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  • Hörbuch

    Kinderleicht durch die Erkältungszeit

    Alles, was Eltern über Erkältung und spielerische Medizingabe wissen müssen

    Erzählt von Clara Steinbrück


    2 Stunden 36  Minuten

    Bis zu 12 Erkältungen im Jahr sind bei Babys und Kleinkindern völlig normal! Das sind ganz schön viele, oder? Und diese Erkältungen sind nicht nur für unsere Kinder super anstrengend, sondern auch für uns Eltern. Als Mama von drei kleinen Kindern kenne ich das nur zu gut! Erkältete Kinder brauchen liebevolle Zuwendung, viel Trost und eine spielerischen Umgang mit Medikamenten und Hausmitteln. Und Mehr lesen

    € 19,00

  • Hörbuch

    Anything But My Phone, Mom!

    Raising Emotionally Resilient Daughters in the Digital Age

    Erzählt von Caroline Hewitt


    11 Stunden 16  Minuten

    Practical advice for raising authentic, self-reliant teenage girls in the age of the Internet from the experienced clinical psychologist Dr. Roni Cohen-SandlerIt may feel as though your preteen or teenage daughter is growing up in a different universe than you did. Between smartphones, social media, and cyberbullying, the world is changing. Technology is transforming how girls identify themselves, Mehr lesen

    € 20,38

  • Hörbuch

    Seven Love Languages of Rearing Children and Creating a Harmonious Household and Safe Haven For All, The

    Erzählt von Joanna Perricone


    2 Stunden 56  Minuten

    The Seven Love Languages Of Rearing Children And Creating a Harmonious Household & Safe Haven For All: The book is centered around the traditional nuclear family with mother and father or single-parent rearing children in a virtual home environment. It must discuss the present modern-day challenges of drugs, alcohol, and pregnancy prevention solutions. Both parents or single parents have full-time Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Expect Something Beautiful

    Finding God's Good Gifts in Motherhood

    von Laura Booz
    Erzählt von Laura Booz


    4 Stunden 58  Minuten

    Is motherhood only about self-sacrifice? Or will it bless your life, too?You know that motherhood makes high demands. Yet you know it’s worth the cost because it benefits your child. On some grand level, it’s also good for civilization. And of course, it’s a calling from God. So is that what you’re doing here—pouring out your life for God and others while getting little in return except the Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Heads Up Mom

    The early years with baby and toddler are a whole lot sweeter when you know the truth

    von Lori Arnold
    Erzählt von Jen Greenfield


    6 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Get the unfiltered truth on the unspoken challenges and underrated awesomeness of early motherhood, and rock your mom game the way YOU want to rock it.It’s all solid advice…“Sleep while the baby is sleeping.”“The dishes can wait. They grow up so fast.”“This too, shall pass.”These cliché’s hint at a universal truth: Being a first-time (or even second-time) mom is hard. You don’t need to be told "it Mehr lesen

    € 10,14

  • Hörbuch

    Resilience Parenting: The Essential Guide to Resilient and Mindful Parenting, Learn Tips and Advice on How to Become a Better Parent to Your Kids

    von Evaline Theo
    Erzählt von Tanya Neihardt


    45 Min.

    Resilience Parenting: The Essential Guide to Resilient and Mindful Parenting, Learn Tips and Advice on How to Become a Better Parent to Your KidsParenting is no walk in the park. You would be hard-pressed to find any parent who would say parenting is easy. But although parenting is hard, it is the most rewarding and exciting job in the world. Parents want the best for their children and they want Mehr lesen

    € 4,61

  • Hörbuch

    All My Friends Have Issues

    Building Remarkable Relationships with Imperfect People (Like Me)

    von Amanda Anderson
    Erzählt von Amanda Anderson


    5 Stunden 40  Minuten

    Includes an audiobook exclusive bonus chapter on how to gracefully set healthy boundaries in your relationships and leave unhealthy friendships!Why is it so challenging to create and keep meaningful friendships?Amanda Anderson provides the wise and witty answers, giving practical advice and sharing personal stories to guide us toward the kinds of friendships we long for. Blending faith-based Mehr lesen

    € 23,09

  • Hörbuch



    Erzählt von Shaina Summerville


    7 Stunden 4  Minuten

    With all the buzz geek culture receives, you would think it would be easy for parents to look up how to connect through their kids’ geeky interests, but it is more trying than ever. It is not a secret that keeping up with your children can be a challenge. You work hard, make sacrifices, and try to relate to your kids, but it can be an uphill battle when their interests, opinions, and habits change Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Manual de supervivencia de la mamá primeriza ¿Ni idea de lo que te espera? ¡Tranquila! Se una súper mamá con la guía de embarazo mes a mes y manual de resistencia del cuidado del recién nacido

    von Isabel Verde
    Erzählt von Ria Sambrano


    3 Stunden 3  Minuten

    ¿Estas preocupada por los días más duros de ser madre? ¿Te acabas de dar cuenta que no sabes nada sobre los bebé o el embarazo? Entonces tienes que seguir leyendo...En este libro descubrirás:• Todos los hábitos que debes terminar YA por la seguridad de tu bebé. (¡Con esta guía sabrás como evitar todas las posibilidades de aborto, muerte fetal, nacimiento prematuro y otros posibles problemas del Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • Hörbuch

