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Geophysik eBooks

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Es werden 124 von 1701 Ergebnissen angezeigt
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  • Geschichte: Der Urknall des Tambora (GEO eBook Single)

    Bearbeitet von GEO Magazin, GEO eBook, GEO
    Series series GEO eBook Single
    Keine Eruption in historischer Zeit war größer als die des Tambora - und keine hat mehr Neuerungen ausgelöst. Als Folge entstehen Kanalisation, Sozialgesetze und das Fahrrad. Sogar die Kunst wandelt sich unter den Aschewolken dieser Weltkatastrophe Die großen Themen der Zeit sind manchmal kompliziert. Aber oft genügt schon eine ausführliche und gut recherchierte GEO-Reportage, um sich wieder auf Mehr lesen

    € 0,99

  • The Sun Today

    There are several billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. One of them is the middle-aged G2V yellow dwarf that rules our lives. The Sun Today discusses the Sun’s appearance and composition, its internal workings, and the various kinds of radiation it emits, and it puts forward a novel explanation for coronal heating. The book draws on the findings of telescopic observation, space missions, and Mehr lesen

    € 10,44

  • The Analysis of Diffuse Triple Junction Zones in Plate Tectonics and the Pirate Model of Western Caribbean Tectonics

    Series series SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences
    Modern researchers in plate tectonics may be concerned with the analysis of distributed deformation across diffuse plate boundaries and triple junction zones. This book extends classic methods of kinematic analysis first developed in the 1960s to the more general scenarios of diffuse deformation zones between plates. The analytic methods presented specifically target the non-rigid deformation Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • Zoom

    From Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees: How Everything Moves

    von Bob Berman
    From the speed of light to moving mountains -- and everything in between -- Zoom explores how the universe and its objects move.If you sit as still as you can in a quiet room, you might be able to convince yourself that nothing is moving. But air currents are still wafting around you. Blood rushes through your veins. The atoms in your chair jiggle furiously. In fact, the planet you are sitting on Mehr lesen

    € 10,99

  • The Earth’s Free Oscillations

    Formulation and Solution of the Fundamental Wave Equation of Nature

    von Oleg V. Petrov
    This book presents the formulations and solutions of the wave equation for the Earth’s free oscillations concerning the particular nodal, bifurcation, perspectival, and projective reference points within the framework of the three “great geometries” of Euclid, Lobachevsky, and Riemann.When studying the relationship between the propagation velocity of various types of bulk and surface seismic waves Mehr lesen

    € 84,14

  • Science Agriculture and Research

    A Compromised Participation

    Research is never free of pressures and constraints and to understand its results properly these have to be assessed and analyzed. In agriculture, research into biotechnology and GMOs, as well as pesticides and herbicides, is big business - agribusiness. This book looks at the crucial roles of funding and the political context on the research agenda and its results in agricultural development. It Mehr lesen

    € 50,33

  • Tectonics of the Arctic

    Bearbeitet von Oleg V. Petrov, Morten Smelror
    Series series Springer Geology
    The book gives an overview of the tectonic, geological, potential fields, etc maps of the Arctic that were compiled during geological and geophysical studies conducted in the Arctic over the past 15 years under the International project “Atlas of Geological Maps of the Circumpolar Arctic at a scale of 5M” and presents the results of geological, geophysical, paleogeographic and tectonic studies Mehr lesen

    € 108,89

  • The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach

    Volume 3: The Alpine Cycle

    Series series Regional Geology Reviews
    Taking a new global approach, this unique book provides an updated review of the geology of Iberia and its continental margins from a geodynamic perspective. Owing to its location close to successive plate margins, Iberia has played a pivotal role in the geodynamic evolution of the Gondwanan, Rheic, Pangea, Tethys s.l. and Eurasian plates over the last 600 Ma of Earth's history. The geological Mehr lesen

    € 216,80

  • SYNER-G: Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Complex Urban, Utility, Lifeline Systems and Critical Facilities

    Methodology and Applications

    Serien Buch 31 - Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering
    SYNER-G, a multidisciplinary effort funded by the European Union, allowed the development of an innovative methodological framework for the assessment of physical as well as socio-economic seismic vulnerability and risk at urban and regional level. The results of SYNER-G are presented in two books both published by Springer, the present and a second one, entitled “SYNER-G: Typology Definition and Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth

    Bearbeitet von Shun-ichiro Karato
    Though the deep interior of the Earth (and other terrestrial planets) is inaccessible to humans, we are able to combine observational, experimental and computational (theoretical) studies to begin to understand the role of the deep Earth in the dynamics and evolution of the planet. This book brings together a series of reviews of key areas in this important and vibrant field of studies.A range of Mehr lesen

    € 107,99

  • The Magnetotelluric Method

    Theory and Practice

    Bearbeitet von Alan D. Chave, Alan G. Jones
    The magnetotelluric method is a technique for imaging the electrical conductivity and structure of the Earth, from the near surface down to the 410 km transition zone and beyond. This book forms the first comprehensive overview of magnetotellurics, from the salient physics and its mathematical representation to practical implementation in the field, data processing, modeling and geological Mehr lesen

    € 71,60

  • Negotiating Environment and Science

    An Insider's View of International Agreements, from Driftnets to the Space Station

    In this thought-provoking new book, career U.S. State Department negotiator Richard J. Smith offers readers unprecedented access to the details about some of the most complex and politically charged international agreements of the late and immediate post Cold War era. During his nine years as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Mehr lesen

