巴西帝國的成立和邁入共和體制的歷程。◎全書依時間脈絡分8個章節,各章均附小專欄,介紹宗教家、藝術家、運動員與職人等巴西名人。◎隨主題搭配簡易的地圖、好懂的關係簡表與生動插圖,不必死背,讀歷史也能像看話劇一樣有趣!  南美洲的民族融爐,擁有來自歐、非、亞各洲地區的移民;  黑豆與內臟烹煮成的燉肉、以休拉斯科為代表的烤肉小吃、近年流行的健康茶飲瑪黛茶;  世界面積最大的熱帶雨林、小提琴琴弓的上等原料巴西紅木、鐵礦儲量位居世界前列,更是咖啡豆與甘蔗的是第一生產大國;  曾經為葡萄牙的殖民地,如今國內生產總值為南美洲國家第一,巴西究竟是如何蛻變為金磚五國之一?  巴西是南美洲最大的國家 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$245 TWD

  • Indians and Mestizos in the "Lettered City"

    Reshaping Justice, Social Hierarchy, and Political Culture in Colonial Peru

    Alcira Duenas ……
    Through newly unearthed texts virtually unknown in Andean studies, Indians and Mestizos in the "Lettered City" highlights the Andean intellectual tradition of writing in their long-term struggle for social empowerment and questions the previous understanding of the "lettered city" as a privileged space populated solely by colonial elites. Rarely acknowledged in studies of resistance to colonial ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1 TWD

  • 秘魯史


    何國世 ……
    Series series 國別史叢書
    秘魯,這個孕育古印加帝國的國度,充滿著謎樣的氣息!自遠古時期,秘魯因有安地斯山南北縱貫,地形險阻,但文明早已在此深根發展。十五世紀後,印加人在此建立了高度且燦爛的印加文明,他們崇拜太陽神、喜好收藏象徵太陽光芒的黃金,並以「太陽的子民」自居。然「黃金國」的傳說卻在十六世紀西班牙人登陸南美洲後,轉瞬間成為滅亡帝國的導火線。西班牙人殖民秘魯長達三百多年,對秘魯的政治社會與文化風俗留下深刻的影響,致使十八世紀後已然獨立的秘魯,仍擺脫不了獨裁政治的控制。而今,政治貪汙腐敗、經濟產業衰退、國際紛爭不斷,祕魯該如何突破難關,就讓我們拭目以待。本書將為你娓娓訴說秘魯的神話傳說、飲食文化、人文風情,同時也細數印加文明、西班牙殖民時期以及秘魯獨立建國以來,所歷經的政治、社會、經濟各方面的問題,帶你一窺秘魯的真實面貌。【作者簡介】何國世輔仁大學西班牙語文學系、所畢業,1996年獲西班牙馬德里大學歷史學博士 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$285 TWD

  • 智利史


    何國世 ……
    Series series 國別史叢書
    讓我們在智利的土地上跳舞/……/這片土地有最翠綠的果園/最金黃的麥田/與最紅的葡萄園/踏上去似糖如蜜!——智利詩人米斯特拉★讓地圖製造商傷透腦筋,世界最狹長的國家智利位處南美邊緣,東面為雄偉的安地斯山脈,西面為一望無際的太平洋。天然的地理限制,使智利向南北發展,造就如絲帶般的狹長國土,從南緯18度到南緯57度,總長4200多公里,平均寬度卻僅有300公里!奇特的地形,難以完整放入地圖中,成為地圖製造商最大的惡夢。然而山海環繞、與世隔絕的環境並未阻礙智利人前進的腳步,他們突破大山大海的限制,強勢逆襲,成功躋身拉美強國之列。★聽!有詩歌在吟唱!智利是詩人的土地,孕育出無數滿載詩意的靈魂。著名詩人米斯特拉以富有強烈感情的抒情詩,成為拉丁美洲首位諾貝爾文學獎得主;文豪聶魯達則以政治與愛情詩歌聞名於世,他以充滿生命力的詩歌,復甦整個美洲大陸的命運及夢想。★「依靠公理或武力」─ ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$315 TWD

