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eBooks in de categorie Space opera

Als je eBooks uit de categorie Space opera' leuk vindt, dan vind je deze toptitels ook geweldig.
1 - 24 van 27562 resultaten worden weergegeven
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  • Gideon the Ninth

    door Tamsyn Muir ...
    Serie Boek 1 - The Locked Tomb Series
    Gideon the Ninth is the first book in the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Locked Tomb Series, and one of the Best Books of 2019 according to NPR, the New York Public Library, Amazon, BookPage, Shelf Awareness, BookRiot, and Bustle!WINNER of the 2020 Locus Award and Crawford AwardFinalist for the 2023 Hugo Award for Best Series!Finalist for the 2020 Hugo, N... ... Meer lezen

    9,53 €

  • God Emperor of Dune

    door Frank Herbert ...
    Serie Boek 4 - Dune
    Book Four in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All TimeMillennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world’s savior, the Emperor Paul Muad’Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity’s future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as ... Meer lezen

    7,30 €

  • This Brutal Moon

    door Bethany Jacobs ...
    The thrilling conclusion to The Kindom Trilogy that began with the Philip K. Dick Award-winning These Burning Stars, the epic space opera novel about revenge, power and the price of legacy.Violence has erupted across the Treble. The colony that Jun Ironway and Masar Hawks have fought to protect is now woefully compromised, and its people, unwilling to submit to tyranny once more, face a brutal ... Meer lezen

    5,99 €


  • Dune

    door Frank Herbert ...
    Serie Boek 1 - Dune
    • DUNE: PART TWO • THE MAJOR MOTION PICTUREDirected by Denis Villeneuve, screenplay by Denis Villeneuve and Jon Spaihts, based on the novel Dune by Frank Herbert • Starring Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Dave Bautista, Christopher Walken, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Léa Seydoux, with Stellan Skarsgård, with Charlotte Rampling, and Javier ... Meer lezen

    8,05 €

  • Mark Storm - 5 : L'ombre de la rose noire

    Tome I – Les Territoires de la Rose

    Series series Science-Fiction
    Les Territoires Interdits avaient changé de visage. L'Union s'en inquiétait, sans avoir encore idée du danger. Le Qualan était mort, sa fille lui avait succédé, faisant fi de tout esprit de continuité. Elle avait d'autres visions, d'autres règles et une façon très particulière d'apposer son empreinte sur un univers pirate qui ne savait encore comment l'appréhender.Mark allait se poser la même ... Meer lezen

    5,99 €

  • The Green Odyssey

    With linked Table of Contents

    'The Green Odyssey' is an uproarious, hell-bent adventure story, combining fantasy, imagination and science, with a liberal dash of humor. It is in the best tradition of adventure science fiction, a swashbuckling tale of a resourceful spaceman who is, however, uneasily aware that he may have been miscast. Fortunately, he has the assistance of a large, gorgeous, energetic and adoring female who is ... Meer lezen

    0,99 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Sa‌ ‌Rebelle‌ ‌Humaine‌

    door Renee Rose ...
    Serie Boek 4 - Maîtres Zandiens
    SA REBELLE HUMAINELE GUERRIER EXTRATERRESTRE PENSE QUE JE LUI APPARTIENS…Je ne crois pas une seule minute à la propagande des extraterrestres. Les Zandiens m'ont peut-être sauvée de la mort, mais ils prévoient de m'envoyer dans vers un sort similare. Ils m'ont enrôlée dans leur armée extraterrestre pour reconquérir leur planète. J'attends mon heure, j'attends ma chance pour m'enfuir et retrouver ... Meer lezen

    4,99 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Mark Storm - 2

    La Guerre du Temps

    Serie Boek 2 - Science-Fiction
    Un vent de folie s'est mis à souffler à travers la galaxie. Des guerres, aussi subites qu'inattendues, se déclarent les unes après les autres sans que personne n’en comprenne les véritables causes. Le chaos est tel que les fondations créatrices de l'Union semblent s'effacer devant lui, comme si rien n'avait jamais existé.Emportées par une lame de fond irrésistible, les répercussions dépassent déjà ... Meer lezen

