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Zivilisation Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    21 Lessons for the 21st Century

    Erzählt von Derek Perkins


    11 Stunden 42  Minuten

    Brought to you by Penguin.The audiobook edition of 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari, read by Derek Perkins.**THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER**In twenty-one bite-sized lessons, Yuval Noah Harari explores what it means to be human in an age of bewilderment.How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technological disruptions? What can we do ab... Mehr lesen

    € 16,86

  • Hörbuch

    De meeste mensen deugen

    Een nieuwe geschiedenis van de mens

    von Rutger Bregman
    Erzählt von Rutger Bregman


    11 Stunden 17  Minuten

    Al eeuwen is de westerse cultuur doordrongen van het geloof in de verdorvenheid van de mens. Maar wat als we het al die tijd mis hadden? In dit fascinerende boek herschrijft Rutger Bregman de geschiedenis van de mens. Rutger Bregman (1988) is historicus. Hij brak internationaal door met zijn bestseller Gratis geld voor iedereen. De meeste mensen deugen is in 46 talen vertaald, wereldwijd zijn er Mehr lesen

    € 15,00

  • Hörbuch

    Weird Rome: A Collection of Mysterious Stories, Odd Anecdotes, and Strange Superstitions from the Ancient Romans

    Erzählt von Daniel Houle


    2 Stunden 13  Minuten

    The ambitious and fearless emperors who built the legendary Roman Empire from scratch, the broad-shouldered and bronzed gladiators with their iconic plume helmets and glinting swords, and elaborate parties attended by toga-wearing Romans fueled by alcohol, violence, orgies, and other godless acts all paint a picture of Roman life. Indeed, many people are well-versed with these unique scenes of Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    The Real Atlantis-In the Eye of the Sahara

    Erzählt von Martin K. Ettington


    1 Stunde 33 Min.

    There have been many books and movies about whether Atlantis really existed and where it was located. Now we have a new candidate location which meets the criteria established by Plato much better than any of the other candidates.A location which is the exact same size as the fabled city and is located by more than one ancient source.The story of the Eye of the Sahara is truly amazing and once you Mehr lesen

    € 6,15

  • Hörbuch




    1 Stunde 44 Min.

    简述古埃及文明的一些方面,为世界各地人们的日常生活提供助益。本书旨在简述古埃及文明的一些方面,为世界各地人们的日常生活提供助益。本书包含诸如自我赋权、完善当今的政治、社会、经济和环境问题、在工作和行动中认识并实践和谐法则等话题。本书谨撷取古埃及文明中的几个方面略作概述,不论我们身处何地,希望能对我们今天的日常生活有所帮助。涉及的话题包括:– 我们所处宇宙中的位置和它的运行规律。–了解自身以及如何运用内在能量获得健康、幸福。– 政治、社会和经济问题及其古老的(埃及)解决良方。– 人、土地和自然资源间如何和平共处;以及为清洁环境而努力。– 认识并将和谐法则用于建筑实践。– 认识艺术、它的功能和在和谐模式的应用。– 永不磨灭的古埃及文明 Mehr lesen

    € 3,00

  • Hörbuch

    Character and the Republic - Bringing Philosophy to Life #12


    Serien Hörbuch 12 - Bringing Philosophy to Life


    19 Min.

    Does personal character matter in politics? As legal actions loom over Donald Trump, Albert A. Anderson delves into the philosophical implications of character in a moral and political sense. Drawing on Plato's insights, he explores the connection between personal character and different forms of government, shedding light on the state of democracy today and the impact of character on political Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Hörbuch

    Avars and Magyars, The: The History of the Medieval Ethnic Groups that Settled in Hungary

    Erzählt von Arthur Armstrong


    2 Stunden 4  Minuten

    The Avars entered Eastern Europe from the Central Asian steppes in the 6th century, and like the Huns before them and the Cumans and Magyars after them, the Avars were raiders and warriors who lived on their horses. The Avars’ impact on Europe was immediately felt, and from the Byzantine Empire to the Merovingian Kingdom in Gaul, some of Europe’s strongest powers had to learn how to deal with Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Ancient Egyptians’ Diet, The: The History of Eating and Drinking in Egypt

