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eBooks de Ciencias médicas

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Mostrando 1 - 24 de 17848 resultados
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  • The Body

    A Guide for Occupants

    de Bill Bryson ...
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A must-read owner’s manual for every body. Take a head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human body in this “delightful, anecdote-propelled read” (The Boston Globe) from the author of A Short History of Nearly Everything. With a new Afterword.“You will marvel at the brilliance and vast weirdness of your design." —The Washington PostBill Bryson once again proves ... Leer más

    $12.99 USD

  • The Great Mortality

    An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time

    de John Kelly ...
    “Powerful, rich with details, moving, humane, and full of important lessons for an age when weapons of mass destruction are loose among us.” — Richard Rhodes, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Making of the Atomic BombThe Great Plague is one of the most compelling events in human history—even more so now, when the notion of plague has never loomed larger as a contemporary public concern.The ... Leer más

    $15.49 USD

  • Anatomy and Physiology Made Easy

    A Simplified Approach to Understanding the Human Body

    de Omar Amanuel ...
    Anatomy and physiology are two interconnected subjects that can be daunting to study, but they are essential for anyone interested in healthcare or simply wanting to understand how the human body functions. If you're seeking a guide to help you learn these subjects in a way that is easy and enjoyable, then Anatomy and Physiology Demystified is the perfect resource for you.This self-teaching guide ... Leer más

    $5.00 USD

  • Power and Sample Size in R

    Series series Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series
    Power and Sample Size in R guides the reader through power and sample size calculations for a wide variety of study outcomes and designs and illustrates their implementation in R software. It is designed to be used as a learning tool for students as well as a resource for experienced statisticians and investigators.The book begins by explaining the process of power calculation step by step at an ... Leer más

    $99.99 USD

  • Concurrent Aerobic and Strength Training

    Scientific Basics and Practical Applications

    This book provides an extensive guide for exercise and health professionals, students, scientists, sport coaches, athletes of various sports and those with a general interest in concurrent aerobic and strength training. Following a brief historical overview of the past decades of research on concurrent training, in section 1 the epigenetic as well as physiological and neuromuscular differences of ... Leer más

    $116.99 USD $89.99 USD

  • Generic

    The Unbranding of Modern Medicine

    The turbulent history of generic pharmaceuticals raises powerful questions about similarity and difference in modern medicine.Generic drugs are now familiar objects in clinics, drugstores, and households around the world. We like to think of these tablets, capsules, patches, and ointments as interchangeable with their brand-name counterparts: why pay more for the same? And yet they are not quite ... Leer más

    $22.99 USD

  • Reputation and Power

    Organizational Image and Pharmaceutical Regulation at the FDA

    Series series Princeton Studies in American Politics
    How the FDA became the world's most powerful regulatory agencyThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the most powerful regulatory agency in the world. How did the FDA become so influential? And how exactly does it wield its extraordinary power? Reputation and Power traces the history of FDA regulation of pharmaceuticals, revealing how the agency's organizational reputation has been the primary ... Leer más

    $43.99 USD

  • Logic and Critical Thinking in the Biomedical Sciences

    Volume 2: Deductions Based Upon Quantitative Data

    All too often, individuals engaged in the biomedical sciences assume that numeric data must be left to the proper authorities (e.g., statisticians and data analysts) who are trained to apply sophisticated mathematical algorithms to sets of data. This is a terrible mistake. Individuals with keen observational skills, regardless of their mathematical training, are in the best position to draw ... Leer más

    $112.99 USD

  • The Thirteenth Step

    Addiction in the Age of Brain Science

    de Markus Heilig ...
    The past thirty years have witnessed a revolution in the science of addiction, yet we still rely on outdated methods of treatment. Expensive new programs for managing addiction are also flourishing, but since they are not based in science, they offer little benefit to people who cannot afford to lose money or faith in their recovery.Clarifying the cutting-edge science of addiction for both ... Leer más

    $13.99 USD

  • The Real Anthony Fauci

    Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

    Series series Children’s Health Defense
    **#1 on AMAZON, TWENTY WEEKS on the NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LIST, and a WALL STREET JOURNAL, USA TODAY and PUBLISHERS WEEKLY NATIONAL BESTSELLEROver 1,000,000 copies sold despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author.Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. Hands down, he is anything but.* ... Leer más


  • Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease

    Series series Molecular and Integrative Toxicology
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of metabonomics and gut microbiota research from molecular analysis to population-based global health considerations. The topics include the discussion of the applications in relation to metabonomics and gut microbiota in nutritional research, in health and disease and a review of future therapeutical, nutraceutical and clinical applications. It also ... Leer más

    $89.99 USD

  • Ending Aging

    The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime

    “Ending Aging guides the reader through a maze of advances in molecular and cellular biology that could lead to anti-aging therapies.” —Dr. Judy Illes, NatureNearly all scientists who study the biology of aging agree that we will someday be able to substantially slow down the aging process, extending our productive, youthful lives. Dr. Aubrey de Grey is perhaps the most bullish of all such ... Leer más