  • The Pilgrimage

    Paulo Coelho ……
    譯者 Julia Sanches ……
    A Journey for the AgesThe Pilgrimage paved the way to Paulo Coelho’s international bestselling novel The Alchemist. In many ways, these two volumes are companions—to truly comprehend one, you must read the other.Step inside this captivating account of Coelho’s pilgrimage along the road to Santiago. This fascinating parable explores the need to find one’s own path. In the end, we discover that the ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$358 TWD

  • 透視神祕種族:馬雅文化

    闕淑萍 ……
    馬雅人神祕地淡出了世人的視線,但是他們留下來的遺跡卻能讓人深深感受到這段古老智慧民族的無窮魅力。雖然經過數百年的風吹日曬,雨水沖刷,塵土掩埋,這些鐫刻在石頭上、凝結在石頭中的歷史印證仍然佇立於創造者的家園。它們像一首凝固的史詩,即使記錄它的經書失落了,口傳它的人民不在了,卻仍能在故土的上空迴響,讓所有踏上這片土地的人感受到這個民族不朽的文化,彷彿古老的主人仍然存在,這些城市仍然存在…… ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$175 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • 委內瑞拉史


    何國世 ……
    Series series 國別史叢書
    位於南美洲北邊的委內瑞拉,近年憑著「黑金」石油的高儲量,逐漸在國際上扮演舉足輕重的角色。回溯十五、十六世紀之交,這裡曾是西班牙王室的殖民地,殖民者藉由壓榨印第安人及黑奴的勞力,從可可、咖啡等經濟作物創造出巨大利潤。十九世紀採強勢作風的西班牙王室不敵革命浪潮,委內瑞拉獲得獨立。新生的委內瑞拉,儘管國內政局難以穩健發展,但依靠石油利潤,渡過數次經濟危機。委內瑞拉在多變的歷史中,形成融合美洲、歐洲、非洲的多元文化,值得您一探究竟。無論是由各洲風味組合而成的國民美食「芭蕉粽」或是來自西班牙的舞鬼節,都展現委內瑞拉豐富多彩的文化內涵。準備好了嗎?翻開書頁,來一趟委內瑞拉的深度旅行吧!【作者簡介】何國世學歷:輔仁大學西班牙語文學系、所畢業1996年獲西班牙馬德里大學歷史學博士經歷:曾任中央通訊社記者行政院新聞局國內新聞處秘書《中國時報》「巴塞隆納奧運」翻譯暨特約記者靜宜大學西班牙語文學系所主任<br. ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$158 TWD

  • In Patagonia

    Bruce Chatwin ……
    The masterpiece of travel writing that revolutionized the genre and made its author famous overnightAn exhilarating look at a place that still retains the exotic mystery of a far-off, unseen land, Bruce Chatwin’s exquisite account of his journey through Patagonia teems with evocative descriptions, remarkable bits of history, and unforgettable anecdotes. Fueled by an unmistakable lust for life and ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$382 TWD

  • The Battle for the Falklands

    **'Excellent' Financial Times'Stirring, impressively detailed' Time magazineThe Battle for the Falklands is a thoughtful and informed analysis of an astonishing chapter in modern British history from journalist and military historian Sir Max Hastings and political editor Simon Jenkins.**Ten weeks. 28,000 soldiers. 8,000 miles from home.The Falklands War in 1982 was one of the strangest in British ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$428 TWD

  • Alive

    The Story of the Andes Survivors

    Piers Paul Read ……
    #1 New York Times Bestseller: The true story behind Netflix’s Society of the Snow—A rugby team resorts to the unthinkable after a plane crash in the Andes.Spirits were high when the Fairchild F-227 took off from Mendoza, Argentina, and headed for Santiago, Chile. On board were forty-five people, including an amateur rugby team from Uruguay and their friends and family. The skies were clear that ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$439 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • 哥倫比亞史