    Erzählt von Colin Fluxman


    1 Stunde 19 Min.

    Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of ancient Egyptian civilization was its inception from the ground up, as the Egyptians themselves had no prior civilization which they could use as a template. In fact, Egypt itself became a template for the civilizations that followed. The Greeks and the Romans were so impressed with Egyptian culture that they often attributed many aspects of their own culture Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    History of Civil Rights Movement in USA

    von Introbooks Team
    Erzählt von Andrea Giordani


    33 Min.

    Long before the particular civil rights movement in the United States of America of the time of 1950s & 1960s had started making proper headlines, the response of the black community towards oppression as well as racial inequality was highly under its way. Definitely, as the failed emancipation’s promise in the latter half of the 19th century had given rise to the case of Jim Crow which was viewed Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Civilisations disparues: Mystères et Secrets

    von GarishSun
    Erzählt von Voix Numérique Fiona G


    2 Stunden 51  Minuten

    Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique.Découvrez les mystères fascinants des époques révolues dans "Civilisations Disparues". Ce livre extraordinaire vous entraîne dans une exploration captivante des sociétés antiques qui ont laissé leur empreinte dans l'histoire, mais dont les secrets restent cachés sous le voile du temps.Sans se limiter à des lieux spécifiques, "Civilisations Disparues" Mehr lesen

    € 5,08

  • Hörbuch

    Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations Book Two

    Erzählt von Martin K. Ettington


    1 Stunde 38 Min.

    There are many civilizations which existed in pre-history and most of them are now lost to our knowledge and ken. Many of them were lost when the Oceans rose during the melting from the last Ice Age. Some were just buried and have recently come to light.In this book we examine many of these lesser known civilizations and cities and look at incredible extensions of how far back in history Mehr lesen

    € 8,35

  • Hörbuch

    Denisovans, The: The History of the Extinct Archaic Humans Who Spread Across Asia during the Paleolithic Era

    Erzählt von Daniel Houle


    2 Stunden 21  Minuten

    The study of paleoanthropology is the branch of anthropology that examines the development of humans and pre-humans, often called collectively hominins, through history. Although paleoanthropology is directly concerned with human history, it diverges from traditional historical studies in that historians use historical records as their primary sources to reconstruct history, while Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Anglo-Ashanti Wars and the Anglo-Zulu War, The: The History of the British Empire’s Costliest Campaigns against Indigenous Africans

    Erzählt von Bill Caufield


    3 Stunden 30  Minuten

    By the mid-19th century, other European powers became interested not only in the exploration of Africa but the exploitation of it, especially once the German Empire unified after the Franco-Prussian War. This began a rush, spearheaded mainly by European commercial interests in the form of chartered companies, to penetrate the African interior and woo its leadership with guns, trinkets and alcohol, Mehr lesen

    € 8,14

  • Hörbuch

    Life in the Middle Ages

    von Richard Winston
    Erzählt von Shaun Grindell
    Series series American Heritage


    4 Stunden 44  Minuten

    Here, National Book Award winner Richard Winston explores life in the Middle Ages—from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries—beginning with the fall of the Roman Empire and ending with the dawn of the Renaissance. In both countryside and cities, from the peasants to the bourgeoisie to the nobility, no aspect of life in this era is left unexplored. Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    L'histoire de l'humanité. La vie des hommes préhistoriques

    von Yves Coppens
    Erzählt von Yves Coppens


    4 Stunden 23  Minuten

    "Le côté merveilleux de l'homme... Qui est quoi ? Rien du tout : un tout petit mammifère de taille moyenne sur une petite planète autour d'une étoile comme une autre, dans une galaxie comme une autre. Et puis, qui est en même temps ce porteur de l'organe le plus compliqué qui soit et que l'on connaisse dans tout l'univers". Yves Coppens, éminent préhistorien et excellent conteur, nous convie à Mehr lesen

