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Indien eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 3847 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • The Durable Slum

    Dharavi and the Right to Stay Put in Globalizing Mumbai

    von Liza Weinstein
    Serien Buch 23 - Globalization and Community
    In the center of Mumbai, next to the city’s newest and most expensive commercial developments, lies one of Asia’s largest slums, where as many as one million squatters live in makeshift housing on one square mile of government land. This is the notorious Dharavi district, best known from the movie Slumdog Millionaire. In recent years, cities from Delhi to Rio de Janeiro have demolished similar Mehr lesen

    € 18,36

  • Siddhartha

    von Hermann Hesse
    Der Roman spielt im 6. Jahrhundert vor Christus in Indien und handelt von einem jungen Brahmanen namens Siddhartha und seinem Freund Govinda. Von seinem Vater und anderen Priestern lernt dieser über die Veden, deren philosophische Gedanken, religiöse Gebote und Anleitungen zu Gebeten und Ritualen. Weil er sieht, wie diese trotz heiliger Waschungen und Gebete zur Reinigung von den Sünden nicht aus Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • The God of Small Things: Winner of the Booker Prize

    von Arundhati Roy
    ‘They all broke the rules. They all crossed into forbidden territory. They all tampered with the laws that lay down who should be loved, and how. And how much.’This is the story of Rahel and Estha, twins growing up among the banana jam vats and peppercorns of their blind grandmother’s factory, and amid scenes of political turbulence in Kerala. Armed only with the innocence of youth, they fashion a Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • The Anarchy

    The Relentless Rise of the East India Company


    € 11,76

  • Sophia

    Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary

    von Anita Anand
    'Sophia is the sort of remarkable, almost unbelievable untold true story that every writer dreams of chancing upon. A wonderful debut, written with real spirit and gusto. Anita Anand has produced a winner' William Dalrymple'A fascinating and elegantly written life of one of the unknown giants of women's suffrage' Katie Hickman, author of Daughters of BritanniaThe enthralling story of an Mehr lesen

    € 12,42

  • Empireland

    How Imperialism Has Shaped Modern Britain

    **EMPIREWORLD IS AVAILABLE TO ORDER NOWWINNER OF THE 2022 BRITISH BOOK AWARD FOR NARRATIVE NONFICTION*****THE BOOK THAT INSPIRED THE CHANNEL 4 DOCUMENTARY 'EMPIRE STATE OF MIND'***THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'The real remedy is education of the kind that Sanghera has embraced - accepting, not ignoring, the past' Gerard deGroot, The Times_________________________________________________... Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • İngiliz Ermeni İttifakı

    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun çöküşü İngiliz Ermeni İttifakı ile başladı. Peki İngilizler ve Ermeniler nasıl ittifak etti. 1688'de İngiliz ve İran-Hindistan Ermenileri arasında imzalanan ve asırlarca sadık kalınarak koruna bu antlaşma nasıl gerçekleşti.Üzerinde güneş batmayan İngiliz İmparatorluğu'nun kuruluşunda Ermeniler ne gibi bir role sahiplerdi?İngiliz istihbarat ağının şekillenmesinde 19. Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • No Beast So Fierce: The Champawat Tiger and Her Hunter, the First Tiger Conservationist

    The deadliest animal of all time meets the world's most legendary hunter in a classic battle between man and wild. But this pulse-pounding narrative is also a nuanced story of how colonialism and environmental destruction upset the natural order, placing man, tiger and nature on a collision course.In Champawat, India, circa 1900, a Bengal tigress was wounded by a poacher in the forests of the Mehr lesen

    € 6,99

  • Moth

    The powerful story of a family attempting to hold themselves together through the heartbreak of Partition

    von Melody Razak
    Observer's 'Ten Debut Novelists' of 2021Longlisted for the Desmond Elliott PrizeShortlisted for the Author's Club Best First Novel AwardHarper's Bazaar's 'Five Debut Female Authors to Read This Summer''Powerful and heartbreaking'Observer'Gripping... Razak painstakingly paints a portrait of a family; their rituals, their private language... Mehr lesen

    € 4,49

  • The Good Girls

    An Ordinary Killing

    von Sonia Faleiro
    **Longlisted for the ALCS Gold Non-Fiction Dagger****Longlisted for t****he Royal Society of Literature Ondaatje Prize 2022**'Haunting … lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned' Sunday Times'A compelling whodunnit ... Devastating' Financial Times'Transfixing' New York Times'A powerful, unflinching account of misogyny, fe... Mehr lesen

    € 8,90

  • East of the Sun

    A Richard and Judy bestseller

    von Julia Gregson
    The captivating million copy bestseller of three young women in search of freedom and love in 1920s India.India 1928. A land of heat, dust and dreams, and the promise of love ...Three young women are on their way to India, each with a new life in mind. Rose, a beautiful but naïve bride-to-be, is anxious about leaving her family and marrying a man she hardly knows. Victoria, her bridesmaid couldn't Mehr lesen

    € 6,49 € 3,99

  • Meet Me in Bombay

    All he needs is to find her. First, he must remember who she is.

    von Jenny Ashcroft
    'An epic love story full of exotic charm and rich historical detail . . . Meet Me In Bombay will sweep you away to another time and place.' Red Magazine'Powerful and evocative' Woman & HomeAll he needs is to find her. First he must remember who she is**.**An injured soldier has lost everything, even his past. His dreams hint at his old life; flashes of a woman. His only wish is to return to her, Mehr lesen