    6,99 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Forward the Foundation (The Foundation Series: Prequels, Book 2)

    door Isaac Asimov ...
    Serie Boek 2 - The Foundation Series: Prequels
    DISCOVER THE SAGA BEHIND THE APPLE TV+ ORIGINAL SERIESFrom a grand master of science fiction comes the long awaited final novel of one of the greatest series ever told. Completed just before his death, FORWARD THE FOUNDATION is a crowning achievement and stirring testament to the creative genius of Isaac Asimov.As Hari Seldon struggles to perfect his revolutionary theory of psychohistory and ... Meer lezen

    6,89 €

  • Kinderen van de tijd

    Vertaald door Lia Belt ...
    Serie Boek 1 - Kinderen van de tijd
    Winnaar van de Arthur C. Clarke award ***Winnaar van de Arthur C. Clarke award*** De laatste overlevenden van het menselijk ras lieten een stervende aarde achter, terwijl ze wanhopig probeerden een nieuw thuis tussen de sterren te vinden. De voetstappen van hun voorouders volgend stuitten ze op een ondenkbare schat uit vervlogen tijden: een geterraformeerde wereld die is voorbereid op menselijk ... Meer lezen

    12,50 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Prelude to Foundation (The Foundation Series: Prequels, Book 1)

    door Isaac Asimov ...
    Serie Boek 1 - The Foundation Series: Prequels
    WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALL-TIME SERIESThe Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today.In a time before the Foundations, psychohistory’s creator Hari Seldon is made ... Meer lezen

    6,39 €

  • The Second Rebel

    door Linden Lewis ...
    Series series The First Sister
    Linden A. Lewis returns with this next installment of The First Sister Trilogy, perfect for fans of Red Rising, The Handmaid's Tale, and The Expanse.Astrid has reclaimed her name and her voice, and now seeks to bring down the Sisterhood from within. Throwing herself into the lioness' den, Astrid must confront and challenge the Aunts who run the Gean religious institution, but she quickly discovers ... Meer lezen

    3,99 €

  • Foundation and Earth (The Foundation Series: Sequels, Book 2)

    door Isaac Asimov ...
    Serie Boek 2 - The Foundation Series: Sequels
    WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALL-TIME SERIESThe Foundation series is Isaac Asimov’s iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon’s two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one that shaped science fiction as we know it today.Faced with determining the fate of the galaxy, Golan Trevizehesitantly chose ... Meer lezen

    6,39 €

  • Cytonic

    Vertaald door Grootenbrink Vertalingen ...
    Serie Boek 3 - Skyward
    Spensa heeft bewezen dat ze een van de beste piloten is van het RVL, de luchtmacht van de menselijke enclave op Detritus. Ze redde haar volk al twee keer van uitroeiing door de Krell, de raadselachtige buitenaardse soort die hen al tientallen jaren gevangen houdt. Ze reisde lichtjaren van huis om als undercoverspion in de Superioriteit te infiltreren, waar ze meer leerde over allerlei andere ... Meer lezen

    9,99 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • The Orb of Binding

    door Kyle West ...
    Serie Boek 2 - The Starsea Cycle
    Lucian has achieved the improbable with his acceptance into the prestigious Volsung Academy. Now, he must do something even more difficult: survive it.As a Novice, he must learn the fundamentals of magic while navigating Academy politics. Lucian must not only pass the grueling Trials, but survive other mages' mechanizations. But doing that is difficult when he's being left behind.But one day, ... Meer lezen

    5,49 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Derelict

    door LJ Cohen ...
    Serie Boek 1 - Halcyone Space
    When Rosalen Maldonado tinkers with the derelict freighter, she's just hoping to prove she deserves a scholarship to University. She certainly doesn't count on waking the ship's damaged AI or having three stowaways, Micah Rotherwood and brothers Jem and Barre Durbin, along for the ride. They all have their private reasons for hiding aboard and lives they are seeking to escape, but if the ... Meer lezen