    € 23,99

  • Hörbuch

    Kingdom of Judah, The: The History and Mystery of the Ancient Jewish Kingdom

    Erzählt von Colin Fluxman


    1 Stunde 39 Min.

    Before any type of unified political entity named Israel existed, the Jewish groups whose descendants would later form Israel identified themselves by their particular tribe. If asked their nationality or country of origin, they would likely identify themselves as Danites (from the tribe of Dan; Ex. 31:6) or Ephraimites (from the tribe of Ephraim; Judg. 12:5), etc. The main way to differentiate Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    Rise and Fall of Empires


    57 Min.

    This audiobook has been recorded using Text to speech (TTS).As you sit there in front of the comforting glow of the television screen, the world outside continues as normal. Often, we are oblivious to the fact that ours is but one of many empires that have risen and fallen throughout the course of human history.Yet ours is not an empire of a single state, ruled by some emperor. Ours is a global Mehr lesen

    € 4,81

  • Hörbuch

    Justice - Bringing Philosophy to Life #13


    Serien Hörbuch 13 - Bringing Philosophy to Life


    22 Min.

    Is justice being compromised in the highest court of the land? Join Albert A. Anderson in this episode as he delves into the recent controversies surrounding Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. From undisclosed luxury trips to real estate transactions, explore the ethical implications and the importance of justice in a functioning democracy.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Mehr lesen

    € 5,99

  • Hörbuch

    Ugarit: The History and Legacy of the Kingdom of Ugarit in the Ancient Near East

    Erzählt von Gregory T. Luzitano


    1 Stunde 31 Min.

    Not far from the Latakia, Syria, near the Mediterranean Sea coast, is the politically insignificant town of Burj al-Qasab. Throughout most of its history, Burj al-Qasab was overshadowed by Latakia, but this was not always the case. More than 3,000 years ago, on a hill known as Ras Sharma located just outside Burj al-Qasab, a sprawling metropolis much more important and powerful than Latakia, or Mehr lesen

    € 7,08

  • Hörbuch

    A Million Years in a Day

    A Curious History of Daily Life

    von Greg Jenner
    Erzählt von Greg Jenner


    10 Stunden 47  Minuten

    'A wonderful idea, gloriously put into practice. Greg Jenner as is witty as he is knowledgeable' - Tom Holland'Delightful, surprising and hilarious, this is a fascinating history of the everyday objects and inventions we take for granted' - Lauren LaverneEvery day, from the moment our alarm clock wakes us in the morning until our head hits our pillow at night, we all take part in rituals that are Mehr lesen

    € 24,44

  • Hörbuch

    The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths

    von Padraic Colum
    Erzählt von Ulf Bjorklund


    6 Stunden 22  Minuten

    Before time as we know it began, gods and goddesses lived in the city of Asgard. Odin All Father crossed the Rainbow Bridge to walk among men in Midgard. Thor defended Asgard with his mighty hammer. Mischievous Loki was constantly getting into trouble with the other gods, and dragons and giants walked free. This collection of Norse sagas retold by author Padraic Colum gives us a sense of that Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    Younger Dryas

    Comets, Ice Age, Survival And Ancient Mysteries

    von Samuel Shepherd
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Marcus G


    5 Stunden 45  Minuten

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. **Discover the Forgotten World of the Younger Dryas** **Comets, Ice Age, Survival, and Ancient Mysteries****Book Bundle** | *4 Incredible Volumes* **Unlock the Secrets of the Past** **What’s Inside This Must-Read Bundle?** ### **Book 1: Younger Dryas: Climate Chaos and the Last Ice Age**Step back into a world of dramatic temperature swings and Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Jane Branch


    2 Stunden 9  Minuten

    Known as one of the greatest and oldest-known civilizations, Ancient Egypt was both an incredibly interesting and important part of human history. The Egyptology Audiobook gives you the opportunity to uncover this history, as you are guided through its various periods, religions, beliefs, rulers, and knowledge. Mehr lesen

    € 11,10

  • Hörbuch

    History of Revolutions

    von Introbooks Team
    Erzählt von Tracy Tupman


    42 Min.

    Revolutions differ in their purposes and intentions. Some seek to take over and change the current political order while others like to seek changes in the economy and social lifestyle.Rebellions do share some common features such as they are influencing, they last for some years and they bring about a change, usually causing some chaos.Revolts and revolutions are usually driven by individuals or Mehr lesen

    € 5,08