    € 33,11

  • Earthquake Disasters in Latin America

    A Holistic Approach

    Series series SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences
    This book is an attempt to demonstrate the analytical power of the holistic approach for understanding disasters. Six major earthquakes in Latin America are used as an example: the general idea is to place disasters in a broad social and regional context. Understanding disasters is a way of understanding the social system. The idea is to show that every major disaster is unique and different. Mehr lesen

    € 49,49

  • The 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake

    A Photographic Atlas of Coseismic Surface Ruptures Related to the Aso Volcano, Japan

    von Aiming Lin
    This book shows the deformation characteristics of coseismic surface ruptures produced by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake and the relationship between the Aso volcano and active faults. In particular, the rupturing mechanisms and processes involved in the seismogenic faults related to the crustal structure under the Aso volcano caldera are covered. The book is intended to help bridge the gaps between Mehr lesen

    € 108,89

  • Thermal Analysis in the Geosciences

    Serien Buch 38 - Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences
    The application of thermal analysis is outlined by 18 contributions, writtenby experts in the various fields of geosciences. Emphasis was laid on the determination of minerals and technical products, kinetic parameters and calorific values in glass and ceramics technology, characterization of raw materials (e.g. clays, industrial minerals), in quality control and performance assessment, but also Mehr lesen

    € 98,99

  • Geological and Biological Effects of Impact Events

    Bearbeitet von Erich Buffetaut, C. Koeberl
    Series series Impact Studies
    This book is the first volume of a new interdisciplinary series on "Impact Studies". The volumes of this series aim to include all aspects of research related to impact cratering - geology, geophysics, paleontology, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, planetolgy, etc. Future volumes will include monographs, field guides, conference proceedings, etc. All contributions in this book were peer Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Transforming Health Markets in Asia and Africa

    Improving Quality and Access for the Poor

    There has been a dramatic spread of health markets in much of Asia and Africa over the past couple of decades. This has substantially increased the availability of health-related goods and services in all but the most remote localities, but it has created problems with safety, efficiency and cost. The effort to bring order to these chaotic markets is almost certain to become one of the greatest Mehr lesen

    € 43,71

  • GPS

    Theory, Algorithms and Applications

    von Guochang Xu, Yan Xu
    This reference and handbook describes theory, algorithms and applications of the Global Positioning System (GPS/Glonass/Galileo/Compass). It is primarily based on source-code descriptions of the KSGsoft program developed at the GFZ in Potsdam. The theory and algorithms are extended and verified for a new development of a multi-functional GPS/Galileo software. Besides the concepts such as the Mehr lesen

    € 158,39

  • Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media, Ube, Japan, 12-14 September 2006

    Microscopic re-examination of geomaterials consisting of aggregates can shed light on macroscopic behaviour, including compressibility, anisotropy, yielding, creep, cyclic liquefaction and shear rupture. As a result of this process of examination, new methods of material characterization emerge, leading to a greater degree of accuracy in the specification of new constitutive models with physically Mehr lesen

    € 317,96

  • Coastal Altimetry

    The book describes experience in application of coastal altimetry to different parts of the World Ocean. It presents the principal problems related to the altimetry derived products in coastal regions of the ocean and ways of their improvement. This publication is based on numerous satellite and observational data collected and analyzed by the authors of the various chapters in the framework of a Mehr lesen

    € 197,00

  • The Marine Seismic Source

    Serien Buch 4 - Modern Approaches in Geophysics
    This book is about marine seismic sources, their history, their physical principles and their deconvolution. It is particularly accented towards the physical aspects rather than the mathematical principles of signature generation in water as it is these aspects which the authors have found to be somewhat neglected. A huge amount of research has been carried out by both commercial and academic Mehr lesen

    € 89,09

  • Nicolas-Louis De La Caille, Astronomer and Geodesist

    La Caille was one of the observational astronomers and geodesists who followed Newton in developing ideas about celestial mechanics and the shape of the earth. He provided data to the great 18th-century mathematicians involved in understanding the complex gravitational effects that the heavenly bodies have on one another. Observing from the Cape of Good Hope, he made the first ever telescopic sky Mehr lesen

    € 61,48

  • Der Klimaschutz-Kompass

    Wie wir gut und klimafreundlich leben können

    Wie können wir klimafreundlich leben? Sind Elektro- oder Hybrid-Autos effektiver? Sollte man regionale Lebensmittel kaufen oder Bio-Produkte? Wie mache ich mein Haus klimafit? Basierend auf dem aktuellen Stand der Energie- und Klimaschutzberatung beschreibt das Buch für alle Lebensbereiche – von der Mobilität über Wohnen bis zu Ernährung und Konsum – Maßnahmen, die je mindestens eine Tonne CO2 Mehr lesen

    € 18,58

  • AutoBATS and 3D MUSIC: New Approaches to Imaging Earthquake Rupture Behaviors

    von Pei-Ru Jian
    Series series Springer Theses
    This book presents the kinematic earthquake rupture studies from moment tenor to spatial-temporal rupture imaging. For real-time seismic hazard monitoring, the new stable automatic moment tensor (AutoBATS) algorithm is developed and implemented for the real-time MT reports by the Taiwan Earthquake Science Information System (TESIS). In order to understand the rupture behavior of the 2013 Mw 8.3 Mehr lesen

    € 158,39