    張立卉 ……
    Series series 國別史叢書
    哥倫比亞-一個讓人熟悉卻又陌生的國家,熟悉的是常以毒品走私和游擊暴亂的消息見報,幾乎鮮有人真正了解隱藏其後的歷史因素或是熱情洋溢的風土民情。這裡是孕育諾貝爾文學獎得主賈西亞‧馬奎斯的故鄉,而美國動畫「勇闖黃金城」中,描述五百年前歐洲殖民者前仆後繼地到新大陸淘金,主角們一窩蜂尋找的「黃金國」,指的就是哥倫比亞境內的穆伊斯卡族國度。與拉美其他國家一樣,哥倫比亞文化深受西班牙殖民者影響,再融合本土印地安人和外來非洲黑人色彩,彷彿三道彩虹匯聚成美麗天河,交織出獨樹一幟的迷人文化,實在值得細細品味。本書試圖擺脫長久以來對哥倫比亞的刻板印象,從早期文明、殖民背景、多元文化、經濟發展、政治外交關係等角度切入,探究其政治社會亂象之根源,以及歷屆政府為邁向和平之路所做的努力。【作者簡介】張立卉淡江大學西班牙語文學系及拉丁美洲研究所畢業,曾任淡江大學西語系助教及兼任講師、拉美所組員,現任美洲研究所專員,譯有 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$158 TWD

  • 巴拉圭史


    何國世 ……
    Series series 國別史叢書
    巴拉圭是一個內陸國家,位於南美洲的心臟地帶。曾有過璀璨的瓜拉尼文明,然而十六世紀後淪為西班牙殖民地,開啟了巴拉圭歷史的另一新頁,直至十九世紀初才完成獨立。獨立後的巴拉圭,政治發展並不順遂,加上戰亂紛擾,人口銳減,民生凋敝,要到二十世紀末終結了軍事強人的獨裁統治,才得見民主政治的曙光。惟目前巴拉圭仍面臨發展停滯落後、貪污腐敗叢生、人民普遍貧窮等諸多亟待克服、解決的重大問題。巴拉圭的種族相當多元,自然文化景觀也很豐富,如首都亞松森,其市中心的歐式建築與繁盛綠樹,加上河道縱錯,使它獲得了「森林水都」的美稱;而彷若萬馬奔騰的伊瓜蘇大瀑布與壯麗雄偉的伊塔普水力發電廠,更是旅人們必定造訪的景點。巴拉圭之美,就等各位讀者們來一窺究竟了! ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$150 TWD

  • Brazil: A Biography

    A sweeping and absorbing biography of Brazil, from the sixteenth century to the presentFor many Americans, Brazil is a land of contradictions: vast natural resources and entrenched corruption; extraordinary wealth and grinding poverty; beautiful beaches and violence-torn favelas. Brazil occupies a vivid place in the American imagination, and yet it remains largely unknown.In an extraordinary ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$284 TWD

  • 阿根廷史


    何國世 ……
    Series series 國別史叢書
    阿根廷地處南美東南部,是拉丁美洲土地面積第二大國家,也是探戈的故鄉。十六世紀前,這裡居住著印地安人。1535年開始淪為西班牙的殖民地。1810年5月25日,爆發反對西班牙統治的「五月革命」。1816年7月9日宣布獨立,並在1853年制定憲法,建立了聯邦共和國。本書將為您娓娓訴說阿根廷的起源、令人驚艷的探戈舞蹈、獨特的的牛肉飲食文化;同時也將為您細數阿根廷從殖民時期及獨立建國以來,歷經政爭紛擾、經濟榮枯、沉重外債、馬爾維納斯群島戰爭以及十九世紀中葉後如何吸引大批歐洲移民等史實。此外,也將描述九0年代梅內姆總統的十年功過,以及阿根廷如何走出2001年所爆發的政治、經濟及社會危機的陰霾。作者簡介:何國世輔仁大學西班牙語文學系、所畢業,1996年獲西班牙馬德里大學歷史學博士。曾任中央通訊社記者、靜宜大學西班牙語文學系系所主任。現任靜宜大學西班牙語文學系副教授、臺中技術學院兼任副教授 ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$300 TWD