    Narcissistic Mothers And Adult Daughters: Recovery From A Narcissists Abuse, Gaslighting, Manipulation & Codependency + Escape Toxic Family Members (Self-Love Workbook For Women)

    Erzählt von Abigail White


    4 Stunden 43  Minuten

    If You've Always Wanted To Break Free From The Suffocating Grip Of Narcissistic Abuse, Manipulation, And Codependency But Find Yourself Trapped In The Cycle Of Toxic Family Dynamics, Then Keep Reading…This book contains the exact steps that took me from feeling powerless and abused by a narcissistic mother to reclaiming my life and achieving self-love in less than a year.Want to know the biggest Mehr lesen

    € 15,23

  • Hörbuch

    Ahoi, Baby

    Von Schwangerschaft über Geburt bis hin zum glücklichen Wochenbett

    Erzählt von Susanne Müller-Weiss


    4 Stunden 22  Minuten

    Seien Sie bestens vorbereitet auf Schwangerschaft, Geburt & Wochenbett. Dies ist der ideale Begleiter für Ihre Schwangerschaft, die Geburt und die erste Zeit mit Ihrem Baby. Möchten Sie sich optimal auf die Schwangerschaft vorbereiten, damit es Ihnen und Ihrem Baby an nichts fehlt? Anhand der großen Auswahl an Fakten zum Thema "Geburt und Schwangerschaft" in diesem liebevoll gesprochenen Hörbuch Mehr lesen

    € 11,99

  • Hörbuch

    First Time Mum + Baby Sleep 2-in-1 Book

    Complete Guide for a Healthy Pregnancy and Newborn Care + Expert Methods and Tricks to put your Baby to Sleep so Both You and Your Baby are Rested and Happy

    von Wilona Clem
    Erzählt von Joan Dunn, PIA NEBRADA


    5 Stunden 19  Minuten

    Are you overwhelmed by the demands of first-time parenthood or pregnancy? Are you exhausted by your restless baby's constant wake-ups? Then you need to keep reading...This bundle includes:First-Time Mom: Prepare Yourself for Pregnancy New Mom's Survival Handbook with All the Helpful Tips and Information That You Need While Expecting + 30 Day Meal Plan for PregnancyBaby Sleep: No-Cry Baby Solution Mehr lesen

    € 15,25

  • Hörbuch

    Um Coração De Mãe - Da Gravidez Aos Primeiros Anos De Vida

    Erzählt von Voz Digital Priscila G


    2 Stunden 42  Minuten

    Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital."Um Coração de Mãe: Da Gravidez aos Primeiros Anos de Vida" é um guia completo e emocionante que acompanha as mulheres na maravilhosa jornada da maternidade. Este livro oferece uma visão detalhada e aprofundada de cada fase da gravidez, do parto e dos primeiros anos de vida do bebê, fornecendo conselhos práticos, suporte emocional e informações Mehr lesen

    € 4,99

  • Hörbuch

    Summary of Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade

    von Everest Media
    Erzählt von Digital Voice Archie G


    1 Stunde 2 Min.

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.Listen to the Summary of Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. The past is a source of information for the present. Art is a form of symbolic communication that can tell us a lot about how people lived and died, as well as how they thought... Mehr lesen

    € 4,06

  • Hörbuch

    Tools for Parenthood - Spanish Version

    Strategies to support school readiness foundations for Young Children 0-5

    Erzählt von Belen Pelayo


    5 Stunden 32  Minuten

    ¿Te sientes abrumado en el camino de la paternidad?¡Mejora la preparación escolar de tu hijo con la completa guía de la Dra. Mary Duncan, Herramientas para la paternidad! Este completo recurso diseñado para padres, ofrece estrategias prácticas y actividades atractivas para nutrir las mentes jóvenes y prepararlas para el éxito académico. Descubre los secretos para fomentar fuertes vínculos entre Mehr lesen

    € 10,18

  • Hörbuch

    Guía de Crianza Positiva para la Disciplina de Niños Pequeños

    2 Libros en 1: Entrenamiento para ir al Baño para una Crianza Feliz. Todo lo que Necesitas Saber.

    Erzählt von Voz Digital Luis G


    6 Stunden 58  Minuten

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital.Guía de Crianza Positiva para la Disciplina de Niños Pequeños: 2 Libros en 1: Entrenamiento para ir al Baño para una Crianza Feliz. Todo lo que Necesitas Saber.¡Descubre el secreto para una crianza feliz y sin estrés! Este libro te ofrece una solución completa en dos partes: una guía para lograr una disciplina positiva y otra para hacer que el Mehr lesen