    € 3,49

  • Pakistan

    A Personal History

    von Imran Khan
    "A must-read for anyone interested in the intrigue of politics in the most dangerous country on earth" (The Sunday Times)Read the unique insider's view of a country unfamiliar to a Western audience, seen through the eyes of the man set to become Pakistan's new Prime Minister.Born only five years after Pakistan was created in 1947, Imran Khan has lived his country's history. Undermined by a ruling Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • The Taliban Revival

    Violence and Extremism on the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier

    von Hassan Abbas
    In autumn 2001, U.S. and NATO troops were deployed to Afghanistan to unseat the Taliban rulers, repressive Islamic fundamentalists who had lent active support to Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda jihadists. The NATO forces defeated and dismantled the Taliban government, scattering its remnants across the country. But despite a more than decade-long attempt to eradicate them, the Taliban endured Mehr lesen

    € 22,10

  • Die Augen des ewigen Bruders. Eine Legende

    Inspiriert von den heiligen indischen Texten der Bhagavad-Gita erzählt Stefan Zweig von der Erleuchtung Viratas

    von Stefan Zweig
    Stefan Zweigs Erzählung eines ungewöhnlichen Lebens nimmt den Leser ins alte Indien mit und gewährt uns einen Einblick in das Leben des Viratas. Aus dem Buch: Dieses ist die Geschichte Viratas, den sein Volk rühmte mit den vier Namen der Tugend, von dem aber nicht geschrieben ist in den Chroniken der Herrscher noch in den Büchern der Weisen und dessen Andenken die Menschen vergaßen. In den Jahren, Mehr lesen

    € 1,99

  • Thug

    The True Story Of India's Murderous Cult

    von Mike Dash
    Never in recorded history has there been a group of murderers as deadly as the Thugs. For nearly two centuries, groups of these lethal criminals haunted the roads of India, slaughtering travellers whom they met along the way with such efficiency that over the years tens of thousands of men, women and children simply vanished without trace. Mike Dash, one of our best popular historians, has devoted Mehr lesen

    € 11,87

  • Pakistan: A Hard Country

    von Anatol Lieven
    DAILY TELEGRAPH and INDEPENDENT BOOKS OF THE YEARLONGLISTED FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE 20122011 LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK PRIZE FINALISTIn the wake of Pakistan's development of nuclear weapons, unpoliceable border areas, shelter of the Afghan Taliban and Bin Laden, and the spread of terrorist attacks by groups based in Pakistan to London, Bombay and New York, there is a clear need to look further than the Mehr lesen

    € 9,49

  • Dust on the Throne

    The Search for Buddhism in Modern India

    von Douglas Ober
    Series series South Asia in Motion
    Received wisdom has it that Buddhism disappeared from India, the land of its birth, between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, long forgotten until British colonial scholars re-discovered it in the early 1800s. Its full-fledged revival, so the story goes, only occurred in 1956, when the Indian civil rights pioneer Dr. B.R. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism along with half a million of his Dalit Mehr lesen

    € 29,36

  • Democratic Transition and Security in Pakistan

    Bearbeitet von Shaun Gregory
    Series series Asian Security Studies
    This volume examines the trajectory of Pakistan’s democratic transition and the implications of this change for its security.In May 2013, for the first time in its 66-year history, Pakistan saw an elected government complete a full term in office and transfer power through the ballot box to another civilian government. At this important moment in Pakistan’s history, this collection brings together Mehr lesen

    € 58,28

  • Friedrich der Große

    Die bewegte Lebensgeschichte des Preußenkönigs Friedrich II.

    von Franz Kugler
    Dieses eBook: "Friedrich der Große" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Franz Kugler (1808-1858) war ein deutscher Historiker, Kunsthistoriker und Schriftsteller. 1840 verfasste Kugler seine Geschichte Friedrichs des Großen mit einer ausführlichen, einfühlsamen Darstellung der Brechung der Persönlichkeit Friedrichs II. Mehr lesen

    € 1,49

  • Imperial Technology and 'Native' Agency

    A Social History of Railways in Colonial India, 1850-1920

    This book explores the impact of railways on colonial Indian society from the commencement of railway operations in the mid-nineteenth to the early decades of the twentieth century.The book represents a historiographical departure. Using new archival evidence as well as travelogues written by Indian railway travellers in Bengali and Hindi, this book suggests that the impact of railways on colonial Mehr lesen


  • Delta Force

    A Memoir by the Founder of the U.S. Military's Most Secretive Special-Operations Unit

    The only insider′s account ever written on America′s most powerful weapon in the war against terrorism Mehr lesen

    € 9,99

  • India: A Wounded Civilization

    Series series Picador Collection
    The second book in V. S. Naipaul's acclaimed Indian trilogy.In 1964 V. S. Naipaul published An Area of Darkness, his semi-autobiographical account of a year in India. Two visits later, prompted by the Emergency of 1975, he came to write India: A Wounded Civilization. In this work he casts a more analytical eye than before over Indian attitudes, while recapitulating and further probing the feelings Mehr lesen

    € 11,21

  • Amazing Thinkers and Humanitarians: B2 (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers)

    Series series Collins Amazing People ELT Readers
    The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history.Contents:Confucius, the great Chinese philosopherSocrates, the great Greek philosopherAristotle, the first to organize scientific knowledgeWilliam Wilberforce who ended the British slave tradeKarl Marx who wrote The Communist Manifesto and Das KapitalMahatma Gandhi who helped free India from British ruleBRITISH ENGLISHWord count: 16,058Headword Mehr lesen

    € 4,99