  • Venezuela

    Más allá de mentiras y mitos

    Arantxa Tirado ……
    系列 第 81 冊 - Pensamiento Crítico
    Todos los días, por todos los medios de supuesta comunicación, tenemos un bombardeo incesante de noticias sobre Venezuela que nos presentan un panorama apocalíptico del país suramericano: "En Venezuela no hay comida, no hay pan, no hay luz, los hospitales no funcionan, se están muriendo de hambre, el país es un desastre…", "En Venezuela no hay democracia sino dictadura, se persigue a la oposición, ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$360 TWD 透過 Kobo Plus 免費享用

  • Paula

    A Memoir

    Isabel Allende ……
    Newly ReissuedNew York Times Bestselling Author“Beautiful and heartrending. . . . Memoir, autobiography, epicedium, perhaps even some fiction: they are all here, and they are all quite wonderful.”—Los Angeles TimesWhen Isabel Allende’s daughter, Paula, became gravely ill and fell into a coma, the author began to write the story of her family for her unconscious child. In the telling, bizarre ... ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$390 TWD

  • The Chile Project

    The Story of the Chicago Boys and the Downfall of Neoliberalism

    Sebastian Edwards ……
    How Chile became home to the world’s most radical free-market experiment—and what its downfall suggests about the fate of neoliberalism around the globeIn The Chile Project, Sebastian Edwards tells the remarkable story of how the neoliberal economic model—installed in Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship and deepened during three decades of left-of-center governments—came to an end in 2021, when ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$780 TWD

  • House of Rain

    Tracking a Vanished Civilization Across the American Southwest

    Craig Childs ……
    A "beautifully written travelogue" that draws on the latest scholarly research as well as a lifetime of exploration to light on the extraordinary Anasazi culture of the American Southwest (Entertainment Weekly).The greatest "unsolved mystery" of the American Southwest is the fate of the Anasazi, the native peoples who in the eleventh century converged on Chaco Canyon (in today's southwestern New ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$328 TWD

  • The Jakarta Method

    Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World

    Vincent Bevins ……
    NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR, THE FINANCIAL TIMES, AND GQ“A radical new history of the United States abroad” (Wall Street Journal) which uncovers U.S. complicity in the mass-killings of left-wing activists in Indonesia, Latin America and around the worldIn 1965, the U.S. government helped the Indonesian military kill approximately one million innocent civilians. This was one of ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$432 TWD

  • The Lost City of Z

    A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon

    David Grann ……
    **#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Killers of the Flower Moon and The Wager comes a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction “with all the pace and excitement of a movie thriller”(The New York Times) that unravels the greatest exploration mystery of the twentieth century—the story of the legendary British explorer who ventured into the Amazon jungle in search of a fabled civilization ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$413 TWD

  • The Gathering Storm

    Eduardo Frei's Revolution in Liberty and Chile's Cold War

    Series series The United States in the World
    In this novel take on diplomatic history, Sebastián Hurtado-Torres examines the involvement of the United States in Chile during the Eduardo Frei administration (1964–1970) and shows how the engagement between the two nations deepened the process of political polarization in Chile.At the heart of The Gathering Storm is a description of the partnership between Frei's government and that of Lyndon B ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$1,066 TWD

  • The Hidden History of Capoeira

    A Collision of Cultures in the Brazilian Battle Dance

    Capoeira, a Brazilian battle dance and national sport, has become popular all over the world. First brought to Brazil by African slaves and first documented in the late eighteenth century, capoeira has undergone many transformations as it has diffused throughout Brazilian society and beyond, taking on a multiplicity of meanings for those who participate in it and for the societies in which it is ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$807 TWD

  • Capoeira

    Roots of the Dance-Fight-Game

    Nestor Capoeira ……
    Capoeira is simultaneously a dance, a fight, and a game. Created by the Africans brought to Brazil as slaves beginning in 1500, capoeira was forbidden by law but survived underground. When open practice was allowed in the 1930s it soon became very popular. Capoeira came to America around 1975, and has become widely recognized by dancers and martial artists. The author discusses capoeira's ...閱讀更多內容

    NT$487 TWD