    € 15,27

  • Hörbuch

    Die fünf Sprachen der Liebe für Kinder. Wie Kinder Liebe ausdrücken und empfangen

    Erzählt von Dominic Kolb


    6 Stunden 2  Minuten

    Vom Autor des Nr. 1 New York Times Bestsellers "Die 5 Sprachen der Liebe" Dr. Gary Chapman. Mehr als eine Million Exemplare verkauft.Ihre ganze Liebe gilt Ihren Kindern. Aber sind Sie sich sicher, dass Ihre Kinder das auch spüren? Denn was versteht Ihr Kind überhaupt unter Liebe?Der Psychotherapeut und Eheberater Dr. Gary Chapman geht davon aus, dass jedes Kind eine ganz bestimmte Muttersprache Mehr lesen

    € 16,93

  • Hörbuch

    The Other Side of Special

    Navigating the Messy, Emotional, Joy-Filled Life of a Special Needs Mom


    6 Stunden 10  Minuten

    Find Hope, Joy, and Community as a Special Needs MomFor the special needs mom who yearns for community and support on what can be a lonely road, The Other Side of Special reminds you that you are not alone, your best is good enough, and even on the hard days, there are blessings to be had.As you pour your energy and resources into raising a special child, it's easy to struggle with feelings of Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    A Simpler Motherhood

    Curating Contentment, Savoring Slow, and Making Room for What Matters Most

    von Emily Eusanio
    Erzählt von Amy Tallmadge


    5 Stunden 52  Minuten

    In A Simpler Motherhood, Emily's on a mission to remove stress from the lives of moms and busy families seeking less stuff and more joy in their daily life.Filled with tips for moms for easy yet powerful lifestyle changes. Emily's approach makes minimalism for moms stress-free and achievable, and helps to simplify parenting. Learn to declutter your mind and home on this fun journey to living and Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    The Enneagram for Moms

    See the True Colors of Yourself and Your Children as God Intends

    von Beth McCord
    Erzählt von Beth McCord


    8 Stunden 54  Minuten

    Beth McCord, widely known as Your Enneagram Coach, takes women on a transformative journey through motherhood and parenting, blending Enneagram wisdom with practical insights to foster authentic and healthy family dynamics. This book helps moms not only paint a portrait of their family but cultivate resilience, self-awareness, and deep connections with God, their spouse, and their children.Beth Mehr lesen

    € 25,29

  • Hörbuch


    A Doctor's Journey from Panic to Peace

    Erzählt von Nancy Peterson


    8 Stunden 4  Minuten

    Anne McTiernan begins her second memoir in 1982 at age twenty-nine, soon after completing her doctoral training in public health research at the University of Washington. She and her husband are now parents to four-year-old and three-month-old girls. Realizing that jobs in her field are scarce, especially for women, Anne decides the only option for their financial security is to become a medical Mehr lesen

    € 25,46

  • Hörbuch

    Revolutionary Mothering

    Love on the Front Lines

    Erzählt von Diana Blue


    8 Stunden 54  Minuten

    An anthology that gives access to the voices of mothers of color and marginalized mothers.Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Frontlines is an anthology that centers mothers of color and marginalized mothers' voices—women who are in a world of necessary transformation. The challenges faced by movements working for antiviolence, anti-imperialist, and queer liberation, as well as racial, economic, Mehr lesen

    € 20,37

  • Hörbuch

    You and I, as Mothers

    A Raw and Honest Guide to Motherhood

    von Laura Prepon
    Erzählt von Laura Prepon


    5 Stunden 38  Minuten

    Actress, director, and New York Times bestselling author Laura Prepon's raw and honest guide to navigating motherhood.Part memoir and part handbook, You and I, as Mothers explores Laura Prepon's unconventional upbringing and investigates how it shaped her as a person and as a mother, with intimate stories and never-before-shared anecdotes brought forth in an effort to understand our collective Mehr lesen

    € 16,29

  • Hörbuch

    Mummy Needs a Break: A hilarious and relatable summer read that will make you laugh out loud

    von Susan Edmunds
    Erzählt von Penelope Rawlins


    8 Stunden 40  Minuten

    A hilarious story of the ups and downs of unexpected single motherhood, the perfect laugh-out-loud romance for fans of Why Mummy Drinks, The Unmumsy Mum and The Not So Perfect Mum.With a devilish toddler and baby number two on the way, Rachel’s big dream is to one day go to the toilet on her own. So, she’s surprised to discover that her husband has found the time to have an exciting affair while Mehr lesen

    € 20,99