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Eigentum Hörbücher

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  • Hörbuch

    La Société Civile Immobilière : Tout ce qu'il faut savoir. Un Outil Puissant pour l'Immobilier

    von Pierre M
    Erzählt von Pierre M


    1 Stunde 58 Min.

    Vous envisagez de vous lancer dans l'investissement immobilier ou de mieux structurer vos actifs immobiliers? Cherchez-vous un guide complet pour comprendre et maîtriser la Société Civile Immobilière (SCI)?**"La Société Civile Immobilière : Tout ce qu'il faut savoir"** est le livre indispensable pour tous ceux qui cherchent à optimiser leur gestion immobilière via une SCI. Cet ouvrage détaillé Mehr lesen

    € 6,68

  • Hörbuch

    Gaffs: Why No One Can Get a House, and What We Can Do About It

    von Rory Hearne
    Erzählt von Rory Hearne


    13 Stunden 57  Minuten

    The book that has been waiting to be written – how Ireland’s housing policy has locked an entire generation out of the housing market and what we should do about it.Millennials are the first generation in Ireland to be worse off than their parents. Trapped in a game of rental roulette, stuck living at home as adults, and many on the brink of homelessness, the Irish housing crisis has defined the Mehr lesen

    € 25,99

  • Hörbuch


    How the Hidden Rules of Ownership Control Our Lives

    Erzählt von René Ruiz


    11 Stunden 13  Minuten

    “Mine” is one of the first words babies learn, and by the time we grow up, the idea of ownership seems natural, whether we are buying a cup of coffee or a house. But who controls the space behind your airplane seat: you, reclining, or the squished laptop user behind you? Why is plagiarism wrong, but it’s okay to knock off a recipe or a dress design? And after a snowstorm, why does a chair in the Mehr lesen

    € 22,92

  • Hörbuch

    The End of Ownership

    Personal Property in the Digital Economy

    Erzählt von Richard Powers
    Series series The Information Society Series


    10 Stunden 2  Minuten

    If you buy a book at the bookstore, you own it. You can take it home, scribble in the margins, put in on the shelf, lend it to a friend, or sell it at a garage sale. But is the same thing true for the e-books or other digital goods you buy? Retailers and copyright holders argue that you don’t own those purchases, you merely license them. That means your e-book vendor can delete the book from your Mehr lesen

    € 20,32

  • Hörbuch

    Who Owns England?: How We Lost Our Green and Pleasant Land, and How to Take It Back

    von Guy Shrubsole
    Erzählt von Malk Williams


    12 Stunden 4  Minuten

    ‘A formidable, brave and important book’ Robert MacfarlaneWho owns England?Behind this simple question lies this country’s oldest and best-kept secret. This is the history of how England’s elite came to own our land, and an inspiring manifesto for how to open up our countryside once more.This book has been a long time coming. Since 1086, in fact. For centuries, England’s elite have covered up how Mehr lesen

    € 22,99

  • Hörbuch


    Erzählt von Keld Rysgaard
    Series series Læseværkstedet


    44 Min.

    Der har været indbrud i Jens' hus. Alting er rodet, mange ting er ødelagt. Det er et chok for ham. Hvem har gjort det? Og hvorfor? Han får meget at tænke på. Og endnu mere da han får at vide, hvem der har gjort det.Bogen udkom oprindeligt i 1999 som en del af serien Læseværkstedet på Special-pædagogisk forlag. Den henvender sig til unge og voksne med læsevanskeligheder.Jørgen Hartung Nielsen (f. Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Hörbuch

    Neighbor Problems in India

    And What To Do About Them

    Erzählt von Skye Alley


    32 Min.

    It is said we cannot always choose our neighbors. Sometimes we may be blessed with considerate neighbors with whom we have a good relationship and who take care of us and vice versa, forming a good community. On the other hand, sometimes we may have to deal with unpleasant neighbors who cause us trouble by various means.In this book, we study some of these problems with neighbors and discuss what Mehr lesen

    € 3,01

  • Hörbuch

    Dead Man Walking

    The murky world of Michael McGurk and Ron Medich

    von Kate McClymont
    Erzählt von Kate McClymont


    14 Stunden

    We all know Sydney is full of corruption and crime, but none of us expected to read about a Sydney businessman being shot in the back of his head, in his driveway, in front of his nine-year-old son, in Cremorne. Nor that the order would come from a Point Piper millionaire.Kate McClymont is Australia's best-known investigative journalist. Kate and McGurk received intel that he was going to be 'hit' Mehr lesen

    € 23,99

  • Hörbuch

    On Property

    Policing, Prisons, and the Call for Abolition

    von Rinaldo Walcott
    Erzählt von David Andrew Reid
    Series series Field Notes


    3 Stunden 51  Minuten

    From plantation rebellion to prison labour’s super-exploitation, Walcott examines the relationship between policing and property.That a man can lose his life for passing a fake $20 bill when we know our economies are flush with fake money says something damning about the way we’ve organized society. Yet the intensity of the calls to abolish the police after George Floyd’s death surprised almost Mehr lesen

    € 27,50

  • Hörbuch

    Landlord Cheats, Hacks, Hints, Tips, And Tricks That Every Income Property Owner Should Know

    von Trevor Clinger
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Maxwell G


    21 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Unlock the secrets to successful property management with Landlord Cheats, Hacks, Hints, Tips, And Tricks That Every Income Property Owner Should Know. This essential guide provides expert advice on maximizing rental income, minimizing maintenance costs, and navigating landlord-tenant relationships. Packed with actionable strategies, practical tips, Mehr lesen

    € 1,02

  • Hörbuch

    En tyv

    von Kirsten Ahlburg
    Erzählt von Kristine Sølling Møller
    Series series Læseværkstedet


    16 Min.

    Bo og Ann har en datter. Hun hedder Sara. Sara får en hund, som hun er meget glad for. En dag da familien kommer hjem til huset, står hoveddøren åben. En tyv har været der, og hunden er væk. Selv om de leder længe, kan de ikke finde den.Bogen udkom oprindeligt i 2003 som en del af serien Læseværkstedet på Special-pædagogisk forlag. Den henvender sig til børn, unge og voksne med læsevanskeligheder Mehr lesen

    € 5,93

  • Hörbuch

    Cornerstone of Liberty

    Property Rights in 21st-Century America

    Erzählt von Jeff Riggenbach


    5 Stunden 55  Minuten

    “Under the banner of economic development, all private property is now vulnerable to being taken and transferred to another private owner…Nothing is to prevent the State from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory…The Founders cannot have intended this perverse result.”—Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, dissenting in the Supreme Court case Mehr lesen

    € 14,21