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eBooks de Dirección y producción

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  • Film Directing: Shot by Shot - 25th Anniversary Edition

    Visualizing from Concept to Screen

    de Steve D. Katz ...
    Shot by Shot is the world’s go-to directing book, now newly updated for a special 25th Anniversary edition! The first edition sold over 250,000 copies, making it one of the bestselling books on film di-recting of all time. Aspiring directors, cinematographers, editors, and producers, many of whom are now working professionals, learned the craft of visual storytelling from Shot by Shot, the most ... Leer más

    $25.99 USD

  • Writing Compelling Dialogue for Film and TV

    The Art & Craft of Raising Your Voice on Screen

    Writing Compelling Dialogue for Film and TV is a practical guide that provides you, the screenwriter, with a clear set of exercises, tools, and methods to raise your ability to hear and discern conversation at a more complex level, in turn allowing you to create better, more nuanced, complex and compelling dialogue.The process of understanding dialogue writing begins with increasing writers’ ... Leer más

    $39.99 USD

  • The Filmmaker's Guide to Production Design

    Learn to turn a simple screenplay into a visual masterpiece! Top production designers share their real-life experiences to explain the aesthetic, narrative, and technical aspects of the craft. Step by step, aspiring filmmakers will discover sound instruction on the tools of the trade, and established filmmakers will enjoy a new outlook on production design. They will learn, for example, the craft ... Leer más

    $13.99 USD

  • Below the Stars

    How the Labor of Working Actors and Extras Shapes Media Production

    Despite their considerable presence in Hollywood, extras and working actors have received scant attention within film and media studies as significant contributors to the history of the industry. Looking not to the stars but to these supporting players in film, television, and, recently, streaming programming, Below the Stars highlights such actors as precarious laborers whose work as freelancers ... Leer más

    $40.99 USD

  • Desperately Seeking Something

    A Memoir About Movies, Mothers, and Material Girls

    The funny and insightful first-person story of the trailblazing movie director of the 80s and 90s whose fearless punk drama, “Smithereens” became the first American indie film to compete at Cannes, and smash hit "Desperately Seeking Susan" led to a four-decade career in film.Starting out in the mid-70s, a time when few women were directing movies, Susan was determined to become a filmmaker. She ... Leer más

    $14.99 USD

  • C'mon, Get Happy

    The Making of Summer Stock

    In their third and final screen teaming, Judy Garland and Gene Kelly starred together in the MGM musical Summer Stock. Despite its riveting production history, charismatic lead actors, and classic musical moments, the movie has not received the same attention as other musicals from MGM’s storied dream factory. In C’mon, Get Happy: The Making of “Summer Stock,” authors David Fantle and Tom Johnson ... Leer más

    $17.99 USD

  • Everywhere an Oink Oink

    An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood

    de David Mamet ...
    Award-winning playwright, screenwriter, and director David Mamet shares his “smart, addictive, hilarious, and insightful” (Breitbart) tales from his four decades in Hollywood where he worked with some of the biggest names in movies.David Mamet went to Hollywood on top—a super successful playwright summoned west in 1980 to write a vehicle for Jack Nicholson. He arrived just in time to meet the ... Leer más

    $14.99 USD

  • A History of the Hal Roach Studios

    Once labeled the “lot that laugher built,” the Hal Roach Studios launched the comedic careers of such screen icons as Harold Lloyd, Our Gang, and Laurel and Hardy. With this stable of stars, the Roach enterprise operated for forty-six years on the fringes of the Hollywood studio system during a golden age of cinema and gained notoriety as a producer of short comedies, independent features, and ... Leer más

    $12.99 USD

  • The Ride of a Lifetime

    Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company

    de Robert Iger ...
    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A memoir of leadership and success: The CEO of Disney shares the ideas and values he embraced while reinventing one of the world’s most beloved companies and inspiring the people who bring the magic to life.AN NPR BEST BOOK OF THE YEARRobert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Competition was more intense than ever and ... Leer más

    $4.99 USD

  • Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes

    A Guided Tour Across a Decade of American Independent Cinema

    de John Pierson ...
    “A fast-moving account of the era bookended by Stranger Than Paradise and Pulp Fiction . . . [a] Baedeker of off-Hollywood where all roads lead to Park City.” —InterviewThe legendary figure who launched the careers of Spike Lee, Michael Moore, and Richard Linklater offers a no-holds-barred look at the deals and details that propel an indie film from a dream to distribution. At the epicenter of the ... Leer más

    $12.99 USD o gratis con Kobo Plus

  • Wayne and Ford

    The Films, the Friendship, and the Forging of an American Hero

    John Ford and John Wayne, two titans of classic film, made some of the most enduring movies of all time. The genre they defined—the Western—and the heroic archetype they built still matter today.For more than twenty years John Ford and John Wayne were a blockbuster Hollywood team, turning out many of the finest Western films ever made. Ford, known for his black eye patch and for his hard-drinking, ... Leer más

    $11.99 USD

  • Notes on the Cinematograph

    Traducido por Jonathan Griffin ...
    The French film director Robert Bresson was one of the great artists of the twentieth century and among the most radical, original, and radiant stylists of any time. He worked with nonprofessional actors—models, as he called them—and deployed a starkly limited but hypnotic array of sounds and images to produce such classic works as A Man Escaped, Pickpocket, Diary of a Country Priest, and Lancelot ... Leer más