    $15.99 USD

  • Pediatric Emergency Radiology

    Part of the "What Do I Do Now?: Emergency Medicine" series, Pediatric Emergency Radiology uses a case-based approach to cover common and important topics in radiology imaging for pediatric emergency care. Each chapter provides a discussion of the diagnosis, key points to remember, and selected references for further reading. Areas of controversy are clearly delineated with a discussion regarding ... Leer más

    $47.99 USD

  • Genomics and Personalized Medicine

    What Everyone Needs to Know®

    Series series What Everyone Needs To Know®
    In 2001 the Human Genome Project succeeded in mapping the DNA of humans. This landmark accomplishment launched the field of genomics, the integrated study of all the genes in the human body and the related biomedical interventions that can be tailored to benefit a person's health. Today genomics, part of a larger movement toward personalized medicine, is poised to revolutionize health care. By ... Leer más

    $10.99 USD

  • PTCB Exam Prep 2023-2024: Study Guide with 270 Practice Questions and Answer Explanations for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Test

    de Shawn Blake ...
    Become a certified pharmacy technician and land the job of your dreams with this comprehensive study guide that will fully prepare you for the PTCB Exam!Worried about failing the upcoming pharmacy technician exam? Looking for the best study guide possible to help you pass it on your first try?Each year, thousands of candidates give their all in an effort to pass the PTCB exams.With a passing rate ... Leer más

    $9.99 USD o gratis con Kobo Plus

  • Strength Training Past 50

    Increase your strength to improve your health, your appearance, and your performance with Strength Training Past 50.Strength training offers many benefits for active adults, including enhanced athletic performance, reduced risk of disease, and decreased symptoms of arthritis, diabetes, and osteoporosis.Whether you are just getting started or have been training your entire life, Strength Training ... Leer más

    $20.99 USD

  • Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

    de Mary Roach ...
    "One of the funniest and most unusual books of the year....Gross, educational, and unexpectedly sidesplitting."—Entertainment WeeklyStiff is an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem. For two thousand years, cadavers—some willingly, some unwittingly—have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. They've tested France ... Leer más

    $13.99 USD

  • Das Muskelbuch

    Anatomie – Untersuchung – Bewegung

    "Das Muskelbuch" ist ein umfangreicher, ausführlicher und in dieser Form konkurrenzloser Atlas des menschlichen Muskelsystems. Es hat inzwischen Generationen Lernende durch ihre medizinischen Ausbildungsgänge hindurch begleitet und sich als wertvolles Nachschlagewerk bewährt. Die Inhalte basieren auf der gemeinsamen Arbeit eines interdisziplinären Teams von Autorinnen und Autoren, bestehend aus ... Leer más

    $36.99 USD o gratis con Kobo Plus

  • Ancestral Genomics

    African American Health in the Age of Precision Medicine

    A leading evolutionary historian offers a radical solution to racial health disparities in the United States.Constance B. Hilliard was living in Japan when she began experiencing joint pain. Her doctor diagnosed osteoarthritis—a common ailment for someone her age. But her bloodwork showed something else: Hilliard, who had never had kidney problems, appeared to be suffering from renal failure. When ... Leer más

    $27.99 USD

  • Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism

    Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism is a comprehensive textbook on steady-state enzyme kinetics. Organized according to the experimental process, the text covers kinetic mechanism, relative rates of steps along the reaction pathway, and chemical mechanism—including acid-base chemistry and transition state structure.Practical examples taken from the literature demonstrate theory throughout. The book also ... Leer más

    $125.99 USD

  • I Contain Multitudes

    The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life

    de Ed Yong ...
    New York Times BestsellerNew York Times Notable Book of 2016 • NPR Great Read of 2016 • Named a Best Book of 2016 by The Economist, Smithsonian, NPR's Science Friday, MPR, Minnesota Star Tribune, Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, The Guardian, Times (London)From Pulitzer Prize winner Ed Yong, a groundbreaking... ... Leer más

    $15.99 USD

  • Karch’s Focus on Nursing Pharmacology

    Karch’s Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 9th Edition, makes challenging concepts approachable to help students establish a foundation for effective drug therapy throughout their nursing careers. Concise, clearly written, and streamlined for today’s busy students, this trusted text builds on students’ knowledge of physiology, chemistry, and nursing fundamentals to help them conceptualize need-to-know ... Leer más

    $114.99 USD

  • Smart Mice, Not So Smart People

    An Interesting and Amusing Guide to Bioethics

    What do you think about cloning, stem cell research, brain enhancement, or doing experiments on newly dead patients? Read Smart Mice, Not so Smart People and you'll know what Art Caplan thinks. But this assortment of pithy, provocative opinions on all things bioethical does more than simply give you a piece of the author's mind—it also invites and even dares you to make up your own mind. In his ... Leer más

    $13.99 USD

  • Bipolar Has 1000 Faces

    Making Diagnosis Simple.Between 2009 and 2011, as I was opening a new practice, I evaluated 1000 new patients, as counted by my secretary. I changed approximately 250 of these patients from antidepressants to drugs for mania (lower dose than usual mania.) Some of them had been on antidepressants for many years with no relief. Their diagnosis, mixed mania, presents as depression but a careful ... Leer más

    $4.99 USD