    0,97 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • Caliban's War

    Book 2 of the Expanse (now a Prime Original series)

    Serie Boek 2 - Expanse
    NOW A PRIME ORIGINAL TV SERIESCaliban's War is the second book in the New York Times bestselling and Hugo-award winning Expanse series.For someone who didn't intend to wreck the solar system's fragile balance of power, Jim Holden did a pretty good job of it.While Earth and Mars have stopped shooting each other, the core alliance is shattered. The outer planets and the Belt are uncertain in their ... Meer lezen

    6,99 €

  • Foundation's Edge

    door Isaac Asimov ...
    Serie Boek 4 - Foundation
    **The fourth novel in Isaac Asimov’s classic science-fiction masterpiece, the Foundation seriesTHE EPIC SAGA THAT INSPIRED THE APPLE TV+ SERIES FOUNDATION**At last, the costly and bitter war between the two Foundations has come to an end. The scientists of the First Foundation have proved victorious, and now they return to Hari Seldon’s long established plan to build a new Empire on the ruins of ... Meer lezen

    6,99 €

  • Ender's Game

    Book 1 of the Ender Saga

    door Orson Scott Card ...
    Serie Boek 1 - Ender Saga
    'Delivers more than almost anything else within the science fiction genre, Ender's Game is a contemporary classic' - New York Times'An affecting novel full of surprises.' - The New York Times Book Review on Ender's GameTHE HUMAN RACE FACES ANNIHILATIONAn alien threat is on the horizon, ready to strike. And if humanity is to be defended, the government must create the greatest military commander in ... Meer lezen

    5,49 €

  • The Prequel Trilogy: Star Wars

    Series series Star Wars
    For the first time in one stunning volume, here is the complete, epic story arc: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith. Experience the sweeping tale of good and evil, of myth and magic, of innocence and power–and witness the tragic transformation of Anakin Skywalker from mere slave to one of the greatest, most powerful, and feared villains of the galaxy: Darth Vader. ... Meer lezen

    4,76 €

  • L’Amour de Jarmen

    door S.E. Smith ...
    Serie Boek 6 - Les Seigneurs de Kassis
    Lui est un monstre qui découvre qu’il a un cœur ; elle est une femme qui veut rester anonyme…Jarmen D’ju n’a aucun souvenir de sa vie passée. Ils lui ont été volés dans le laboratoire où il a été transformé en monstre. Son sauvetage lui permet de retrouver la liberté, mais il sait qu’il n’aura jamais la vie qu’il veut. En tant qu’être composé à moitié de matière organique et à moitié de composants ... Meer lezen

    7,99 € of Gratis met Kobo Plus

  • The Knife and the Serpent

    door Tim Pratt ...
    From Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt comes a new, high-concept space opera, exploring technology, family and the price we pay to follow our destiny, perfect for fans of Peter F. Hamilton and Adrian Tchaikovsky.Tamsin and Glenn, ordinary as anyone in the Bay Area. Tamsin is shocked when her grandmother is murdered.But the surprises keep coming when she finds out that grandma was an oligarch in ... Meer lezen

    5,40 €

  • Ashes of Man

    Serie Boek 5 - Sun Eater
    The galaxy is burning.With the Cielcin united under one banner, the Sollan Empire stands alone after the betrayal of the Commonwealth. The Prophet-King of the Cielcin has sent its armies to burn the worlds of men, and worse, there are rumours... whispers that Hadrian Marlowe is dead, killed in the fighting.But it is not so. Hadrian survived with the help of the witch, Valka, and together they ... Meer lezen

    8,79 €

  • Foundation 3-Book Bundle

    Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation

    door Isaac Asimov ...
    Series series Foundation
    **The original trilogy of Isaac Asimov’s bestselling science fiction masterpiece, the Foundation series, in a convenient ebook bundleTHE EPIC SAGA THAT INSPIRED THE APPLE TV+ SERIES FOUNDATION • Nominated as one of America’s best-loved series by PBS’s The Great American Read**For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme. Now it is dying. But only Hari Seldon, creator of the ... Meer lezen

    17,27 €