    $9.99 USD

  • Frank Capra

    The Catastrophe of Success

    Moviegoers often assume Frank Capra's life resembled his beloved films (such as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and It's a Wonderful Life). A man of the people faces tremendous odds and, by doing the right thing, triumphs! But as Joseph McBride reveals in this meticulously researched, definitive biography, the reality was far more complex, a true American tragedy. Using newly declassified U.S. ... Leer más

    $28.99 USD

  • Zero Dark Thirty

    The Shooting Script

    de Mark Boal ...
    The hunt for Osama bin Laden preoccupied the world and two American presidential administrations for more than a decade. But in the end, it took a small, dedicated team of CIA operatives to track him down. Every aspect of their mission was shrouded in secrecy. Though some of the details have since been made public, many of the most significant parts of the intelligence operation—including the ... Leer más

    $12.99 USD o gratis con Kobo Plus

  • Cinematography

    Series series Behind the Silver Screen Series
    How does a film come to look the way it does? And what influence does the look of a film have on our reaction to it? The role of cinematography, as both a science and an art, is often forgotten in the chatter about acting, directing, and budgets. The successful cinematographer must have a keen creative eye, as well as expert knowledge about the constantly expanding array of new camera, film, and ... Leer más

    $24.99 USD

  • Desire Unlimited

    The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar

    In the last decade, Spanish auteur Pedro Almodóvar has grown from critical darling of thefilm circuit scene to mainstream success. Frequently comic, often deadly serious, alwaysvisually glorious, his recent films range from the Academy Award–winning drama Talk toHer to the 2011 horror film The Skin I Live In. Though they are ambitious and varied in style,each is a distinctive innovation on the ... Leer más

    $9.99 USD

  • Cinematography for Directors

    A Guide for Creative Collaboration

    Through interviews with current ASC cinematographers, and a balance between technical, aesthetic, and historical content, this book guides the director into a powerful collaboration with their closest on-set ally. Topics include selecting a cinematographer, collectively discussing the script, choosing an appropriate visual style for a film, color palette, film and digital formats, lenses, camera ... Leer más

    $25.99 USD

  • Picture

    de Lillian Ross ...
    A classic look at Hollywood and the American film industry by The New Yorker's Lillian Ross, and named one of the "Top 100 Works of U.S. Journalism of the Twentieth Century."Lillian Ross worked at The New Yorker for more than half a century, and might be described not only as an outstanding practitioner of modern long-form journalism but also as one of its inventors. Picture, originally published ... Leer más

    $9.99 USD

  • SceneWriting

    The Missing Manual for Screenwriters

    You've got an idea for the next great screenplay. Maybe you're just getting started or perhaps you've spent time with other screenwriting books, and you have your hero's journey, plot twists, reversals, and cat-saving scenes all worked out. Either way, what stands between you and an outstanding finished screenplay are the blank pages that you must fill with cinematic life, energy, conflict, and ... Leer más

    $22.99 USD

  • Producer to Producer 2nd edition

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Low-Budget Independent Film Producing

    de Maureen Ryan ...
    This is a comprehensive bible to low-budget film producing for emerging and professional producers. Structured to guide the reader through production meetings, every aspect of the film-production pro-cess is outlined in detail. Invaluable checklists — which begin 12 weeks before shooting and continue through principal (and secondary) photography and postproduction — keep the filmmaker on track and ... Leer más

    $30.99 USD

  • :10 Seconds to Air

    de Don Mischer ...
    :10 Seconds to Air (A Life in the Director’s Chair) is a captivating look behind the curtain at the creation of some of television’s most celebrated live events. Don Mischer’s personal story is an unlikely journey, but a very American one. From a modest South Texas upbring to directing Super Bowl halftime shows and Olympics opening ceremonies, :10 Seconds to Air is an homage to America’s vibrant, ... Leer más

    $10.99 USD

  • Creativity, Inc. (The Expanded Edition)

    Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

    **The co-founder and longtime president of Pixar updates and expands his 2014 New York Times bestseller on creative leadership, reflecting on the management principles that built Pixar’s singularly successful culture, and on all he learned during the past nine years that allowed Pixar to retain its creative culture while continuing to evolve.“Might be the most thoughtful management book ever.” ... Leer más

    $8.99 USD $6.99 USD

  • An Improvised Life

    A Memoir

    de Alan Arkin ...
    In a manner that is direct, down-to-earth, accessible, and articulate, Academy Award-winner (Little Miss Sunshine, Argo, The Kominsky Method) Alan Arkin reveals insights not only about himself (and his audience and students), but also truths for the rest of us about work, relationships, and sense of self.Alan Arkin knew he was going to be an actor from the age of five: "Every film I saw, every ... Leer más

    $11.99 USD

  • Down the Rabbit Hole

    Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny

    de Holly Madison ...
    The real, untold, and unvarnished story of life inside the legendary Playboy Mansion—and the man who holds the key—from the woman who was Hef’s #1 girlfriend and star of The Girls Next Door.A spontaneous decision at age twenty-one transformed small-town Oregon girl Holly Sue Cullen into Holly Madison, Hugh Hefner’s #1 girlfriend. But like Alice in Wonderland after she plunged down the rabbit hole, ... Leer más

    $16.99 USD